
824 juegos y versiones relacionadas.
Hasta hace unos años -2001- la compañía japonesa de videojuegos creadora de software y hardware más importante junto a Nintendo, hasta que decidió abandonar la fabricación de consolas y dedicarse al desarrollo de juegos, tras el fracaso de su Dreamcast. Desde finales de los 80 hasta finales de los 90 nos brindó una competición con la gran N que marcó época en el mundo del videojuego para consolas. Creadores de las populares Master System y Mega Drive, fueron los añadidos para esta última como el Mega-CD y la 32X, el poco éxito de Saturn y la falta de impulso inicial de Dreamcast, lo que la llevaron a abandonar la fabricación de consolas. Han desarrollado decenas de juegos inolvidables, sobre todo en el terreno arcade, pero su título más famoso e icono de la compañía es el puercoespín Sonic.

Sagas de Sega


Juegos de Sega

2026 PC Creative Assembly
2026 PC Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
2026 PC Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
2025 Android iPhone PC Sonic Team
2025 PS5 XSX PS4 XBOne Switch PC SEGA
2025 PS5 PC PS4 XSX XBOne Switch Lizardcube
2025 PS5 PS4 XBOne XSX Switch PC CyberConnect2
PC XSX PS5 Two Point Studios
PS5 PS4 PC XSX XBOne Ryu Ga Gotoku
PC Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Switch SEGA
PS5 PS4 PC XSX XBOne Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
iPhone SEGA
Android iPhone Sports Interactive
PC XBOne Sports Interactive
PS5 Switch XSX Sports Interactive
PS5 PS4 PC XSX XBOne Switch Sega
Switch SEGA
Samba de Amigo: Party-To-Go para iPhone
Samba de Amigo: Party-To-Go
iPhone SEGA
PS5 Wolf & Wood
Switch Atlus
Etrian Odyssey II HD para Nintendo Switch
Etrian Odyssey II HD
Etrian Odyssey III HD para Nintendo Switch
Etrian Odyssey III HD
Android iPhone Sega
PC PS5 XSX Relic Entertainment
PS5 XSX PS4 XBOne PC Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
PS5 PC PS4 XSX XBOne Switch Sonic Team
Android iPhone Sports Interactive
Switch iPhone SEGA
PC Sports Interactive
PS4 PC XBOne XSX Switch Sega
PC XBOne PS4 XSX PS5 Switch Two Point Studios
Football Manager 2022 Xbox Edition para Xbox Series X
Football Manager 2022 Xbox Edition
XSX XBOne Sports Interactive
Android iPhone Sports Interactive
PC Sports Interactive
Switch iPhone Android Sports Interactive
SEGA Mega Drive – Nintendo Switch Online para Nintendo Switch
SEGA Mega Drive – Nintendo Switch Online
Switch Sega
PS5 PS4 XBOne XSX PC Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
PS4 Switch XBOne PC SEGA
PS4 Switch XBOne PC Sega
PS4 SEGA AM2, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
PC Creative Assembly, Feral Interactive
XBOne XSX Sports Interactive
Football Manager 2021 Mobile para Android
Football Manager 2021 Mobile
Android iPhone Sports Interactive
PC Sports Interactive
Streets Of Kamurocho para Ordenador
Streets Of Kamurocho
PC Empty Clip Studios, SEGA
Endless Zone para Ordenador
Endless Zone
PC The Eccentric Ape, SEGA
Armor of Heroes para Ordenador
