En Tekken 7 vuelve a encontrarse con el que considera su rival, Jin. Esta vez el enfrentamiento es contra su forma demoníaca.
Tras el combate, Hwoarang dice que no merece matar a un monstruo como él. En ese momento aparecen soldados y Hwoarang salva a Jin de una granada, aunque es herido en uno de sus ojos, de ahí que en Tekken 7 utilice parche.
Hwoarang vuelve a apoyarse en confusos combos que golpean a sus rivales en múltiples alturas, que lo tendrán muy difícil para defenderse de la lluvia de patadas. Incluso los usuarios que no abusan mucho de combos encontrarán algunos buenos golpes. Su Power Crush es bastante interesante.
Sin embargo, para hacer una buena cantidad de daño es necesario enfrentarse directamente con el oponente, pues sus ataques están un poco limitados en rango. Además, la posición inicial no tiene los mejores golpes altos.
Los jugadores que busquen un personaje muy ofensivo no encontrarán mejor elección que Hwoarang, su especialidad es atacar constantemente al rival y no esperar a que reaccione.
Todos los movimientos de Hwoarang en Tekken 7
Rage Art: FLA d + 3 + 4
Rage Drive 1: d + 3 + 4, 4
- Rage Drive 3: LFS u/f + 3, 4, 3 + 4
- Rage Drive 2: RFS u/f + 3, 4, 3 + 4
- Migraine: LS 1, 1
- Home Surgery: LS 1, 1, 3, 3
- One Two Punch: LS 1, 2
- Left Right to Left Flamingo: LS 1, 2, 3
- Left Right to Right Flamingo: LS 1, 2, 4
- Rejector: LS 1, 2, f + 3
- Rejection: LS 1, 2, f + 4
- Right Jab to Left Flamingo: LS 2, 3
- Right Jab to Right Flamingo: LS 2, 4
- Right Jab Side Kick: LS 2, f + 3
- Right Jab to Spinning Back Kick: LS 2, f + 4
- Left Kicks to Left Flamingo: LS 3, 3 ~ f
- Left Kicks: LS 3, 3, 3
- Left Kicks to Right Hook Kick: LS 3, 3, 4
- Left Kicks to Backlash: LS 3, 3, f + 4
- Flying Eagle: LS 4 ~ 3
- Right Left Kick Combo: LS 4, 3
- Right Kicks: LS 4, 4
- Right Kicks to Right Stance: LS 4, f + 4
- Right Kicks to Chainsaw Heel: LS 4, 4, 3
- Right Kick Combo to Right Flamingo: LS 4, 4, 4
- Right Kick Combo to Right Stance: LS 4, 4, f + 4
- Right Kick Combo to Chainsaw Heel: LS 4, 4, 4, 3
- Right Kick Combo: LS 4, 4, 4, 4
- Disrespect: LS 1 + 2
- Motion Switch: LS 3 + 4
- Rusty Knife: LS f + 2
- Left Flamingo Feint: LS f + 3
- Cheap Shot Snap Kick: LS f + 3 ~ 3
- Right Flamingo Feint: LS f, N, 4
- Right Hook Kick to Right Flamingo: LS f + 4
- Push Hands: LS f + 1 + 2
- Double Claymore: LS d/f + 3, 4
- Middle Claymore: LS d/f + 4
- Smash Low Right to Right Flamingo: LS d + 3, 4
- Firecracker: LS d + 4, 4
- Sweep Kick: LS d/b + 3
- Ankle Biter: LS d/b + 4
- Ankle Biter to Right Flamingo: LS d/b + 4 ~ f
- Ankle Biter to Crescent Kick: LS d/b + 4, 4
- Stealth Needle: b + 1
- Dynamite Heel: LS d/b + 3 + 4
- Bolt Cut: LS b + 2
- Left Plasma Blade: LS b + 3
- Nose Bleeder: LS b + 4
- Flamingo Shuffle: u/b + 3, 3
