Square Enix

507 juegos y versiones relacionadas.
Empresa fruto de la fusión de dos de las compañías más importantes de la industria japonesa: SquareSoft (1983) y Enix (1975). Antes rivales por sus sagas de rol más famosas y cuyas entregas arrasaban en ventas en el país nipón: Final Fantasy (con éxito no solo en Japón sino también en el resto del mundo) y Dragon Quest (cuyo lanzamiento de cada entrega es un fenómeno social que supera la barrera del videojuego). En 2009 y con el fin de conseguir más cuota de mercado en los Estados Unidos y Europa, adquieren Eidos Interactive, poseedora de algunas licencias tan importantes como Tomb Raider, Hitman o Deux Ex.

Sagas de Square Enix


Juegos de Square Enix

2027 PS5 Square Enix
PS5 Square Enix
2025 Switch PS5 PS4 PC Square Enix
2025 PS5 XSX Square Enix
2025 Android iPhone Square Enix
2025 PS5 Switch XSX PC Square Enix
2025 PS5 PS4 PC Switch Kronos Digital Entertainment
2025 Android iPhone LightSpeed Studios
2025 PS5 XSX Switch PS4 PC Crystal Dynamics
#SQkawaii Sounds -FINAL FANTASY- para Ordenador
#SQkawaii Sounds -FINAL FANTASY-
PC Square Enix
PS5 Switch PS4 PC Square Enix
PS5 PC XSX PS4 Square Enix
PS5 PC PS4 XSX Creative Business Unit III
PC Switch PS5 PS4 Android iPhone Square Enix
PS5 PC Square Enix
PS5 PS4 Square Enix
Android iPhone Koei Tecmo
Switch PC Android iPhone SQUARE ENIX
PS5 Switch PS4 PC Square Enix
Little Goody Two Shoes para Ordenador
Little Goody Two Shoes
PC Switch PS5 XSX AstralShift
Switch PC PS5 PS4 XSX XBOne Square Enix
PS4 Switch PS5 PC XSX Square Enix
Android iPhone PC Square Enix
PS5 PC Square Enix
PS4 Switch XSX Square Enix
Final Fantasy para Nintendo Switch
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II para Nintendo Switch
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy V para Nintendo Switch
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy III para Nintendo Switch
Final Fantasy III
PS4 iPhone Android Switch XSX SQUARE ENIX
Switch PC iPhone Android SQUARE ENIX
PS5 Switch PC PS4 XSX XBOne Square Enix
PS4 Switch Square Enix
PS5 PC Square Enix
PS5 XSX Switch PC XBOne PS4 Square Enix
Switch PC Square Enix
PS5 PC Switch PS4 Android iPhone Square Enix
Switch PS5 PS4 PC XSX XBOne Square Enix
PS5 PS4 Switch PC Square Enix
PS5 PS4 XSX XBOne PC Tri-Ace
PS5 PS4 PC Soleil
PS5 PS4 XBOne XSX Switch PC Lancarse
PS4 PC Switch Square Enix
Switch iPhone PC PS4 Android SQUARE ENIX
2022 Android iPhone
Android iPhone Square Enix
Switch Switch PS5 PS4 PC Square Enix
PC XSX XBOne PS4 PS5 Switch FuturLab
PS5 PC Switch PS4 h.a.n.d., Inc.
Android iPhone WFS
PS4 Switch PC XBOne Square Enix
PS5 PC XSX XBOne PS4 Team Ninja
Switch Square Enix
Switch PC Square Enix
PS5 PC PS4 PlatinumGames
PC Android iPhone Square Enix
PS4 Switch PC Square Enix
PS4 PC PS5 XBOne XSX Switch Deck Nine, DONTNOD Entertainment
PC Deck Nine
PC Deck Nine
Android iPhone Square Enix
PS4 Switch XBOne PC Original Fire Games
Android iPhone NHN PlayArt
PC PS5 PS4 Square Enix
Android iPhone Ateam
PC Android iPhone Square Enix
PS4 Switch PC Square Enix
PS4 PC XSX PS5 XBOne Switch Eidos Montreal
PC Racjin, Square Enix
PS4 PC Switch Square Enix
Android iPhone Square Enix
Switch PC PS4 Android iPhone Sonic Powered, Square Enix
XSX PC PS4 XBOne PS5 Switch Deck Nine
PC Android iPhone Switch PS4 Square Enix
Android iPhone Square Enix
PC Android iPhone Square Enix
PC Android iPhone Square Enix
PC Android iPhone Square Enix
Switch PS4 PC Square Enix
Switch PS4 PC XSX Square Enix
PS4 XBOne PC Toylogic
PS4 iPhone PC Switch Android Square Enix
PS4 XBOne PC PS5 XSX People Can Fly
PS4 PS5 XBOne XSX PC Switch Square Enix, ARZEST Corp.
