Logros de Slay the Princess para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Slay the Princess en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Slay the Princess para PC
A Dominant Vessel
A Dominant Vessel
350 %
An Unwound Vessel
An Unwound Vessel
350 %
Playing it safe
Playing it safe
Leave a suspicious character in the basement
350 %
A Seething Vessel
A Seething Vessel
350 %
An Endless Vessel
An Endless Vessel
350 %
A Fierce Vessel
A Fierce Vessel
350 %
Slay your better
350 %
A Guarded Vessel
A Guarded Vessel
350 %
Your Obedient Servant
Your Obedient Servant
Pledge your loyalty to your better.
350 %
A Sharp Vessel
A Sharp Vessel
350 %
A Beating Vessel
A Beating Vessel
350 %
An Evanescent Vessel
An Evanescent Vessel
350 %
A Spiral Vessel
A Spiral Vessel
350 %
The Real Slay the Princess Starts Here
The Real Slay the Princess Starts Here
You'll know it when you see it.
350 %
The Illusion of Choice
The Illusion of Choice
When everything is possible, nothing is.
350 %
There are worse fates to suffer than a broken heart
350 %
Pick up a passenger and take her to her destination
350 %
A Scattered Vessel
A Scattered Vessel
350 %
Be formless, shapeless
Be formless, shapeless
Allow a sharp foe to vanquish herself
350 %
Water and Steel
Water and Steel
Master yourself and vanquish a sharp foe.
350 %
That shouldn't have worked
That shouldn't have worked
Take the bait from your foe
350 %
Prison of the Mind
Prison of the Mind
Become your own jailer
350 %
That which cannot die cannot die
That which cannot die cannot die
350 %
A Monolith of Fear
A Monolith of Fear
See what hides behind her mask
350 %
A World of Terror
A World of Terror
Let your terrors loose upon the world
350 %
Through Conflict
Through Conflict
We Carve Meaning
350 %
The Good Ending
The Good Ending
You did it! You saved everyone!
350 %
Return to your destined path, or face the consequences
350 %
Our Song
Our Song
Finish the Game. (The Good Ending doesn't count)
350 %
I Don't Need Answers
I Don't Need Answers
350 %
Death of the Author
Death of the Author
350 %
The Exorcist III
The Exorcist III
When taken against your will, deal with your enemy the only way you can.
350 %
I Never Left Your Side
I Never Left Your Side
350 %
A Glimpse of Something Bigger
A Glimpse of Something Bigger
Embrace your transformation
350 %
There are no endings
There are no endings
350 %
And? What happens next?
And? What happens next?
350 %
The Body
The Body
350 %
The Bloat
The Bloat
350 %
The Decay
The Decay
350 %
The Remains
The Remains
350 %
The Long Quiet
The Long Quiet
350 %
True Love's Kiss
True Love's Kiss
Kiss her
233.3 %
No Exit
No Exit
Stuck in a dream without a stair to be seen
233.3 %
Burning down the house
Burning down the house
Burn at the hands of a faded spirit
233.3 %
Terminal Velocity
Terminal Velocity
Fall for the rest of your life
233.3 %
Coldly Rational
Coldly Rational
Dispatch a prisoner
233.3 %
And they lived happily ever after
And they lived happily ever after
It's all she wanted
233.3 %
Talking Heads
Talking Heads
233.3 %
Restless Thoughts
Restless Thoughts
Have a voice ruin your happy ending
233.3 %
Slay an innocent
233.3 %
And all this longing...
And all this longing...
Drown at the hands of a faded spirit.
233.3 %
Turning Over a New Leaf
Turning Over a New Leaf
Work through some issues and learn to trust again.
233.3 %
The Exorcist
The Exorcist
Take on a spirit and destroy it the only way you can.
233.3 %
Abandon her in a thorny prison
233.3 %
Trust Issues
Trust Issues
Share a thorny prison
233.3 %
The Passenger
The Passenger
When taken against your will, witness your enemy's freedom
233.3 %
The Wound
The Wound
Some tears can never be mended
233.3 %
The End of Something
The End of Something
Witness your better's ascension
233.3 %
The Scorpion
The Scorpion
It was in your nature
233.3 %
The Frog
The Frog
It was in her nature
233.3 %
Knives Out and Masks Off
Knives Out and Masks Off
Directly attack a suspicious character
233.3 %
Past Life Gambit
Past Life Gambit
Hand your power to a suspicious character.
233.3 %
A new and unending dawn
A new and unending dawn
233.3 %
A Terrifying Vessel
A Terrifying Vessel
233.3 %
An Idealized Vessel
An Idealized Vessel
233.3 %
A Loving Vessel
A Loving Vessel
233.3 %
A Feral Vessel
A Feral Vessel
233.3 %
A Wounded Vessel
A Wounded Vessel
233.3 %
A Burning Vessel
A Burning Vessel
233.3 %
A Mournful Vessel
A Mournful Vessel
233.3 %
A new and unending dawn, and everyone hates you
A new and unending dawn, and everyone hates you
Slay the Princess, and make some enemies along the way
233.3 %
A Gratuitous Vessel
A Gratuitous Vessel
233.3 %
Just as you once were nothing
Just as you once were nothing
So have you become nothing once again
233.3 %
This is it
233.3 %
You don't know what you're doing
233.3 %
What can I do to make you stop?
233.3 %
Why have you come back?!
233.3 %
You're on a path in the woods...
You're on a path in the woods...
And at the end of that path is a cabin
233.3 %
Past the Point of No Return
Past the Point of No Return
There's no going back now
233.3 %
Strange Beginnings
Strange Beginnings
Beget Strange Endings
233.3 %
The blind leading the blind
The blind leading the blind
Free someone who doesn't want to be freed
233.3 %
You can't keep this up forever
You can't keep this up forever
Dodge a creature until you can dodge no longer
233.3 %
Freeze in front of a creature on your first meeting
233.3 %
Successfully flee from a creature in its den
233.3 %
Successfully take the fight to a creature in its den
233.3 %
Fool a predator by faking your own death
233.3 %
Dissolving Will
Dissolving Will
Free a creature while under extreme duress
233.3 %
Strike the heart from the belly of the beast
233.3 %
A wide open field
A wide open field
Lure an enemy to advantageous terrain and win
233.3 %
Romantic Haze
Romantic Haze
Your love will set you free
233.3 %
Strike me down...
Strike me down...
Unleash the power of pacifism on your foe
233.3 %
I didn't hear no bell
I didn't hear no bell
Fight your foe unarmed and go the distance
233.3 %
A Thorny Vessel
A Thorny Vessel
233.3 %
A Wordless Vessel
A Wordless Vessel
233.3 %
A Godly Vessel
A Godly Vessel
233.3 %
A Tunneling Vessel
A Tunneling Vessel
233.3 %
An Untrusting Vessel
An Untrusting Vessel
233.3 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 23/10/2023
  • Desarrollo: Black Tabby Games
  • Producción: Black Tabby Games
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 17,49 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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