Logros de TEVI para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para TEVI en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de TEVI para PC
Humble Beginnings
Humble Beginnings
Begin the game
3100 %
Gearing Up
Gearing Up
Complete Chapter 0
266.6 %
Bunny don't have 9 lives
Bunny don't have 9 lives
Get KO'd 9 times
266.6 %
Max Power
Max Power
Attain MAX RANK for the first time
266.6 %
Potion Collector I
Potion Collector I
Obtain 10 bunny potions
266.6 %
Sigil Collector I
Sigil Collector I
Obtain 30 sigils
266.6 %
In the Bag
In the Bag
Expand bag once
266.6 %
Passionate Rose
Passionate Rose
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
266.6 %
Uniform Scrap
Uniform Scrap
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
266.6 %
Broken Drill
Broken Drill
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
266.6 %
Cat-eared Bomb
Cat-eared Bomb
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
266.6 %
Lucky Conversion
Lucky Conversion
Obtain a rare shard via materials conversion
266.6 %
The Adventure Begins
The Adventure Begins
Complete Chapter 1
266.6 %
Rigorous Research
Rigorous Research
Upgrade any piece of equipment to level 3
266.6 %
Initiate crafting of consumables or sigils 5 times
266.6 %
Jar of Applemiel
Jar of Applemiel
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
266.6 %
Obtain 50,000 zennies
133.3 %
Bake 'em away
Bake 'em away
Initiate crafting of consumables or sigils 50 times
133.3 %
133.3 %
Your Civic Duty
Your Civic Duty
133.3 %
There All Along
There All Along
133.3 %
Hooky Played
Hooky Played
133.3 %
Gossip Gal
Gossip Gal
133.3 %
Vae Victis
Vae Victis
Defeat 1000 enemies
133.3 %
One Bunch!
One Bunch!
Deal 250 damage in one hit (excludes damage dealt by consumables)
133.3 %
Show Me the Zennies
Show Me the Zennies
Obtain 150,000 zennies
133.3 %
Cutting Edge
Cutting Edge
Complete research of all modular chips to unlock all orbitar shot types B and C, core expansion U and D, and soul burst
133.3 %
Potion Collector II
Potion Collector II
Obtain 50 bunny potions
133.3 %
A Smashing Victory
A Smashing Victory
133.3 %
Get KO'd by a bunny
133.3 %
Sigil Collector II
Sigil Collector II
Obtain 80 sigils
133.3 %
A Smashing Opportunity
A Smashing Opportunity
133.3 %
Squeak By
Squeak By
Defeat a boss while having less than 5% HP remaining
133.3 %
Top Client
Top Client
Purchase all the items from the store in any town or city
133.3 %
Over the Rainbow
Over the Rainbow
Complete crafting attempts for the Whimsical Waffle of Wonder
133.3 %
Avid Adventurer
Avid Adventurer
Explore 100% of any area on the map
133.3 %
Chef's Bliss
Chef's Bliss
Use healing consumables 25 times
133.3 %
Charting the Unknown
Charting the Unknown
Explore 50% of the map of Az
133.3 %
Come a Long Way
Come a Long Way
Defeat a unicorn for the first time in the Evernight Garden
133.3 %
Inventive Insight
Inventive Insight
Complete Chapter 2
133.3 %
Melody and Malady
Melody and Malady
Complete Chapter 3
133.3 %
Light to Shadow
Light to Shadow
Complete Chapter 4
133.3 %
Through the Storm
Through the Storm
Complete Chapter 5
133.3 %
Complete Chapter 6
133.3 %
Mounting Peril
Mounting Peril
Complete Chapter 7
133.3 %
Complete all chapters
133.3 %
Vial of Viscera
Vial of Viscera
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Old Crescent Blade
Old Crescent Blade
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Painted Shell
Painted Shell
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Gardening Shears
Gardening Shears
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Lost Badge
Lost Badge
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Cold Sword
Cold Sword
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Tattered Bandage
Tattered Bandage
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Dark Stone Fragment
Dark Stone Fragment
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Giant Frying Pan
Giant Frying Pan
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Flaming Skull
Flaming Skull
133.3 %
Spear of Light
Spear of Light
133.3 %
Shining Lasso
Shining Lasso
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Mechanized Glove
Mechanized Glove
Defeat the corresponding boss for the first time
133.3 %
Mirrored Spanner
Mirrored Spanner
