Logros de La-Mulana para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para La-Mulana en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de La-Mulana para PC
Welcome to La-Mulana
Welcome to La-Mulana
Opened the entrance to La-Mulana.
5343 %
Watch Where You're Whipping
Watch Where You're Whipping
Received damnation.
5343 %
Twin-Headed Snake
Twin-Headed Snake
1310.5 %
Once you read it, you can never go back
Once you read it, you can never go back
1310.5 %
The girl awakens
The girl awakens
108.1 %
Giant's Rage
Giant's Rage
97.3 %
High Speed Beast
High Speed Beast
97.3 %
Seek a higher place.
Seek a higher place.
75.6 %
Dear Foolish Adventurer
Dear Foolish Adventurer
75.6 %
Lights of the fairies
Lights of the fairies
75.6 %
This is La-Mulana: Part II
This is La-Mulana: Part II
75.6 %
Eden, here was.
Eden, here was.
64.8 %
This is La-Mulana: Part I
This is La-Mulana: Part I
64.8 %
Skilled adventurer
Skilled adventurer
Completed the entire adventure within 20 hours.
54 %
Slippery Serpent
Slippery Serpent
54 %
La-Mulana Mania
La-Mulana Mania
54 %
The world of 8-bit
The world of 8-bit
54 %
Item Collector
Item Collector
54 %
Stop him without stopping time!
Stop him without stopping time!
54 %
Dive Deep Down
Dive Deep Down
Dived into a pot.
54 %
Master key
Master key
54 %
The Penitent Man
The Penitent Man
Took a knee.
54 %
Indomitable spirit
Indomitable spirit
Completed the entire adventure within 40 hours.
54 %
You are the strongest archaeologist!
You are the strongest archaeologist!
Completed the adventure.
54 %
The Beginning of Hell and Awakening
The Beginning of Hell and Awakening
54 %
Black Misa
Black Misa
54 %
Ancient Machine
Ancient Machine
54 %
At the bottom
At the bottom
54 %
Dangerous Raid
Dangerous Raid
54 %
The Four Philosophers were awakened.
The Four Philosophers were awakened.
54 %
Read all of the paleographies.
Read all of the paleographies.
54 %
A one time challenge.
A one time challenge.
54 %
The Sadness of the Twins has vanished.
The Sadness of the Twins has vanished.
54 %
Take a walk on the dark side.
Take a walk on the dark side.
54 %
You are a small one
You are a small one
54 %
This is La-Mulana: Part IV
This is La-Mulana: Part IV
43.2 %
The gate to hell has opened.
The gate to hell has opened.
Unlocked the HELL TEMPLE.
43.2 %
Sound Track Mania
Sound Track Mania
43.2 %
I love hot springs!
I love hot springs!
43.2 %
Software Collector
Software Collector
43.2 %
The Run To Ruin
The Run To Ruin
32.4 %
The Masochist King
The Masochist King
32.4 %
This was not for human eyes.
This was not for human eyes.
32.4 %
Curry Addict
Curry Addict
32.4 %
Map Collector
Map Collector
32.4 %
Maximum Power
Maximum Power
32.4 %
Fairy Light Completionist
Fairy Light Completionist
32.4 %
All I need is one finger!
All I need is one finger!
Obliterated all guardians without using secondary weapons in HARD MODE.
21.6 %
This isn't even my final form!
This isn't even my final form!
21.6 %
All I need is one arm.
All I need is one arm.
Obliterated all guardians without using secondary weapons.
21.6 %
Speed Runner
Speed Runner
Completed the entire adventure within 10 hours.
21.6 %
21.6 %
This is La-Mulana: Part III
This is La-Mulana: Part III
21.6 %
Xelpud's Best Friend
Xelpud's Best Friend
Listened to everything Xelpud has to say.
21.6 %
The Hidden Road
The Hidden Road
21.6 %
Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
21.6 %
Xelpud's Pen Pal
Xelpud's Pen Pal
Got all emails.
21.6 %
Playful but Lonely
Playful but Lonely
21.6 %
Running out in the open!
Running out in the open!
21.6 %
Let's go together!
Let's go together!
21.6 %
Great 8th child
Great 8th child
21.6 %
Mulbruk Can Be Yours
Mulbruk Can Be Yours
Listened to everything Mulbruk has to say.
21.6 %
A fishy item...
A fishy item...
21.6 %
Archaeological authority
Archaeological authority
Scanned all suspicious spots.
21.6 %
PC Wii Switch
PS4 Xbox One

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 7/7/2012
  • Desarrollo: Nigoro
  • Producción: Nicalis
  • Distribución: Playism
  • Precio: 14,99 $
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

La-Mulana para Ordenador

3 votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión Wii

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 20/9/2012
  • Desarrollo: Nigoro
  • Producción: EnjoyUp Games
  • Distribución: WiiWare
  • Precio: 1.000 Wii Points
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: WiiWare
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

La-Mulana WiiW para Wii

7 votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión Switch

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 20/3/2020
  • Desarrollo: Nigoro
  • Producción: Nicalis
  • Distribución: eShop
  • Precio: 14,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

La-Mulana para Nintendo Switch

Sin votos
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Ficha técnica de la versión PS4

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 20/3/2020
  • Desarrollo: Nigoro
  • Producción: Nicalis
  • Distribución: PlayStation Network
  • Precio: 14,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

La-Mulana para PlayStation 4

1 votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 20/3/2020
  • Desarrollo: Nigoro
  • Producción: Nicalis
  • Distribución: Xbox Store
  • Precio: 14,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

La-Mulana para Xbox One

Sin votos
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