- Riffle Shuffle: u/b + 3, 4
- Fade-Away Kick: LS u/b + 4
- Jump Kick to Left Flamingo: LS u + 3
- Scorpion Side Kick to Right Flamingo: LS u + 4
- Bloody Guillotine: LS u + 3 + 4
- Flashing Trident: LS u/f + 3 + 4, 4
- Bone Stinger: LS u/f + 2
- Hunting Hawk: LS u/f + 3, 4, 3
- Air Raid to Right Flamingo: LS u/f + 4, 4, 4
- Spinning Axe Kick to Right Stance: LS f, f + 3
- Peacekeeper: LS f, f + 4
- Phalanx: LS f, N, d, d/f + 3
- Sky Rocket: LS f, N, d, d/f + 4
- Flying Nerichagi: LS f, f, f + 3
- Torpedo Kick: LS f, f, f + 4
- Iron Heel: WS + 3
- Tsunami Kick: WS + 4, 4
- Eruption to Left Flamingo: SS + 3, 3
- Spinning Trip Kick: SS + 4
- Plasma Blade: LS BT 4
- Disrespect: RS 1 + 2
- Motion Switch: RS 3 + 4
- Migraine: RS 1, 1
- Big Fists: RS 2, 1, 1
- Right PK Combo: RS 2, 3
- Chainsaw Kick Combo: RS 2, 4, 3 ~ f
- Right Reverse Kick Combo: RS 2, 4, 4 ~ f
- Right Jab Spin Kick: RS 2, b + 4
- Volcannon to Right Flamingo: RS 3, 4
- Volcannon to Right Stance: RS 3, f + 4
- Backlash: RS 3 ~ 4
- Chainsaw Kick: RS 4, 3 ~ f
- Right Reverse Kick: RS 4, 4 ~ f
- Right Flamingo Feint: RS f + 4
- Grand Theft: RS f + 4 ~ 4
- Cheap Shot to Left Flamingo: RS f + 3 ~ b
- Screw Kick: RS d/f + 3
- Right Sidekick: RS d/f + 4 ~ f
- Heel Screw: RS d + 4
- Teaser: RS d/b + 3, 3
- Blast Fist: RS b + 2
- Nose Bleeder: RS b + 4
- Spin Kick: RS b + 4
- Hunting Heel: RS f, f + 3
- Screw Kick: RS f, f + 4, 3
- Plasma Blade: RS BT 3
- Spinning Scythe to Axe Heel: RS BT 4, 3
- Spinning Low Kick: RS BT d + 3
- Flamingo Switch: LFS 3 + 4
- Trick Jab: LFS 1
- Right Backhand: LFS 2
- Flamingo Side Kick to Left Flamingo: LFS 3 ~ f
- Flamingo Kick Combo Middle: LFS 3, 3
- Flamingo Side Kick to Right Hook Kick: LFS 3, 4
- Flamingo Side Kick to Backlash: LFS 3, f + 4
- Step Kick: LFS 4
- Power Blast: LFS 1 + 4
- Flamingo Rocket: LFS f + 3
- Fire Storm Left: LFS f + 4, 3
- Snap Kick: LFS d/f + 3
- Flamingo Double Claymore: LFS d/f + 3, 4
- Flamingo Low to Right Hook Kick: LFS d + 3, 4
- Cutter Right: LFS d + 4
- Combat Low: LFS d/b + 4
- Left Thunderbolt: LFS b + 3
- Combat Middle: LFS b + 4
- Flamingo Hunting Hawk: LFS u/f + 3, 4, 3
- Switch Plasma Blade: LFS u/f + 4
- Flamingo Flashing Trident: LFS u/f + 3 + 4, 4
- 10 Hit Combo 1: LFS 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3
- Flamingo Switch: RFS 3 + 4
- Left Punch: RFS 1
- Right Punch: RFS 2
- Step Kick: RFS 3
- Right Kick: RFS 4
- Fire Storm Right: RFS f + 3, 4
- Right Viper Combo: RFS f + 4
- Right Viper Combo to Right Sword: RFS f + 4, 4
- Snap Kick: RFS d/f + 4
- Cutter Left: RFS d + 3
- Cactus Shot: RFS d + 4, 3
- Left Heel Lance: RFS b + 3
- Right Thunderbolt: RFS b + 4
- 10 Hit Combo 2: RFS 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3
- Overhead Kick: d/f + 3 + 4