133.3 %
Thaumaturgic Staff
Thaumaturgic Staff
133.3 %
Bloodsoaked Collar
Bloodsoaked Collar
133.3 %
Scarlet Dagger
Scarlet Dagger
133.3 %
Echoing Void
Echoing Void
133.3 %
Waxing Whimsical
Waxing Whimsical
00 %
Hush Bunny
Hush Bunny
Receive Rulan's "gift"
00 %
Frosted Overdose
Frosted Overdose
00 %
Fun Bun Done Bun
Fun Bun Done Bun
Learn Memine's ultimate fate
00 %
Ms. Kitty cannot airdash
Ms. Kitty cannot airdash
Defeat Vena after having obtained air dash, but not high jump, double jump, or slide
00 %
Use Vena's wind-up bunny to defeat a boss
00 %
Do Step on Me
Do Step on Me
00 %
A Smashing Triumph!
A Smashing Triumph!
00 %
Change of Scenery
Change of Scenery
Get knocked through a map transition at high speed
00 %
Final Countdown
Final Countdown
00 %
Another Shot
Another Shot
Successfully trigger Déjà Vu's rewind effect
00 %
My Journey
My Journey
Unlock all of the notebook entries and read at least one of the entries
00 %
A Rabi Dream
A Rabi Dream
00 %
Potion Collector III
Potion Collector III
Obtain 125 bunny potions
00 %
Le Grillmaster
Le Grillmaster
00 %
Complete the game in Free Roam (Custom Game) mode
00 %
Chaotic Mischief
Chaotic Mischief
Complete the game in Random Sigils (Custom Game) mode
00 %
One Trick Bunny
One Trick Bunny
00 %
Pack Light
Pack Light
00 %
Unassailable Virtue
Unassailable Virtue
00 %
00 %
Tis but a scratch
Tis but a scratch
00 %
Chiliad Combo
Chiliad Combo
Attain a combo count of 1000 for the first time
00 %
Crushing Combo
Crushing Combo
Deal a total of 15,000 damage before combo ends
00 %
Five Stars
Five Stars
Successfully execute quintuple flash
00 %
Challenger of Fate
Challenger of Fate
Find and complete all missions from the Mysterious Traveller
00 %
Potion Collector IV
Potion Collector IV
00 %
Sigil Collector III
Sigil Collector III
Obtain 160 sigils
00 %
Sigil Collector IV
Sigil Collector IV
00 %
All Decked Out
All Decked Out
Collect all items in the right inventory slot (which excludes potions, bag expanders, and sigils)
00 %
Rising Sun
Rising Sun
00 %
Expert Explorer
Expert Explorer
Explore 100% of the map of Az
00 %
Fully Enhanced
Fully Enhanced
Upgrade all equipment to level 3
00 %
Fat Pockets
Fat Pockets
Obtain 300,000 zennies
00 %
Waffle Wizard
Waffle Wizard
Purchase all the items from Morose Wafflehouse (Chapter 6 and later)
00 %
Bomber Baron
Bomber Baron
Purchase all the items from Vena's shop (Chapter 7 and later)
00 %
PC Switch PS4
PS5 Xbox Series X/S Xbox One

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 29/11/2023
  • Desarrollo: CreSpirit / Ein Lee / GemaYue
  • Producción: CreSpirit / Neverland Entertainment
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 28.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

TEVI para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Switch


TEVI para Nintendo Switch

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Ficha técnica de la versión PS4

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 27/5/2024
  • Desarrollo: GemaYue / CreSpirit
  • Producción: PM Studios
  • Distribución: PS Store
  • Precio: 34.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

TEVI para PlayStation 4

Sin votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión PS5

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/5/2024
  • Desarrollo: GemaYue / CreSpirit
  • Producción: PM Studios
  • Distribución: PS Store
  • Precio: 34.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

TEVI para PlayStation 5

Sin votos
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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox Series X/S

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 18/6/2024
  • Desarrollo: PM Studios / Inc.
  • Producción: PM Studios / Inc.
  • Distribución: Microsoft Store
  • Precio: 34.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

TEVI para Xbox Series X/S

Sin votos
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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 18/6/2024
  • Desarrollo: PM Studios / Inc.
  • Producción: PM Studios / Inc.
  • Distribución: Microsoft Store
  • Precio: 34.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

TEVI para Xbox One

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