Armor of Heroes
PC SEGA, The Eccentric Ape
Sega Ages Herzog Zwei para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages Herzog Zwei
Switch SEGA
iPhone Android Relic Entertainment
PC Feral Interactive (Mac), CREATIVE ASSEMBLY
PC Switch XBOne SEGA
Sega Ages Thunder Force AC para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages Thunder Force AC
Switch SEGA
Switch Sega
Android iPhone Sega
Sega Ages G-LOC: Air Battle para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages G-LOC: Air Battle
Switch SEGA
PS4 Sega
PS4 PC G-rounding
Sega Ages Puyo Puyo 2 para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages Puyo Puyo 2
Switch Sega
Switch M2
XBOne PS4 PlatinumGames
PS4 XBOne PlatinumGames
Sega Ages: Shinobi para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages: Shinobi
Switch SEGA
Switch SEGA
PS4 Sega
PS4 Sega
PC Sports Interactive
PC Switch Sports Interactive
Switch Sega
PS4 Switch PC XBOne SEGA
Switch Sega
Sega Ages: Columns II: A Voyage Through Time para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages: Columns II: A Voyage Through Time
Switch Sega
League of Wonderland para Android
League of Wonderland
Android iPhone SEGA
iPhone Sega
Android iPhone Sega
Sega Ages: Space Harrier para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages: Space Harrier
Switch Sega
Sega Ages: Puyo Puyo para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages: Puyo Puyo
Switch Sega
PS4 PC Switch XBOne ACE Team
Switch Sega
Sega Ages: Wonder Boy: Monster Land para Nintendo Switch
Sega Ages: Wonder Boy: Monster Land
Switch SEGA
PS4 PS5 XSX PC Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
PS4 PC Switch XBOne Eden Industries
PC CREATIVE ASSEMBLY, Feral Interactive (Linux), Feral Interactive (Mac)
PS4 Switch XBOne PC Sumo Digital
2019 PS4 Switch XBOne PC Sonic Team
2019 Android iPhone SEGA
2019 Love Thyself - A Horatio Story PC AMPLITUDE Studios
2019 PS4 Switch
2019 Sega Ages: Gain Ground Switch Sega
2019 Switch Sega
2019 Android iPhone SEGA
2019 Switch Sega
2018 PS4 PSVITA Sega
2018 Switch Sega
2018 PC iPhone Android Sega
2018 Sega Heroes Android iPhone Sega
2018 PC Sports Interactive
2018 PC Android iPhone Switch Sports Interactive
2018 Android iPhone Sports Interactive
2018 PS4 PC tri-Ace
2018 PS4 Sega
2018 PS4 Switch XBOne PC Sega
2018 Switch Sega
2018 Switch Sega
2018 PS4 Sega
2018 PC Switch XBOne PS4 Two Point Studios
2018 PS4 PC XBOne Sega
2018 PS4 PC XBOne SEGA
2018 Android iPhone Sega
2018 PS4 Switch XBOne PagodaWest, Games Headcannon
2018 PS4 Switch XBOne PC O-TWO
2018 PS4 PC XBOne Switch Sega
2018 Android iPhone SEGA
2018 PC Creative Assembly
2018 PS4 XBOne PC Sega
2018 3DS FuRyu
2018 Android iPhone Sega
2017 Gunstar Heroes Classic Android iPhone SEGA
2017 Android iPhone Sega
2017 Android iPhone SEGA
2017 PC Sports Interactive
2017 Android iPhone Sports Interactive
2017 PC Android iPhone Switch Sports Interactive
2017 PS4 XBOne PC Switch Sonic Team
2017 Decap Attack Android iPhone Sega
