Se filtran los trofeos de Tales of Xillia

El juego llega esta semana a PlayStation 3.
Se filtran los trofeos de Tales of Xillia
Actualizado: 21:35 17/8/2020

A unos días de su lanzamiento en España nos llega la lista de trofeos de Tales of Xillia, el último juego de la saga Tales of... en llegar a nuestras tierras.


Aunque los trofeos ya eran conocidos por su versión nipona, ahora podéis encontrarlos en una lengua mucho más accesible, como es el inglés. Obviamente recomendamos no leer más allá del vídeo si no queréis estropearos las sorpresas que puedan guardar.

Tales of Xillia llega este viernes en exclusiva a PlayStation 3, y muy pronto podréis leer nuestro análisis aquí, en Vandal.

Lista de trofeos:

Enemy Sage – Bronze
Achieve a target number of entries in the Enemy Book. Awarded to Xillia’s truest enemy enthusiasts.

Item Fanatic – Bronze
Achieve a target number of entries in the Item Book. Awarded to Xillia’s most avid item collectors.

Sub-event Superhero – Silver
Complete a target number of sub-events. Awarded to Xillia’s most curious questers.

Obsessive Skit Viewer – Bronze
Unlock and view a target number of skits. Awarded to Xillia’s most dedicated couch potatoes.

Treasure Treasurer – Bronze
Find and open a target number of treasure chests. Awarded to Xillia’s finest treasure hunters.

Loot Lord – Bronze
Find and gather a target number of random treasures. Awarded to Xillia’s most precocious packrats.

Pirate King – Bronze
Discover a target number of Aifread’s treasures. Awarded to Xillia’s most adventurous outlaws.

Jet Black Buzzard – Bronze
Trade in a target number of Jet Black Feathers. Awarded to Xillia’s finest feather collectors.

Item Shop Magnate – Bronze
Upgrade the item shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued item shop customers.

Weapon Shop Magnate – Bronze
Upgrade the weapon shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued weapon shop customers.

Armor Shop Magnate – Bronze
Upgrade the armor shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued armor shop customers.

Accessory Shop Magnate – Bronze
Upgrade the accessory shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued accessory shop customers.

Food Vendor Magnate – Bronze
Upgrade the food vendor to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued food vendor customers.

Monster Exterminator – Bronze
Achieve a target number of enemy encounters. Awarded to those who live for combat.

Specialist in Rare Monsters – Bronze
Defeat a target number of rare monsters. Awarded to those with a knack for monster hunting.

Combo Artiste – Bronze
Perform a combo that exceeds a target number of hits. Awarded to those whose combo skills pay the bills.

Sadist – Bronze
Exploit an enemy’s weakness a target number of times. Awarded to those who know how to hit where it hurts.

Leader of Links – Bronze
Perform a target number of linked artes. Awarded to those who understand the value of teamwork.

Forger of Chains – Bronze
Perform a target number of linked arte chains. Awarded to those who strive for battle perfection.

Skilled Delegator – Bronze
Utilize Auto-Items a target number of times. Awarded to team leaders who know how to delegate.

Sous Chef – Bronze
Trigger a target number of food effects. Awarded to those with an affinity for fine cuisine.

Snap Pivot Adept – Bronze
Perform Jude’s Snap Pivot a set number of times. Awarded to those who’ve mastered Jude in battle.

Spirit Shift Adept – Bronze
Perform Milla’s Spirit Shift a set number of times. Awarded to those who’ve mastered Milla in battle.

Charge Adept – Bronze
Perform Alvin’s Charge a set number of times. Awarded to those who’ve mastered Alvin in battle.

Teepo Switching Adept – Bronze
Perform Elize’s Teepo Switching a set number of times. Awarded to those who’ve mastered Elize in battle.

Arte Tuning Adept – Bronze
Perform Rowen’s Arte Tuning a set number of times. Awarded to those who’ve mastered Rowen in battle.

Elongating Staff Adept – Bronze
Perform Leia’s Elongating Staff a set number of times. Awarded to those who’ve mastered Leia in battle.

Yeoman Healer – Bronze
Witness Jude’s Restore skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Jude.

Skilled Binder- Bronze
Witness Milla’s Bind skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Milla.

Deft Breaker – Bronze
Witness Alvin’s Breaker skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Alvin.

Soul Drainer – Bronze
Witness Elize’s Teepo Drain skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Elize.

Spirit Guardian – Bronze
Witness Rowen’s Auto Magic Guard skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Rowen.

Career Thief – Bronze
Witness Leia’s Item Steal skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Leia.

Black Belt - Silver
Learn a target number of Jude’s artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Jude in battle.

Lord of Spirits – Silver
Learn a target number of Milla’s artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Milla in battle.

Mercenary Legend – Silver
Learn a target number of Alvin’s artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Alvin in battle.

Graduate Channeler – Silver
Learn a target number of Elize’s artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Elize in battle.

Genius Tactician – Silver
Learn a target number of Rowen’s artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Rowen in battle.

Grandmaster-to-Be – Silver
Learn a target number of Leia’s artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Leia in battle.

Secret Trophies

Lord of Xillia – Platinum
The mark of complete Xillia mastery. Thanks for playing!

Scholar of Rieze Maxia – Silver
Complete Chapter 1 of Tales of Xillia. Nice work! We’re just getting started…

Traveler of Rieze Maxia – Silver
Complete Chapter 2 of Tales of Xillia. Well done! The adventure continues…

Exposer of Rieze Maxia – Silver
Complete Chapter 3 of Tales of Xillia. Great job! The climax is just ahead!

He Who Acts With Conviction – Gold
Complete Jude’s story. Congratulations on completing Tales of Xillia!

She Who Upholds Her Conviction – Gold
Complete Milla’s story. Congratulations on completing Tales of Xillia!

World’s Greatest Warrior – Gold
Defeat the Golden Mage Knight. Awarded to the world’s most formidable fighters!

Juan Rubio

Enlaces Relacionados:

Más sobre Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia es un videojuego de rol (RPG) desarrollado por Bandai Namco Studios y publicado por Bandai Namco Entertainment. Fue lanzado originalmente para la PlayStation 3 en 2011 en Japón, seguido de un lanzamiento internacional en 2013. Como parte de la aclamada serie Tales of, Tales of Xillia lleva a los jugadores a un viaje a través del mundo de Rieze Maxia, donde los seres humanos y espíritus coexisten.

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