Logros de Tetrobot and Co. para PC - Listado completo
Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Tetrobot and Co. en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Tetrobot and Co. para PC
Logro | Usuarios | Frecuencia | |
Three of a kind Collect 3 Memory blocks in a level and merge them into a Memory bar | 4 | 26.6 % | |
Where's the lock? Collect your very first Key | 3 | 20 % | |
Mr Resetti's nightmare Push the Rewind button more than 25 times in a level (at your own risks) | 3 | 20 % | |
Do-it-yourselfer Repair Tetrobot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 2 | 13.3 % | |
Psychobot?s fanclub Join the Tetrobot and Co. Steam group | 2 | 13.3 % | |
That?s all folks! Watch the credits until the end | 2 | 13.3 % | |
Pretty grain of sand Complete level 4-2 with 3 Memory blocks and 1 Sand block in your inventory | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Sniper Kill Big Mamarina with Psychobot. | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Pacificator Complete level 5-3 with 3 Memory blocks without killing any slime | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Look Ma, no hands! Complete level 6-3 with 3 Memory blocks without using the Rewind button | 1 | 6.6 % | |
No Touching Complete level 5-4 with 3 Memory blocks without killing the slime in the last room | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Iron Bot Complete level 4-1 with 3 Memory blocks and 6 Iron blocks in your inventory | 1 | 6.6 % | |
The World is Stone Complete level 3-3 with 3 Memory blocks and 2 Stone blocks in your inventory | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Lost in the woods Complete level 1-4 with 3 Memory blocks and 2 Wood blocks in your inventory | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Wood Bot Complete level 1-2 with 3 Memory blocks and 6 Wood blocks in your inventory | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Musicologist Unlock all soundtracks in the notebook | 1 | 6.6 % | |
You Monster Repair Spacebot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Wind Waker Repair Steambot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Minesweeper Repair Turbot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Prestidigitator Repair Powerbot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Enlightener Repair Lumibot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Confectioner Repair Puddinbot (by collecting all Memory Blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Divemaster Repair Watabot (by collecting all Memory blocks) | 1 | 6.6 % | |
You've got mail! Complete the game with 100% | 1 | 6.6 % | |
All for one Merge all Memory blocks into Memory bars | 1 | 6.6 % | |
One for all Collect all Memory blocks in the main robots | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Blocks That Matter, 15 years after Unlock all the highlights of Maya?s early career | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Faceblox addict Unlock all Faceblox pages created by the most social blocks | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Bunch of keys Collect all Keys | 1 | 6.6 % | |
Sleeping beauty Wake Big Mama up before you go-go! | 1 | 6.6 % |