2017 The Story of Thor Android iPhone Sega
2017 PC The Creative Assembly
2017 iPhone PC Android Sega
2017 PS4 PS3 PC XBOne Switch Sega
2017 PS4 PC XBOne Switch PagodaWest, Games Headcannon
2017 Ristar Android PC iPhone Sega
2017 Android GBA WII PS3 PC iPhone Sega
2017 PS4 PSVITA XBOne Media Vision
2017 Switch WiiU 3DS PSVITA PS3 PS4 XBOne PC Sonic Team
2017 PC Relic Entertainment
2017 PC Switch PS4 XBOne Platinum Games
2017 PC PlatinumGames / Bitbaboon
2017 PS4 PS3 PC XBOne SEGA
2017 PS4 Sega
2016 PC Creative Assembly
2016 3DS Sega
2016 Space Channel 5 VR: Ukiuki Viewing Show PC Sega
2016 3DS Sega
2016 iPhone Creative Assembly
2016 3DS SEGA
2016 PC Sports Interactive
2016 Football Manager Touch 2017 PC iPhone Android Sports Interactive
2016 PS4 PC PS4 Sega
2016 3DS Sanzaru Games
2016 PS4 PSVITA Sega
2016 Malkia PC Sports interactive
2016 NeverMine PC Torn Banner Studios
2016 Splash Bash PC Rovio
2016 Captain Curve's Intergalactic Space Adventure PC Curve Digital
2016 Octamari Rescue PC SUMO Digital
2016 10 Minute Tower PC Team 17
2016 Emily: Displaced PC Bossa Studios
2016 BlockAid PC SEGA Hardlight
2016 Anthelion PC Rovio
2016 WiiU 3DS Sega
2016 PC The Creative Assembly
2016 PS4 Switch Sega
2016 PS4 PSVITA iPhone Android Sega
2016 PC iPhone Android Creative Assembly
2015 PC PSVITA iPhone Android Sega
2015 Chain Chronicle V PSVITA -
2015 PS3 PS4 Sega
2015 PS4 PS3 PSVITA Sega
2015 Miracle Girls Festival PSVITA SEGA
2015 PS3 PS4 XBOne PC Sega
2015 Eastside Hockey Manager PC Sports Interactive
2015 PC Sega
2015 Android iPhone Sega
2015 PC Android iPhone Sega
2015 PSVITA PS4 Atlus
2015 3DS Sega
2015 PS3 PSVITA Sega
2015 Puzzle & Glory Android iPhone Demiurge
2015 3DS Sega
2015 PC Relic Entertainment
2015 3DS Sega
2015 3DS Sega
2015 XBOne PC PS4 Game Freak
2015 iPhone Switch Sega America
2015 Android iPhone Sega
2015 Android iPhone Sonic Team
2015 3DS Sega
2015 3DS Sega
2015 Android iPhone Sports Interactive
2015 3DS Sega
2015 PC Creative Assembly
2015 3DS Sega
2015 3DS Sega
2014 PSVITA tri-ace
2014 Ga-Sen Love Plus Pengo X360 Triangle Service
2014 PSVITA Sega
2014 PS3 Media Vision
2014 PS3 PSVITA Sega
2014 WiiU Big Red Button Entertainment
2014 3DS Sanzaru Games
2014 Android iPhone Sports Interactive
2014 PC Relic Entertainment
2014 PC Sports Interactive
2014 PC XBOne iPhone Switch PS4 XSX AMPLITUDE Studios
2014 PS4 XBOne PS3 X360 PC Switch iPhone Android The Creative Assembly
2014 Android iPhone Sega
2014 Android iPhone Three Rings
2014 iPhone Android Sega America
2014 PC Relic Entertainment
2014 PC Nomad Games
2014 PSVITA Sports Interactive
2014 PS4 PS3 Sega
2014 iPhone Xeen
2014 Android PS3 X360 PC PSVITA 3DS WiiU iPhone Sega
2013 PSVITA Sega
2013 PS3 WiiU Sega
2013 PS3 PSVITA Sega
2013 PSVITA PC Sega
2013 Fist of the North Star: Legend of the End of the Century Savior PS3 Sammy
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 iPhone PSVITA WiiU PSP Sega
2013 WiiU 3DS Sega
2013 PC Sports Interactive
2013 PC Modern Dream
