
Logros de The Lost Crown: A Ghost-hunting Adventure para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para The Lost Crown: A Ghost-hunting Adventure en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de The Lost Crown: A Ghost-hunting Adventure para PC
Chatter Box
Chatter Box
Fully talk with Nanny Noah on Saxton Shore.
18.3 %
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Successfully call up the ghost in the Mirror.
00 %
We Three Kings
We Three Kings
Successfully photograph the statue of the three Saxon Kings.
00 %
Win 1st place in the Saxton Snappers photography competition.
00 %
Spirit Voices
Spirit Voices
Collected all EVP?s in the game.
00 %
Phantom Photomaster
Phantom Photomaster
Capture all possible Ghost Photos in the game.
00 %
Name Dropper
Name Dropper
Name all the figures seen in Ganwulfs tomb.
00 %
Detect over 20 paranormal events in Harbour Cottage on the Environmeter.
00 %
To The Future
To The Future
Complete the Game.
00 %
A Warning to the Curious
A Warning to the Curious
Listen to All of Hardachre?s dire warnings.
00 %
Cat Snapper
Cat Snapper
Photograph Mr Tibbs at Ulcombe.
00 %
Holistic Detective
Holistic Detective
Study the documents and photos stolen from Hadden.
00 %
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home
Find new accommodation in Saxton.
00 %
Spy Glass
Spy Glass
Use the Telescope on May Day to see All views from the Little Lighthouse.
00 %
Intrinsic Isolation
Intrinsic Isolation
Call out to sea more than once in the Fens.
00 %
Undying Undercurrents
Undying Undercurrents
Fix the warning sign near the Fenland Eye.
00 %
Look in the Harbour Cottage mirror 5 times on Day 1
00 %
Lobster Potty
Lobster Potty
Visit the lobster in The Bear.
00 %
Good Listener
Good Listener
Listen to the story on the Harbour Cottage telephone every day or night.
00 %
Vanquish the train tracks ghosts on the first attempt.
00 %
Grave Dweller
Grave Dweller
Defeat the Darkness on the first attempt at Northfield.
00 %
My Porcine Friend
My Porcine Friend
Feed Cairan the pig over 20 times.
00 %
Thoroughly explore the Saxton Museum.
00 %
Film Buff
Film Buff
Watch the films in Saxton Museum in their entirety.
00 %
Read the books in Saxton Museum?s Library and Celtic Corner.
00 %
True Detective
True Detective
Study all of the photographs on the wall in the Nightmare Room.
00 %
Hedge Wych
Hedge Wych
Pick all available plants and flowers in the country lane.
00 %
Cat Watcher
Cat Watcher
Provide Cat Watch with the names of 6 Saxton citizens.
00 %
Saxton Sherlock
Saxton Sherlock
Successfully identify the Saxton Skelton.
00 %
That?s the way to do it
That?s the way to do it
Keep watching the Punch and Judy show on Saxton Shore.
00 %
Retro Horror
Retro Horror
Travel on the Ghost Train 5 times.
00 %
Lucky Dipper
Lucky Dipper
See all items in the Lucky Dip.
00 %
Photograph the rare Natterjack Toad.
00 %
Bird Watcher
Bird Watcher
Successfully photograph the Heron in Saxon Fens.
00 %
Género/s: Aventura / Supervivencia

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

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