Switch PC Square Enix
Android iPhone Square Enix
Switch Square Enix
PS4 Switch XBOne PC Square Enix
PS4 XBOne PC XSX PS5 Square Enix
PS4 Switch Android iPhone Square Enix
Android iPhone Pokelabo
Android iPhone Square Enix
PS4 Switch PC Android iPhone XSX Square Enix
PS4 XBOne PS5 PC Square Enix
Android PC iPhone Square Enix
Android iPhone Square Enix
Android iPhone Colopl
2019 Switch PS4 Square Enix
2019 PS4 Switch PC Android iPhone Square Enix
2019 PS4 PC XBOne Switch DONTNOD Entertainment
2019 PS4 PC XBOne DONTNOD Entertainment
2019 PSVITA Android iPhone Switch XBOne PS4 PC Square Enix
2019 Switch Square Enix
2019 Switch XBOne PS4 PC Square Enix
2019 Switch Square Enix
2019 Switch Square Enix
2019 Switch Square Enix
2019 PS4 PC Switch XBOne Android iPhone Square Enix
2019 Switch PS4 PC Tokyo RPG Factory
2019 PS4 PC XBOne DONTNOD Entertainment
2019 Final Fantasy Digital Card Game PC iPhone Android Square Enix
2019 PS4 Switch PC XBOne Square Enix
2019 PS4 PC Square Enix
2019 Switch Square Enix
2019 PC XBOne PS4 Bulkhead Interactive
2019 PS4 PC XBOne DONTNOD Entertainment
2019 PS4 Square Enix
2019 PS4 Switch Square Enix
2019 PC Square Enix, KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.
2019 PS4 PC Square Enix
2019 PS4 Square Enix
2019 PS4 XBOne PC Switch Square Enix
2019 PS4 PC XBOne DONTNOD Entertainment
2019 Hikaru Utada Laughter in the Dark Tour 2018-HIKARI & CHIKAI-VR PS4 Square Enix
2018 PS4 PC Square Enix
2018 PS4 XBOne Square Enix
2018 PS4 Switch Square Enix
2018 PS4 PC XBOne Avalanche Studios
2018 PS4 Switch XBOne PC Square Enix
2018 PS4 PC Square Enix
2018 Switch Square Enix
2018 PS4 XBOne PC DONTNOD Entertainment
2018 Tales of the Wedding Rings VR PC Square Enix
2018 PS4 XBOne PC Eidos Montreal
2018 PC PS4 PC Wonderstruck
2018 PS4 Switch XBOne Square Enix
2018 PS4 3DS PC Square Enix
2018 Switch PC XBOne PS4 PS5 Square Enix
2018 Android iPhone tri-Ace
2018 PS4 XBOne PC Switch ThroughLine Games
2018 PS4 XBOne PC Switch Demimonde
2018 Android iPhone Square Enix
2018 PS4 PC XBOne Switch Sushee
2018 PS4 XBOne PC Deck Nine
2018 PC Android iPhone Perfect World
2018 Android iPhone Flero Games
2018 PC Square Enix
2018 PS4 WII iPhone PSVITA PC Square Enix
2018 Android iPhone Square Enix
2018 PS4 Team Ninja
2018 Android iPhone Square Enix
2018 PS4 Switch PC Tokyo RPG Factory
2017 PS4 iPhone Android 3DS Square Enix
2017 PS4 iPhone Android 3DS Square Enix
2017 PS4 iPhone Android 3DS Square Enix
2017 Android iPhone Drecom
2017 PS4 XBOne PC Deck Nine Games
2017 PSVITA Android iPhone PS4 XBOne Switch PC Square Enix
2017 Oh My Godheads PS4 PC XBOne Switch Titutitech
2017 PS4 WiiU PC iPhone Android 3DS Switch Square Enix
2017 Android iPhone Square Enix
2017 PC iPhone Android Switch Square Enix
2017 PS4 PC Tri-Ace
2017 PS4 Square Enix
2017 Android iPhone Square Enix
2017 PS4 PSVITA Square Enix
2017 PC Switch Tozai Games
2017 PS4 PC XBOne Deck Nine Games
2017 Android iPhone Square Enix
2017 PS4 XBOne PC Deck Nine Games
2017 3DS Square Enix
2017 PS4 PC Switch XBOne Square Enix
2017 Android iPhone Machine Zone
2017 PS4 PC PS3 Square Enix
2017 PS4 Square Enix
2017 PS4 PS3 PSVITA PC Omega Force
2017 PS4 XBOne PC Switch Square Enix
2017 Android iPhone Silicon Studio
2017 Switch Square Enix
2017 PS4 PC XBOne Switch PlatinumGames
2017 PS4 PC XBOne IO Interactive