2013 WiiU 3DS PC Sonic Team
2013 PS3 PSVITA Sega
2013 PS3 X360 WiiU PSVITA PC iPhone Sega Studios Australia
2013 PC Creative Assembly
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS WII X360 iPhone Android PS3 PC Sega
2013 3DS SEGA
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 3DS Sega
2013 Android iPhone Sega
2013 iPhone Android Sega America
2013 PS3 X360 Sega
2013 Cyber Troopers Virtual-On PSN PS3 Sega
2013 iPhone Sega
2013 X360 PS2 PS3 PC WiiU Gearbox Software
2013 iPhone Sega
2013 X360 PC PS3 WiiU iPhone Double Fine
2013 PS3 X360 Platinum Games
2012 PSP Sega
2012 PSP Sega
2012 PSP Sega
2012 3DS Sega
2012 PSP Media Vision
2012 Android iPhone Sega
2012 Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - Dreamy Theater Extend PS3 Sega
2012 PS3 X360 Sega
2012 PS3 iPhone X360 PC Sega
2012 PS3 X360 Sega
2012 PSVITA GBA PS3 X360 PC iPhone Android Sega
2012 X360 M2
2012 PS3 Sega
2012 PC Sports Interactive
2012 PSVITA Sega
2012 iPhone Sega America
2012 PS3 X360 PC Arkedo Studio
2012 PS3 X360 PC Sega
2012 PS3 X360 PC Sega
2012 PC iPhone The Creative Assembly
2012 PS3 PC X360 Sega Studios Australia
2012 3DS Sega
2012 iPhone Sega
2012 PS3 X360 Sega
2012 X360 Sega
2012 X360 Sega
2012 X360 M2
2012 PS3 Sega
2012 PS3 Sega
2012 PS3 WII Sega
2012 Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. XBLA X360 Sega
2012 Wonder Boy in Monster World PSN PS3 PC Westone
2012 PS3 X360 Android iPhone PC Sega
2012 3DS Sega
2012 WII Sega
2012 Streets of Rage 3 PC Sega
2012 PC Sega
2012 PC Android iPhone Sega
2012 Beyond Oasis PC Sega
2012 Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom PC Sega
2012 PC Sega
2012 Vectorman 2 PC Sega
2012 iPhone Sega
2012 PS3 WII Sega
2012 PS3 Sega
2012 3DS Xeen
2012 3DS Sega
2012 3DS Sega
2012 3DS Sega
2012 3DS Sega
2012 PC The Creative Assembly
2012 Android iPhone Sega
2012 PS3 Sega
2012 ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron PC Sega
2012 PS3 X360 PC Sega
2012 PSVITA Sega
2012 PS3 Sega
2012 PC X360 PS3 WII Android Sega
2012 3DS Zoë Mode
2011 PSP PS3 Sega
2011 PSP Imageepoch
2011 PS3 X360 PC iPhone Sega
2011 PSP
2011 iPhone Sega
2011 WII 3DS Sega
2011 3DS PS2 Sega
2011 PS3 X360 3DS PC Sega
2011 PS3 Headstrong Games
2011 X360 PS3 Sega
2011 PC Sports Interactive
2011 X360 Treasure
2011 PS3 X360 PC Sega
2011 PS3 X360 Sega
2011 NDS WayForward Technologies
2011 iPhone Sega
2011 PS3 X360 PC Sega
2011 PS3 X360 PC Avalanche Studios
2011 X360 Sega
2011 iPhone Sega
2011 PS3 Sega
2011 PS3 WII X360 PC Sega
2011 PS3 iPhone Sega
2011 PS3 X360 PC WII NDS PSP 3DS Sega
2011 PS3 WII X360 iPhone PC Sega
2011 X360 PS3 Sega
2011 PS3 X360 PC WII NDS PSP 3DS Sega
2011 WII High Voltage Software
2011 PS3 X360 WII PC Sega
2011 PC Three Rings
2011 PS3 Sega
2011 3DS GCN NG iPhone Sega
2011 PS3 PS4 XBOne PC Sega
2011 PC Sega
2011 PC The Creative Assembly
2011 X360 PS3 PC Sega
2011 Alien Soldier PC Sega
2011 PC Sega
2011 PC Sega
2011 Shining Force PC Sega
2011 PC WII Sega
2011 Streets of Rage PC iPhone Sega
