186 juegos y versiones relacionadas.
Empresa japonesa que durante años estuvo centrada en el desarrollo de juegos para máquinas recreativas, especializada en títulos de lucha, y conocidos por su hardware Neo Geo. Cuenta con series tan famosas como Fatal Fury, The King of Fighters o el arcade de disparos Metal Slug. En 1989 lanzan su popular y potente placa arcade Neo Geo, que en 1990 convierten en consola, recordada por ser una de las más caras de la historia, así como sus juegos, que eran lo mismos en su versión doméstica y comercial. En 1994 lanzan una versión CD de Neo Geo, y en 1998 una consola portátil, Neo Geo Pocket. Tras el escaso éxito de sus últimos hardware y el auge de los gráficos poligonales, en 2001 cierran sus puertas, para en 2003 resurgir como SNK Playmore.
Juegos de SNK
Año | Nombre | Plat | Desarrollo |
2024 | Metal Slug: Awakening | Android iPhone PS5 PS4 PC | TiMi Studios |
2024 | ![]() |
PC | SNK |
2023 | The King of Fighters XIII: Global Match | PS4 Switch PC | SNK |
2022 | ![]() |
Switch PC | SNK |
2022 | Mega Man Battle & Fighters | Switch | Capcom |
2022 | ![]() |
Switch | SNK |
2022 | ![]() |
Switch | SNK |
2022 | The King of Fighters XV | PS4 XSX PS5 PC | SNK |
2022 | ![]() |
Switch | SNK |
2021 | Metal Slug 1st & 2nd Mission Double Pack | Switch | SNK |
2021 | NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 | Switch | SNK |
2021 | ![]() |
Switch PS4 | SNK |
2021 | SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium | Switch PC | SNK |
2020 | Fatal Fury First Contact | Switch | SNK |
2020 | Switch | SNK | |
2020 | Switch | SNK | |
2020 | Switch | SNK | |
2020 | Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection | PS4 PC Switch XBOne | Digital Eclipse |
2020 | Switch | SNK | |
2020 | PS4 Switch | SNK | |
2020 | Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2020 | PS4 Switch | SNK | |
2019 | Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2019 | The King of Fighters All-Star | Android iPhone | Netmarble |
2019 | PS4 Switch | SNK | |
2019 | Samurai Shodown | PS4 Switch XBOne PC XSX PS5 | SNK |
2019 | Switch | SNK | |
2019 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2019 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2019 | Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2019 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2019 | NeoGeo The King of Fighters 2003 | Switch XBOne | SNK |
2019 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2019 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2019 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2019 | Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2018 | Samurai Shodown: Oborozuki Densetsu | Android iPhone | Ledo |
2018 | NeoGeo The King of Fighters 2002 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK |
2018 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | NeoGeo Metal Slug 5 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | SNK 40th Anniversary Collection | Switch PS4 XBOne PC | SNK |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy | PS4 Switch PC | SNK |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch PC | SNK | |
2018 | Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | NeoGeo Metal Slug 4 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK |
2018 | Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2018 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | Metal Slug XX | PS4 | SNK |
2018 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | The King of Fighters '97 Global Match | PS4 PC PSVITA | SNK |
2018 | NeoGeo Samurai Shodown III | Switch PS4 XBOne | SNK |
2018 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2018 | NeoGeo Aero Fighters 3 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2018 | XBOne PS4 Switch | SNK | |
2018 | NeoGeo Magical Drop III | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2018 | Switch PS4 XBOne | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo Real Bout Fatal Fury Special | XBOne PS4 Switch | SNK |
2017 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2017 | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo World Heroes 2 Jet | XBOne PS4 Switch | SNK |
2017 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK | |
2017 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo Art of Fighting 3 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2017 | XBOne Switch PS4 | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo The King of Fighters '95 | Switch | SNK |
2017 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2017 | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo Metal Slug X | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Samurai Shodown II | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Spin Master | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | Samurai Shodown V Special | PS4 PSVITA Switch XBOne PC | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Blue's Journey | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Zed Blade | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo Fatal Fury 3 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK | |
2017 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK | |
2017 | NeoGeo The King of Fighters '96 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Super Sidekicks | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NEOGEO King of the Monsters | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Pulstar | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | Neo Geo Super Baseball 2020 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Fatal Fury 2 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Sengoku 2 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Magical Drop II | XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad | Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo The King of Fighters '99 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo World Heroes 2 | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo The Last Blade | XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | The King of Fighters '95 | PS4 WII PS3 XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Garou: Mark of the Wolves | Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Over Top | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Blazing Star | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Last Resort | PS4 Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Alpha Mission II | XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Art of Fighting | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Samurai Shodown IV | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2017 | Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Vol. 2 | PS4 | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Sengoku | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Metal Slug 3 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo World Heroes Perfect | Switch XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Shock Troopers | Switch PS4 XBOne | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Waku Waku 7 | Switch XBOne PS4 | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo The King of Fighters '98 | Switch PS4 XBOne | SNK |
2017 | Arcade Archives Neo Geo NAM-1975 | PS4 | SNK |
2017 | Neo Geo NAM-1975 | XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Metal Slug | Switch | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Neo Turf Masters | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | Neo Geo World Heroes | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2017 | Arcades Archives Neo-Geo Alpha Mission II | PS4 | SNK |
2017 | NeoGeo Fatal Fury | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2016 | NeoGeo Samurai Shodown | PS4 XBOne Switch | SNK |
2016 | Garou: Mark of the Wolves | PS4 X360 iPhone Android PSVITA PC | Code Mystics |
2016 | Metal Slug | PS4 WII iPhone Android PSP PC XBOne | SNK |
2016 | The King of Fighters '94 | PS4 WII PSP XBOne PC Switch | SNK |
2016 | Metal Slug Anthology | PS4 PSP WII PS2 | SNK |
2016 | Neo Turf Masters | Android WII iPhone | SNK |
2015 | Metal Slug 3 | PS4 PS2 XBOX X360 WII iPhone PC PS3 PSVITA | SNK |
2013 | NAM-1975 CV | WII | SNK |
2013 | The King of Fighters 99 CV | WII | SNK |
2013 | The Path of the Warrior Art of Fighting 3 CV | WII | SNK |
2013 | The King of Fighters '98 CV | WII | SNK |
2012 | P.O.W. - Prisoners Of War PSN | PS3 | SNK |
2011 | Baseball Stars 2 PSN | PS3 | SNK |
2011 | Fatal Fury PSN | PSP | SNK |
2011 | Alpha Mission II PSN | PSP | SNK |
2011 | Art of Fighting PSN | PSP | SNK |
2011 | Baseball Stars Professional PSN | PSP | SNK |
2011 | League Bowling PSN | PSP | SNK |
2011 | Super Sidekicks PSN | PSP | SNK |
2010 | KOF Sky Stage | X360 | SNK Playmore |
2010 | NeoGeo Ultimate Shooting Heroes | PSP | SNK Playmore |
2010 | The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match XBLA | X360 | SNK Playmore |
2010 | Neo Geo Battle Colisseum XBLA | X360 | SNK Playmore |
2010 | Samurai Shodown III CV | WII | SNK |
2010 | Fatal Fury 3: Road to Final Victory CV | WII | SNK |
2010 | IronClad CV | WII | SNK |
2010 | Magical Drop III CV | WII | SNK |
2008 | Metal Slug 7 | NDS X360 | SNK Playmore |
2008 | World Heroes Anthology | PS2 | SNK Playmore |
2008 | Art of Fighting 2 CV | WII | SNK |
2008 | Ninja Commando CV | WII | SNK |
2008 | Ninja Combat CV | WII | SNK |
2008 | Fatal Fury 2 CV | WII | SNK |
2008 | Samurai Shodown CV | WII PSP | SNK |
2008 | Burning Fight CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | Top Hunter CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | Baseball Stars II CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | Blue's Journey CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | Magician Lord CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | World Heroes CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | Fatal Fury CV | WII | SNK |
2007 | King of Fighters XI | PS2 | SNK |
2006 | Neo Geo Battle Coliseum | PS2 | SNK |
2004 | Samurai Shodown Zero | PS2 | SNK |
2003 | Metal Slug X | PSX PC | SNK |
2002 | Shadow Hearts | PS2 | Sacnoth |
2001 | Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai | DC | SNK |
2001 | Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves | DC | SNK |
2001 | The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood | GBA | Marvelous Entertainment |
2000 | King of Fighters '99: Evolution | DC | SNK |
2000 | Koudelka | PSX | Sacnoth |
1999 | King of Fighters Dream Match '99 | DC | SNK |