
Logros de Power & Revolution para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Power & Revolution en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Power & Revolution para PC
Summit Meeting
Summit Meeting
As Chief of State, make an appointment to meet with another leader.
1100 %
Economic Partnership
Economic Partnership
Sign an economic contract with another country.
1100 %
Pass a law.
1100 %
Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
Dismiss the current government and form a new one.
00 %
As Chief of State, outlaw a political party.
00 %
Very Expeditious
Very Expeditious
As Chief of State, outlaw three or more political parties in one game.
00 %
Charge !
Charge !
Put down a riot as Chief of State.
00 %
420 Friendly
420 Friendly
Legalize the consumption of cannabis.
00 %
Work Less to Gain Just as Much
Work Less to Gain Just as Much
Work 32 hours a week.
00 %
State Bailout
State Bailout
Pass the VAT at 25%.
00 %
Long Live the EU !
Long Live the EU !
Join the European Union.
00 %
Purchasing Power
Purchasing Power
Abolish the VAT.
00 %
Marriage For All
Marriage For All
Legalize homosexual marriage.
00 %
Not in My House
Not in My House
Forbid homosexual marriage.
00 %
Tutorial Tutor
Tutorial Tutor
Finish the tutorial.
00 %
Double Digit Growth
Double Digit Growth
Increase your country's economic growth to over 10% more than at the beginning of your administration.
00 %
Reach Level 2.
00 %
Reach Level 3.
00 %
The Manhattan Project
The Manhattan Project
Discover the atomic bomb.
00 %
Donor Campaign
Donor Campaign
Begin a fundraising campaign for your political party.
00 %
Return on Investment
Return on Investment
Begin a fundraising campaign for your political party and receive double the money invested.
00 %
Master Strategist
Master Strategist
Win three military city battles.
00 %
Yes We Can!
Yes We Can!
Win an election.
00 %
Communications Plan
Communications Plan
Broadcast a movement.
00 %
Acing the Quiz
Acing the Quiz
Answer 100% of the quiz questions correctly.
00 %
Customize a character.
00 %
Vive la Révolution!
Vive la Révolution!
Conquer your country by force as the opposition.
00 %
Assassinate the Chief of State of your country.
00 %
The Grass is Always Greener
The Grass is Always Greener
Conquer a country other than yours by force as the opposition
00 %
Gain normalization for your terrorist group without taking power.
00 %
First Strike
First Strike
Conquer your first city as a terrorist group without having already acquired territory.
00 %
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
As a terrorist group, expand your network with a new contact.
00 %
Social Network
Social Network
As a terrorist group, expand your network with five new contacts in one game.
00 %
New Recruits
New Recruits
Recruit 1000 combatants for your terrorist group in one recruitment campaign.
00 %
Mass Recruitment
Mass Recruitment
Recruit 10,000 combatants for your terrorist group in one recruitment campaign.
00 %
Procure helicopters through your terrorist organization's network.
00 %
Gain independence for your region as the opposition.
00 %
L'Etat, C'est Moi !
L'Etat, C'est Moi !
Become the new Chief of State after having been in the opposition.
00 %
Take your political party underground.
00 %
Dissolve Parliament.
00 %
Minister on the Run
Minister on the Run
As the political opponent, secure the resignation of a minister
00 %
Minister Exodus
Minister Exodus
As the political opponent, secure the resignation of five ministers in one game.
00 %
As the political opponent, instigate three protest movements in less than two months.
00 %
As the political opponent, instigate a protest movement.
00 %
The Bank is Closed
The Bank is Closed
Destroy the city bank during a riot.
00 %
What's the Police Going to Do ?
What's the Police Going to Do ?
Destroy the city police headquarters during a riot.
00 %
Military Coup
Military Coup
As the political opponent, overthrow the Chief of State with a military coup d'état
00 %
Annex five countries.
00 %
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Annex China to the United States or vice-versa.
00 %
Annex a country.
00 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 19/4/2016
  • Desarrollo: Eversim
  • Producción: Eversim
  • Distribución: Web
  • Precio: 49,95 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: No
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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