2011 Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole PC Sega
2011 Light Crusader PC Sega
2011 Shining in the Darkness PC Sega
2011 ToeJam & Earl PC PS3 Sega
2010 WII ChunSoft
2010 WII Sega
2010 PSP Sega
2010 X360 Sega
2010 Football Manager Handle iPhone Sega
2010 PS3 Sega
2010 PSP Sports Interactive
2010 WII NDS Sega
2010 X360 Sega
2010 PC Sports Interactive
2010 Sonic the Hedgehog 4 iPhone Sega
2010 Sword of Vermilion PC Sega
2010 Golden Axe II PC Sega
2010 Columns III PC Sega
2010 Decap Attack PC Sega
2010 Ecco: The Tides of Time PC Sega
2010 Bio-Hazard Battle PC Sega
2010 Alien Storm PC WII Sega
2010 ESWAT: City Under Siege PC Sega
2010 Flicky PC Sega
2010 PS3 X360 PC Platinum Games
2010 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle PC Sega
2010 Columns PC 3DS Sega
2010 Fatal Labyrinth PC Sega
2010 Sonic Spinball PC Sega
2010 Bonanza Bros. PC Sega
2010 Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine PC Sega
2010 Ecco Jr. PC WII Sega
2010 Kid Chameleon PC Sega
2010 PC WII Sega
2010 Galaxy Force II PC Sega
2010 Super Thunder Blade PC WII Sega
2010 PSP Sega
2010 PSP Sega
2010 WII High Voltage Software
2010 Shadow Dancer PC Sega
2010 Ecco the Dolphin PC iPhone Sega
2010 PC PS2 Sega
2010 Sonic 3D Blast PC Sega
2010 Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master PC Sega
2010 Crack Down PC WII Sega
2010 Gain Ground PC Sega
2010 X360 PS3 PC Obsidian
2010 PS3 X360 WII NDS PSP iPhone Sega
2010 PS3 X360 Sega
2010 NDS Platinum Games / Nude Maker
2010 PS3 X360 Tri-Ace
2010 PS3 PS4 XBOne PC Sega
2010 NDS Sega
2010 Zaxxon CV WII Sega
2010 PS3 X360 WII NDS PC iPhone Sega
2010 PC The Creative Assembly
2010 PC PS3 X360 Rebellion
2010 NDS Treasure
2010 NDS Sega
2010 WII Sega
2010 PS3 PC X360 Eurocom
2010 PS3 X360 WiiU Platinum Games
2010 Shadow Dancer: The Secret Of Shinobi CV WII Sega
2009 NDS Sega
2009 PSP Sega
2009 NDS Sega
2009 Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer 2 NDS Chunsoft
2009 World Snooker Championship 2008 WII Blade
2009 PS3 WII X360 PC Sega
2009 Pole's Big Adventure WII Sega
2009 Virtual On Oratorio Tangram XBLA X360 Sega
2009 Card de Asobu! Hajimete no DS NDS Sega
2009 Wheel of Fortune PSN PS3 WII
2009 Haruhi Suzimiya no Chokuretsu NDS Sega
2009 Puyo Pop 7 WII PSP NDS Sega
2009 PS2 WII Sega
2009 WII Sega
2009 X360 WII PS3 PC Sega
2009 X360 WII Sega
2009 WII Sega
2009 WII Sega
2009 WII NDS Sega
2009 Shanghai II Dragon's Eye CV WII Sega
2009 PC The Creative Assembly
2009 PC PSP Sports Interactive
2009 WII NDS Sega
2009 Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap CV WII Sega
2009 PS3 X360 Backbone Entertainment
2009 WII Irem
2009 Golden Axe Arcade CV WII Sega
2009 X360 WII Sega
2009 Phantasy Star CV WII Sega
2009 PSP Sega
2009 MUSHA CV WII Sega
2009 WII High Voltage
2009 Pulseman CV WII Sega
2009 WII Sega
2009 WII Prope
2009 WII Prope
2009 Space Harrier Arcade CV WII Sega
2009 PS3 X360 PC WII Sega
2009 Fantasy Zone II CV WII Sega
2009 PSP Sega
2009 PS3 X360 Sumo Digital