2017 PS4 XBOne PC Switch Square Enix
2017 PC Eidos Montreal
2017 3DS Square Enix
2016 PSVITA Square Enix
2016 PC GBA WII PSP Square Enix
2016 Samurai Rising Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 Rungun Cannonball Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 Love Live! School Idol Festival ~after school ACTIVITY~ PS4
2016 PS4 XBOne PC Square Enix
2016 PS4 XBOne Square Enix
2016 Guardian Codex Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 PS4 PSVITA PC Square Enix
2016 PS4 PS3 PSVITA Switch iPhone Android PC Square Enix
2016 PS4 Crystal Dynamics
2016 3DS Artepiazza/Square Enix
2016 iPhone Android
2016 PS4 PSVITA Square Enix
2016 PC XBOne PS4 Switch Bulkhead Interactive
2016 Justice Monsters Five Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 PS4 XBOne PC Eidos Montreal
2016 Android iPhone Eidos Montreal
2016 Android iPhone PC Square Enix
2016 PS4 PSVITA PC Switch Tokyo RPG Factory
2016 PS4 PS3 tri-Ace
2016 Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 PSVITA Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 PC iPhone Android Mediatonic
2016 PC Switch XBOne PS4 Sushee
2016 3DS Square Enix
2016 3DS Silicon Studios
2016 PC PSVITA PS4 Square Enix
2016 Fortune Tellers Academy Android iPhone Square Enix
2016 3DS Square Enix
2016 WiiU Square Enix
2016 PS4 XBOne PC DONTNOD Entertainment
2015 PSVITA Square Enix
2015 PSVITA iPhone Android Square Enix
2015 PSVITA iPhone Android Square Enix
2015 Rampage Land Rankers Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 PS4 XBOne PC Avalanche Studios
2015 PS4 PSVITA Tozai Games
2015 XBOne PC PS3 X360 Crystal Dynamics
2015 Emperor Saga × Seiken Densetsu RISE of MANA iPhone Square Enix
2015 PS4 PC PS3 XBOne X360 Dontnod Entertainment
2015 PS4 PC Omega Force
2015 Android iPhone
2015 PC Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 PC WII PSP iPhone Android Square Enix
2015 Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 Farms & Castles iPhone SQUARE ENIX
2015 Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 PS4 PC PS3 X360 XBOne Dontnod Entertainment
2015 Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 PS4 PC PS3 Square Enix
2015 Android iPhone Square Enix Montreal
2015 Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 Android iPhone Simutronics
2015 PS4 PC XBOne X360 PS3 Dontnod Entertainment
2015 PS4 PS3 PC Switch XBOne Square Enix
2015 PC WII iPhone Android Square Enix
2015 PC iPhone Android Square Enix
2015 3DS Square Enix
2015 Android iPhone DeNA
2015 PS4 PC XBOne X360 PS3 Dontnod Entertainment
2015 PS4 PSVITA XBOne PC Square Enix
2015 PS3 Omega Force
2015 Final Fantasy Legends: Jiku no Suisho Android iPhone Square Enix
2015 PC Square Enix
2015 PS4 PC PS3 X360 XBOne iPhone Dontnod Entertainment
2014 PSVITA Square Enix
2014 Android iPhone Square Enix
2014 Final Fantasy: World Wide Words Android iPhone Square Enix
2014 Racing Lagoon x Shissou, Yankee Damashii Android iPhone Square Enix
2014 PS4 PC XBOne Switch Crystal Dynamics
2014 PS3 Square Enix
2014 Android iPhone CyberConnect2
2014 PS4 XBOne PC United Front Games
2014 Android iPhone Square Enix
2014 3DS indieszero
2014 iPhone Square Enix
2014 Android Square Enix
2014 PS4 X360 PS3 PC XBOne Airtight Games
2014 Android iPhone Square Enix
2014 Android iPhone Square Enix
