Logros de Pizza Tower para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Pizza Tower en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Pizza Tower para PC
John Gutted
John Gutted
Destroy all the dead john blocks in John Gutter.
1875 %
Make more than forty one sets of cheese platforms crumble in Ancient Cheese.
937.5 %
Destroy nearly every beer bottle in Fastfood Saloon.
625 %
Royal Flush
Royal Flush
Touch every single card in Fastfood Saloon.
625 %
Alive and Well
Alive and Well
Surf every corpse in Wasteyard.
520.8 %
Avoid getting touched by the John Ghost in Wasteyard.
520.8 %
Thrill Seeker
Thrill Seeker
Finish Ancient Cheese without getting hurt by an explosion.
520.8 %
Kill a rat using a bomb dropped by an enemy in Ancient Cheese.
520.8 %
Unnecessary Violence
Unnecessary Violence
Kill all of the clerk sausages in the pizzamarts.
520.8 %
Peppino's Rain Dance
Peppino's Rain Dance
Reactivate a totem by dancing with the mach dash in Oregano Desert.
520.8 %
Primo Golfer
Primo Golfer
Get the highest rank in the courses of Golf.
416.6 %
Good Egg
Good Egg
Complete Fun Farm while avoiding getting hurt with Mort on you.
416.6 %
Bee Nice
Bee Nice
Stand next to a bee and taunt in Gnome Forest.
416.6 %
Let's Make This Quick
Let's Make This Quick
Finish John Gutter in under two minutes.
416.6 %
Nice Shot
Nice Shot
Kill three or more enemies in a single stroke in Golf.
416.6 %
P Ranked #1
P Ranked #1
416.6 %
S Ranked #1
S Ranked #1
Get all S Ranks in World 1.
416.6 %
Cross To Bare
Cross To Bare
Kill thirty ghosts in Pizzascare.
416.6 %
The Ugly
The Ugly
416.6 %
The Critic
The Critic
416.6 %
No One Is Safe
No One Is Safe
Kill three unreachable enemies at once with the supertaunt in Fun Farm.
416.6 %
Kill another enemy while in the ball form in Pizzascape.
416.6 %
Eruption Man
Eruption Man
During escape, go up with the superjump for more than two seconds in Bloodsauce Dungeon.
416.6 %
Pretend Ghost
Pretend Ghost
Kill 20 or more enemies as a ghost in Wasteyard.
416.6 %
Cube Menace
Cube Menace
Find and destroy the Mort Cube.
416.6 %
P Ranked #2
P Ranked #2
312.5 %
And This... Is My Gun On A Stick!
And This... Is My Gun On A Stick!
Kill every chasing monster in the escape section of Don't Make A Sound.
312.5 %
312.5 %
312.5 %
Shining Armor
Shining Armor
Get to all the priests without bumping into a wall once in Pizzascape.
312.5 %
Ice Climber
Ice Climber
Complete Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator without falling in a pit.
312.5 %
Season's Greetings
Season's Greetings
Kill 5 fake santas in Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator.
312.5 %
Parry ten Forknights in Pizzascape.
312.5 %
There Can Be Only One
There Can Be Only One
Destroy every Peppino robot in Peppibot Factory.
312.5 %
S Ranked #2
S Ranked #2
Get all S Ranks in World 2.
312.5 %
Avoid getting jumpscared in Don't Make A Sound.
312.5 %
Penny Pincher
Penny Pincher
Avoid getting grabbed by Mr Pinch during the escape sequence of Oh Shit!
312.5 %
Decorated Veteran
Decorated Veteran
Don't get hurt more than three times in WAR.
312.5 %
Say Oink!
Say Oink!
Take a photo with every Pig City citizen.
312.5 %
Pan Fried
Pan Fried
Find the bacon room.
312.5 %
Helpful Burger
Helpful Burger
Get a burger enemy to hit the ball inside the goal in Golf.
312.5 %
Very Very Hot Sauce
Very Very Hot Sauce
Finish Bloodsauce Dungeon without touching lava once.
312.5 %
Primate Rage
Primate Rage
Get a combo of 99 or more in John Gutter.
312.5 %
Man Meteor
Man Meteor
Kill 5 UFOlives in a single bodyslam in Deep Dish Nine
312.5 %
Trip to the Warzone
Trip to the Warzone
Finish WAR with more than a minute left.
312.5 %
Turbo Tunnel
Turbo Tunnel
Avoid hitting the ceiling during the room right after the John Pillar in Deep Dish Nine.
312.5 %
Kill a noise goblin with his own arrow in Gnome Forest.
312.5 %
Destroy every wood block in Gnome Forest.
312.5 %
Unsliced Pizzaman
Unsliced Pizzaman
Finish Bloodsauce Dungeon without getting hurt by a pizza cutter.
312.5 %
Demolition Expert
Demolition Expert
Complete Crust Cove without getting hit by an explosion.
312.5 %
Kill a cannon goblin with his own bomb in Crust Cove.
312.5 %
28.3 %
Face Off
Face Off
28.3 %
S Ranked #3
S Ranked #3
Get all S Ranks in World 3.
28.3 %
S Ranked #5
S Ranked #5
Get all S Ranks in World 5.
28.3 %
Pumpkin Munchkin
Pumpkin Munchkin
28.3 %
P Ranked #3
P Ranked #3
28.3 %
P Ranked #5
P Ranked #5
28.3 %
Don't miss more than three shots in WAR
28.3 %
Let Them Sleep
Let Them Sleep
Activate the alarms in Don't Make A Sound less than six times before the escape sequence.
28.3 %
Destroy every single skull block in Pizzascare.
28.3 %
Haunted Playground
Haunted Playground
Avoid getting hurt by the King Ghost's traps in Pizzascare.
28.3 %
Frozen Nuggets
Frozen Nuggets
Free all the frozen birds in Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator.
28.3 %
Whoop This!
Whoop This!
Survive the first secret of Peppibot Factory without getting hurt.
28.3 %
Remove the boxxed form from each priest at least once in Peppibot Factory.
28.3 %
Food Clan
Food Clan
Kill ten ninjas by parrying them in Oh Shit!
28.3 %
Can't Fool Me
Can't Fool Me
Avoid killing any pizzaboy cardboard in Oh Shit!
28.3 %
Kill three or more enemies with a single Brick ball in Pig City.
28.3 %
Blast'Em Asteroids
Blast'Em Asteroids
Destroy all asteroids in Deep Dish Nine.
28.3 %
Uncover all the treasure guys in Crust Cove.
28.3 %
Already Pressed
Already Pressed
Activate each button only once in Fastfood Saloon.
28.3 %
Alien Cow
Alien Cow
Dont get hit by a single cow in Oregano Desert.
28.3 %
S Ranked #4
S Ranked #4
Get all S Ranks in World 4.
14.1 %
P Ranked #4
P Ranked #4
14.1 %
PC Switch

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 26/1/2023
  • Desarrollo: Tour De Pizza
  • Producción: Tour De Pizza
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

Pizza Tower para Ordenador

3 votos
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Ficha técnica de la versión Switch

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 27/8/2024
  • Desarrollo: Tour De Pizza
  • Producción: Tour De Pizza
  • Distribución: eShop
  • Precio: 19.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1-2
  • Formato: Digital
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

Pizza Tower para Nintendo Switch

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