2009 PS3 X360 PC The Creative Assembly Australia
2009 Haruhi Suzimiya no Heiretsu WII Sega
2009 WII Platinum Games
2009 NDS Treasure
2009 WII Sonic Team
2009 PC The Creative Assembly
2009 PS3 X360 Backbone Entertainment
2009 Wolf of the Battlefield MERCS CV WII Sega
2009 WII Headstrong Games
2009 WII Sega
2009 PC Sports Interactive
2009 Wonder Boy in Monster Land CV WII Sega
2009 WII Sega
2008 Fifth Phantom Saga PS3 Sega
2008 Toe Jam & Earl CV WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 NDS Sega
2008 PS3 Sega
2008 PIcto Image DS NDS Sega
2008 Miburi & Teburi WII Sega
2008 Sega Splash! Golf PC Sega
2008 Imabikisou PS3 WII Chunsoft
2008 PS2 Vivarium
2008 PS2 Sega
2008 English of the Dead NDS Sega
2008 NDS Sega
2008 NDS Sega
2008 Garnet Chronicle PSP Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 Sakatsuku: Touch and Direct NDS Sega
2008 Kaite Oboeru Doragana NDS Sega
2008 Internet Adventure PC Sega
2008 PS3 WII Chunsoft
2008 WII Sega
2008 PS3 X360 WII PS2 Sega
2008 PC Sports Interactive
2008 PSP Sports Interactive
2008 WII Sega
2008 PS3 PC Sega
2008 PS3 X360 Secret Level Games
2008 Space Harrier CV WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 NDS Sega
2008 NDS Bioware
2008 WII DC Gearbox Software
2008 PS2 Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 PC X360 PS3 Gas Powered Games
2008 PS3 PS2 WII NDS PC X360 Amaze Entertainment
2008 PS3 X360 PC Eurocom Entertainment
2008 WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 PS3 X360 PC PS2 WII PSP NDS Sega
2008 Gley Lancer CV WII Sega
2008 Puyo Puyo 2 CV WII Sega
2008 Columns III Revenge of Columns CV WII Sega
2008 Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom CV WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 PS3 X360 PC The Creative Assembly
2008 WII PC Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 PS3 PS2 X360 WII NDS Sumo Digital
2008 NDS Chunsoft
2008 Mega Turrican CV WII Factor 5
2008 X360 PC PS3 Monolith
2008 Brain Assist NDS Sega
2008 NDS Treasure
2008 WII Sega
2008 WII Arc System Works
2008 WII PS2 Sega
2008 PS3 X360 WII PC Bizarre Creations
2008 PC X360 Petroglyph
2008 PS2 X360
2008 PC Sega
2008 WII Sega
2008 WII Sega
2007 PS2 Arc System Works
2007 WII Sega
2007 Rent a Hero CV WII Sega
2007 Bahamut Senki CV WII Sega
2007 PuyoPuyo! WII Sega
2007 Puyo Puyo WII Sonic Team
2007 Inbikisou PS3 Sega
2007 NDS Sega
2007 Light Crusader CV WII Sega
2007 Rolling Thunder 2 CV WII Sega
2007 PS3 X360 WII PS2 PSP NDS Shiny Entertainment
2007 PSP Sports Interactive
2007 WII NDS Sega
2007 PSP Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 Alien Soldier CV WII Sega
2007 PS3 X360 Sega
2007 PC X360 Sports Interactive
2007 WII Sega
2007 Streets of Rage 3 CV WII Sega
2007 Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole CV WII Sega
2007 PS3 GBA X360 PSP PC Sega
2007 PSP Sniper Studios
2007 NDS Sega
2007 WII PSP Totally Games
2007 PC Creative Assembly
2007 WII PS3 X360 Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 ESWAT: City Under Siege CV WII Sega
