
Logros de Meridian: New World para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Meridian: New World en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Meridian: New World para PC
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
Meet the enemy in the first mission.
314.2 %
Hero in town
Hero in town
Do not lose any turrets in the first mission until the final battle.
14.7 %
You shouldn't have seen that!
You shouldn't have seen that!
Read Jenny's first personal log entry.
14.7 %
Flawless Victory
Flawless Victory
Do not lose a single unit in a skirmish match.
00 %
Elevator Music
Elevator Music
Visit Cole after the fifth mission.
00 %
Early Game Master
Early Game Master
Own at least five Chimeras with Charger Cannons in the first 10 minutes of a skirmish match.
00 %
Heavily armed
Heavily armed
Own a Heavy Fighter equipped with Railguns.
00 %
Economy Master
Economy Master
Collect at least 1200 Shardium in the first 10 minutes of a skirmish match.
00 %
Have at least two Shardium Mines in the first 10 minutes of a skirmish match.
00 %
Show 'em who's boss!
Show 'em who's boss!
Own a fully charged Vanguard
00 %
I got what it takes
I got what it takes
Produce a Vanguard
00 %
Conflict solver
Conflict solver
Beat a hard AI on 'Conflict'.
00 %
There's nothing you can't do
There's nothing you can't do
Reach commander level 30.
00 %
Mass Producer
Mass Producer
Produce at least 50 units in a single skirmish match.
00 %
Produce at least 25 units in a single skirmish match.
00 %
You took your time
You took your time
Play a skirmish match for over one hour.
00 %
I can do both!
I can do both!
Own a Landing Pad and a Heavy Factory by the end of a skirmish match.
00 %
It's all mine!
It's all mine!
Own a total of three Shardium Mines by the end of the seventh mission.
00 %
Do not lose more than 20 units in the seventh mission.
00 %
You REALLY shouldn't have seen that!
You REALLY shouldn't have seen that!
Read Jenny's personal log entry after the fifth mission.
00 %
There can be only one
There can be only one
Reach commander level 45.
00 %
Wind Fast
Wind Fast
Finish mission 11 in less than an hour.
00 %
Can't sit still...
Can't sit still...
Expand to a new location.
00 %
Almost there!
Almost there!
Reach commander level 40.
00 %
You're on Meridian
You're on Meridian
Beat a hard AI on 'New World'.
00 %
Beat a hard AI on 'Blockade'.
00 %
She's here to stay
She's here to stay
Gain Jenny's loyalty and keep her alive until the end of the game.
00 %
Simulation Completionist
Simulation Completionist
Accomplish all simulation missions.
00 %
Loyalty Master
Loyalty Master
Gain 12/11 crew loyalty.
00 %
Master Tactician
Master Tactician
Do not lose a single unit on board the Magellan.
00 %
We made this happen
We made this happen
Watch the entire credits video.
00 %
Outpost Preparations
Outpost Preparations
Own nine Heavy Fighters during mission 11.
00 %
Outpost Food Supply
Outpost Food Supply
Use 30/30 food during mission 11.
00 %
Outpost Economy
Outpost Economy
Construct both a Heavy Factory and a Landing Pad during mission 11.
00 %
Run Forrest, Run!
Run Forrest, Run!
Finish the tenth mission in less than 20 minutes.
00 %
Rescue the Heavy Chimeras during the Escape mission.
00 %
True Survivors
True Survivors
Do not lose a single Trooper until the final battle in the Complex.
00 %
An Ally
An Ally
Rescue Catherine Morgan from the Complex.
00 %
Complex problems
Complex problems
Enter the Complex.
00 %
Shardium Collector
Shardium Collector
Mine 20 000 Shardium in a skirmish match.
00 %
That's not gonna fly
That's not gonna fly
Choose to take out the Landing Pads at the beginning of the third mission.
00 %
You asked for it!
You asked for it!
Choose to take out the Turret Centers at the beginning of the third mission.
00 %
Scout rush
Scout rush
Accomplish the first Scout simulation in less than 35 seconds.
00 %
Chimera rush
Chimera rush
Accomplish the second Chimera simulation in less than 1:20.
00 %
There's still a lot to improve
There's still a lot to improve
Reach commander level 10.
00 %
There's a brand New World
There's a brand New World
Reach commander level 5.
00 %
Win a skirmish match by not losing more than 10 units.
00 %
Shardium Hoarder
Shardium Hoarder
Mine 30 000 Shardium in a skirmish match.
00 %
You and what army?
You and what army?
Choose to take out the Light Factories at the beginning of the third mission.
00 %
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
Destroy all enemies before taking out the last Power Plant in the second mission.
00 %
Do not lose a single unit in the initial raid of the second mission.
00 %
Do not lose a single trooper in the first trooper simulation.
00 %
That was fast!
That was fast!
Finish the first mission in less than 15 minutes.
00 %
Rush hour
Rush hour
Beat a hard AI on any 1v1 skirmish map in less than 10 minutes.
00 %
En garde
En garde
Beat a hard AI on 'Frozen Duel'.
00 %
Beat a hard AI on 'Forests'.
00 %
Produce a Scout with healing.
00 %
Complete all mission objectives in the fifth mission.
00 %
Chimera Saver
Chimera Saver
Do not lose a single Chimera in the third Chimera simulation.
00 %
Maxed out
Maxed out
Get 60/60 food in a skirmish match.
00 %
All your base are belong to us!
All your base are belong to us!
Expand to three locations in a skirmish match.
00 %
There's something nice here
There's something nice here
Reach commander level 20.
00 %
Ice breaker
Ice breaker
Beat a hard AI on 'Breeze'.
00 %
Scout Protector
Scout Protector
Do not lose a single Scout in the second Scout simulation.
00 %
Patron of Sciences
Patron of Sciences
Research all available tech in the fifth mission.
00 %
Do not lose more than 5 Fighters in the fifth mission.
00 %
7200 RPM
7200 RPM
Capture all Storages and defend them in 30 minutes in the sixth mission.
00 %
Saved the day!
Saved the day!
Do not lose more than 10 units during the fourth mission.
00 %
Confinement Broken
Confinement Broken
Build two new Shardium Mines during the fourth mission.
00 %
Labyrinth Cleaner
Labyrinth Cleaner
Kill all enemy units in the Labyrinth.
00 %
Beat a hard AI on 'Battlefield'.
00 %
Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle
Beat a hard AI on 'Desert Warfare'.
00 %
Destroy the enemy base at the end of the third mission.
00 %
That's the way to do it!
That's the way to do it!
Finish the Turret Defense with 8 Turrets.
00 %
So far, so good
So far, so good
Reach wave 15 in the Turret Defense with 6 Turrets.
00 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 4/4/2014
  • Desarrollo: Elder Games
  • Producción: Merge Games / Headup Games
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 14,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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