2014 PS3 Access Games
2014 PS4 PS3 PC PS5 Square Enix
2014 PSVITA Square Enix
2014 PSVITA Square Enix
2014 PC iPhone Android Square Enix
2014 PC PS3 X360 PS4 XBOne Eidos Montreal
2014 3DS Square Enix
2014 PS3 X360 PC Square Enix
2014 PS4 XBOne Crystal Dynamics
2013 WII Square Enix
2013 PC Beautiful Game Studios
2013 Star Burial Dragnir iPhone Media Vision
2013 Million Arthur PSN PSVITA Square Enix
2013 PC Square Enix
2013 Pictlogica Final Fantasy Android iPhone Jupiter
2013 iPhone RenRen Games
2013 3DS Square Enix
2013 PC Square Enix
2013 PS3 WiiU X360 PC Eidos Montreal
2013 PS3 Square Enix
2013 iPhone Square Enix
2013 X360 IO Interactive
2013 PS3 NG X360 PC iPhone Crystal Dynamics
2013 PS3 X360 IO Interactive
2013 PS3 Square Enix
2013 PS3 IO Interactive
2013 PS3 IO Interactive
2013 iPhone Square Enix
2012 3DS Square Enix
2012 PS3 3DS WII PC iPhone Android X360 Silverball Studios
2012 PC X360 PS2 Square Enix
2012 iPhone Square Enix
2012 3DS Square Enix
2012 Dragon Quest X: Odekake Moshasu de Battle eShop 3DS Square Enix
2012 PC Square Enix
2012 X360 PS3 PC IO Interactive
2012 iPhone Taito Corporation
2012 Demons' Score Android iPhone Square Enix
2012 iPhone Square Enix
2012 WII Square Enix
2012 Android iPhone Square Enix
2012 PS3 X360 PC United Front Games
2012 PC X360 PS3 Square Enix
2012 Android WII iPhone PC Square Enix
2012 3DS Square Enix
2012 3DS iPhone indieszero
2012 X360 Side Kick
2012 PC X360 PS3 Airtight Games
2012 3DS n-Space
2012 3DS
2012 iPhone Square Enix
2012 iPhone Square Enix
2012 PSVITA Square Enix
2012 PS3 X360 PC TikGames
2012 PS3 X360 PC Square Enix
2012 PSP Crystal Dynamics
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 NDS Square Enix
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 PSP WII iPhone Android Square Enix
2011 PSVITA PSP Square Enix
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 X360 PC PS3 doublesix
2011 WII Armor Project
2011 NDS Armor Project/Bird Studio
2011 PS3 Square Enix
2011 X360 PS3 PC Eidos Montreal
2011 X360 PC PS3 Obsidian Entertainment
2011 NDS Square Enix
2011 iPhone Square Enix
2011 3DS Taito
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 iPhone
2011 PS3 X360 Feelplus
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 PS3 Crystal Dynamics
2011 PSP WII iPhone Square Enix
2011 PSP Eidos
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 PSP Square Enix
2011 PS3 X360 Square Enix
2011 NDS Square Enix
2010 PC Ankama
2010 NDS Square Enix
2010 Cross Treasures NDS Square Enix
2010 NDS Neverland
2010 WII Square Enix
2010 3DS Square Enix
2010 PS3 Square Enix
2010 PS3 Cavia
2010 PS3 Square Enix
2010 iPhone Crystal Dynamics
2010 PC XBOne Square Enix
2010 PS3 X360 PC Double Helix
2010 NDS Square Enix
2010 PS3 X360 PC Switch Crystal Dynamics
2010 Mystic Quest Legend CV WII Square Enix
2010 iPhone Square Enix
2010 PSP Square Enix
2010 NDS Level 5
2010 WII Square Enix
2010 WII Square Enix
2010 WII Square Enix
2010 PS3 X360 Taito
2010 PS3 X360 Cavia
2010 PS3 X360 PC iPhone Android Square Enix
2010 PC X360 Gas Powered Games
2010 PS3 Tri-Ace
2010 WII Square Enix
2010 SEASON OF MYSTERY: The Cherry Blossom Murders PC Square Enix
2010 Death by Cube XBLA X360 Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 Sigma Harmonics NDS Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 Pingu Waku Waku Carnival NDS Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 Yosumin Live XBLA X360 Square Enix