2007 Shining in the Darkness CV WII Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 X360 WII PC Sega
2007 Golden Axe II CV WII Sega
2007 Ecco: The Tides of Time CV WII Sega
2007 NDS Full Fat
2007 WII Sega
2007 Kid Chameleon CV WII Sega
2007 PC X360 Stainless Games
2007 PSP Kuju Entertainment
2007 WII Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 Story of Thor CV WII Sega
2007 WII Sega
2007 Vectorman CV WII Sega
2007 PSP Planet Moon Studios
2007 PS3 X360 WII X360 iPhone Android 3DS PC Sonic Team
2007 PS3 X360 PC PSP Sega
2007 PS3 PS2 X360 Blade Interactive
2007 PS3 PSP Pseudo Interactive
2007 WII Sega
2007 Streets of Rage CV WII Sega
2007 Sword of Vermilion CV WII Sega
2007 PSP Blade Interactive
2007 PS2 PSP Sega
2007 PS2 PSP Backbone Entertainment
2006 PS2 Sega
2006 Sakura Taisen 1&2 PSP Sega
2006 PC GBA NDS Sega
2006 GBA Sonic Team
2006 PS2 Sega
2006 PS3 Sega
2006 NDS Sega
2006 WII Sega
2006 Bonanza Bros CV WII Sega
2006 Columns CV WII Sega
2006 Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine CV WII Sega
2006 Ecco the Dolphin CV WII X360 Sega
2006 Gain Ground CV WII Sega
2006 WII Sega
2006 WII Sega
2006 WII Sega
2006 PSP Backbone Entertainment
2006 PS2 PC X360 Sega
2006 PC Creative Assembly
2006 PC X360 PSP Sports Interactive
2006 PS2 Sega
2006 PS2 Sega
2006 X360 Sega
2006 PS2 GCN PSP Traveller Tales
2006 PC Creative Assembly
2006 PC X360 Monolith
2006 PS2 PC PSP XBOX Sega
2006 PC Sega
2006 PS2 GCN XBOX PC Sega
2006 NDS Sega
2006 NDS Sega
2006 X360 Pseudo Interactive
2006 PS2 Sega
2006 PC Creative Assembly
2006 Sega Casino NDS Sega
2005 GCN DC Sega
2005 PSP Sonic Team
2005 PS2 NDS PSP Sega
2005 NDS Sega
2005 PC PSP X360 Sports Interactive
2005 PS2 GCN XBOX Sonic Team
2005 GBA Treasure
2005 PS2 GCN XBOX Creative Assembly
2005 PS2 GCN Sega
2005 PS2 GCN Sega
2005 PSP Sega
2005 World Snooker Championship PSP Sega
2005 PS2 XBOX Sega
2005 PS2 Red Entertainment
2005 PS2 From Software
2005 XBOX Amusement Vision
2005 NDS Sega
2005 GBA Treasure
2005 PS2 GBA WII Wow Entertainment
2005 PS2 Sega
2005 GBA Treasure
2005 PS2 Sonic Team
2005 PS2 XBOX Sega
2005 PC Tilted Mill Entertainment
2005 PC Sega
2005 ESPN NFL 2005 PS2 XBOX Visual Concepts
2005 PS2 Sega
2005 ESPN NHL 2005 PS2 Sega
2004 PS2 XBOX Amuze
2004 Monster Island GCN Sega
2004 GCN Sega
2004 GBA Sega
2004 DC Sega
2004 PS2 GCN Sega-AM2
2004 GCN Amusement Vision
2004 PS2 Sega
2004 PS2 Sega
2004 Pocket Kingdom NG Sega
2004 PS2 Sonic Team
2004 PC Sports Interactive
2004 PS2 XBOX PC Team 17
2004 XBOX Sega-AM2
2004 NHL Eastside Hockey Manager PC Sports Interactive
2004 GCN Sonic Team
2004 PS2 GBA GCN XBOX Sega
2004 GBA Sega
2004 GBA Sega
2004 GBA Sega
2004 GBA Sonic Team
2004 PS2 Overworks
2004 XBOX Wow Entertainment
2004 PS2 GCN XBOX PC Sonic Team
2004 PC Sega
2003 PS2 Sega Rosso
2003 PS2 Hitmaker
2003 PS2 XBOX Sega
2003 GCN PC Sonic Team
2003 ESPN NFL 2K4 PS2 XBOX Sega
2003 PS2 XBOX Sega
2003 GBA Sonic Team
2003 PS2 PC GCN XBOX Team 17