2009 Project Cube X360 Square Enix
2009 PS3 Square Enix
2009 X360 Square Enix
2009 PS2 PC X360 Square Enix
2009 Gyromancer PC X360 Square Enix
2009 PSP Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 NDS Intelligent Systems
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 Flora's Fruit Farm PC Honeyslug
2009 PC Wargaming.net
2009 PSP Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 PS3 WII X360 Square Enix
2009 WII Square Enix
2009 WII Square
2009 PS2 PC X360 Square Enix
2009 X360 Tri-Ace
2009 Yosumin! PC Square Enix
2009 WII Square Enix
2009 WII Taito
2009 NDS PS2 Nippon Ichi
2009 NDS Tri-Ace
2009 NDS Nippon Ichi Software
2009 NDS WII Square Enix
2009 PS2 PC X360 Square Enix
2009 PC X360 PS3 Square Enix
2009 PS2 Atlus
2009 NDS Taito
2009 PS3 NIS
2009 NDS Square Enix
2009 PSP PS4 PSVITA Square Enix
2009 NDS Square Enix
2008 PS2 Square Enix
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 Yosumin DS NDS Square Enix
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 WII Square Enix
2008 Nanashi no Geemu NDS Square Enix
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 PS2 Square Enix
2008 NDS Taito
2008 WII Square Enix
2008 NDS Taito
2008 PSP Square Enix
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 X360 tri-Ace
2008 NDS Matrix Software / Square Enix
2008 WII WiiU Square Enix
2008 NDS Taito
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 PSP Square Enix
2008 WII Square Enix
2008 WII Genius Sonority
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 PS2 PS3 Vanillaware
2008 NDS Square Enix
2008 PSP Square Enix
2008 PSP Square Enix
2007 Itadaki Street DS NDS Square Enix
2007 Chikyuu no Arukikata DS NDS Square Enix
2007 Classic Kiitemimasenka? NDS Square Enix
2007 Hansaku DS Gardening Life NDS Square Enix
2007 PS2 PC X360 Square Enix
2007 PSP iPhone Android Square Enix
2007 NDS Square Enix
2007 PS2 tri-Ace
2007 X360 Treasure
2007 NDS Square Enix
2007 NDS WII iPhone PSP Android PC Square Enix
2007 PSP Android iPhone PS4 PS5 Square Enix
2007 GBA Square Enix
2007 ActRaiser CV WII Square Enix
2007 PS2 Square Enix
2007 NDS WiiU Square Enix
2007 NDS Square Enix
2006 PS2 Square Enix
2006 PS2 Square Enix
2006 PS2 Square Enix
2006 PS2 Square Enix
2006 GBA iPhone Android PC Square Enix
2006 PC Square Enix
2006 PS2 Level 5
2006 PS2 Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 Egg Monster Heroes NDS Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 NDS Square Enix
2005 PS2 Tri-Ace
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 Fantasy Earth PC Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 PS2 Square Enix
2005 GBA Square Enix
2004 GBA Square Enix
2004 PS2 Square Enix
2004 PS2 Square Enix
2004 PS2 iPhone Android ArtePiazza
2004 PS2 PC Square Enix
2004 GBA Square Enix
2004 PS2 Tri-Ace
2004 GBA Square Enix
2004 GCN Game Designers Studio
2003 PSX Square Enix
2001 Anachronox PC Square Enix
2000 Daikatana PC Ion Storm
2000 PC Looking Glass Studios
1999 Urban Chaos PC DC Square Enix
1999 PC DC Quantic Dream
1998 PC Eidos Interacitve
1996 Pandemonium PC Square Enix
1986 Cosmos Rings iPhone Square Enix

Últimas noticias de Square Enix

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