2003 XBOX Sonic Team
2003 PS2 Sega-AM2
2003 XBOX From Software
2003 PS2 Red Entertainment
2003 GCN Overworks
2003 GCN Sonic Team
2003 PS2 Sega-AM2
2003 PS2 CRI
2003 GCN Sonic Team
2003 GCN iPhone Amusement Vision
2003 PS2 XBOX GCN Visual Concepts
2003 GBA Sonic Team
2003 XBOX Smilebit
2003 XBOX Wow Entertainment
2003 GCN Sonic Team
2003 GBA Sega
2003 GBA Sega
2003 XBOX ToeJam & Earl Productions
2002 XBOX Smilebit
2002 GCN Sonic Team
2002 XBOX Hitmaker
2002 PS2 XBOX DC Visual Concepts
2002 PS2 DC Hitmaker
2002 PS2 Sega
2002 NHL 2K2 DC Trey Arch
2002 NHL 2K3 XBOX Sega
2002 XBOX Wow Entertainment
2002 PS2 DC United Game Artists
2002 PS2 GCN XBOX Visual Concepts
2002 GCN AM2
2002 F355 Challenge PS2 AM2
2002 NFL 2K3 XBOX Visual Concepts
2002 GCN Amusement Vision
2002 GBA Sonic Team
2002 PS2 AM2
2002 XBOX Smilebit
2002 DC Sonic Team
2002 PS2 DC Amuze
2002 PS2 DC United Game Artists
2002 PS2 Sega
2002 NFL 2K2 XBOX DC Visual Concepts
2001 Ooga Booga DC Visual Concepts
2001 Cosmic Smash DC Sega Rosso
2001 DC Hitmaker
2001 NBA 2K1 DC Visual Concepts
2001 NCAA College Football 2K2 DC Visual Concepts
2001 Sega Bass Fishing 2 DC Wow Entertainment
2001 Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 DC Sega
2001 World Series Baseball 2K2 DC Visual Concepts
2001 PS2 Wow Entertainment/Namco
2001 DC XBOX AM2
2001 DC Visual Concepts
2001 GBA Sonic Team
2001 DC Smilebit
2001 DC Hitmaker
2001 DC Smilebit
2001 DC Wow Entertainment
2001 DC Wow Entertainment
2001 DC AM2
2001 DC Sonic Team
2001 DC Sega
2001 DC GCN PS2 AM2
2001 DC Hitmaker
2001 DC PS2 Overworks
2001 DC AM2
2001 DC Sonic Team
2001 DC Sega
2000 DC Yu Suzuki/AM#2
2000 DC Smilebit
2000 DC Silicon Dreams
2000 DC AM5
2000 DC Visual Concepts
2000 DC PS2 GCN GBA PS3 X360 iPhone Android PC Sega Hitmaker
2000 DC GBA iPhone Android Sonic Team
2000 DC WARP
2000 Godzilla Generations Maximum Impact DC General Entertainment
2000 NFL 2K DC Visual Concepts
2000 NFL 2K1 DC Visual Concepts
2000 Napple Tale: Alisia in Daydream DC Sega
2000 DC Sonic Team
2000 DC Vivarium
2000 Sega Marine Fishing DC Sega
2000 Sega Swirl DC Tremor
2000 Sega Tetris DC Wow Entertainment
2000 Toy Racer DC No Cliche
2000 DC Sega
2000 Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram DC Sega
2000 World Series Baseball 2K1 DC Sega
2000 DC Bizarre Creations
2000 DC Raster Productions
2000 DC Innerloop
2000 DC Climax
2000 DC Sega AM#2
2000 DC GBA NG Hitmaker
2000 DC Sega Hitmaker
2000 DC PS2 GBA United Game Artists
2000 DC Black Box Games
2000 DC Appaloosa
2000 DC Sega
2000 DC Silicon Dreams
2000 DC Argonaut
2000 DC Sega
1999 DC Sega
1999 DC No Cliche
1999 DC CRI
1999 DC Silicon Dreams
1999 DC Video System
1999 DC PS3 X360 Sonic Team
1999 DC Sega
1999 DC UEP Systems
1999 DC Sega
1999 Flag to Flag DC Sega
1999 Godzilla Generations DC General Entertainment
1999 Sega Bass Fishing DC Sega
1999 DC X360 Namco
1999 DC Sega
1999 Dynamite Cop! DC Sega
1999 DC Climax

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