
Logros de Hard Reset para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Hard Reset en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Hard Reset para PC
Destroy 50 destructible items
5179.6 %
Pissed Off (Tier: Easy)
Pissed Off (Tier: Easy)
Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher
4468.7 %
Kill 20 enemies using environmental damage only
4265.6 %
Pissed Off (Tier: Normal)
Pissed Off (Tier: Normal)
Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher
3859.3 %
Retirement (Tier: Easy)
Retirement (Tier: Easy)
Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Easy or higher
3859.3 %
Bad Boy
Bad Boy
Kill 100 enemies
3656.2 %
Retirement (Tier: Normal)
Retirement (Tier: Normal)
Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Normal or higher
3351.5 %
Find 5 secrets
2742.1 %
No Bananas Today (Tier: Easy)
No Bananas Today (Tier: Easy)
Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher
2539 %
Monkey Business (Tier: Easy)
Monkey Business (Tier: Easy)
Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher
2234.3 %
Blizzard (Special)
Blizzard (Special)
Kill 50 enemies with electricity only
2132.8 %
Destroy 500 destructible items
1929.6 %
No Bananas Today (Tier: Normal)
No Bananas Today (Tier: Normal)
Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher
1929.6 %
Big Brother's Eyes
Big Brother's Eyes
1929.6 %
Collect 10 full N.A.N.O. bars
1726.5 %
Blow up 50 explosive barrels
1726.5 %
Patient (Tier: Easy)
Patient (Tier: Easy)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Easy or higher
1726.5 %
Monkey Business (Tier: Normal)
Monkey Business (Tier: Normal)
Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher
1726.5 %
Kill 200 enemies using environmental damage only
1726.5 %
Find 25 secrets
1625 %
Overkill (Tier: Easy)
Overkill (Tier: Easy)
Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Easy or higher
1625 %
Mechanic (Tier: Easy)
Mechanic (Tier: Easy)
1625 %
Patient (Tier: Normal)
Patient (Tier: Normal)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Normal or higher
1523.4 %
Kill 1000 enemies
1523.4 %
Overkill (Tier: Normal)
Overkill (Tier: Normal)
Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Normal or higher
1523.4 %
Power Down (Tier: Easy)
Power Down (Tier: Easy)
1523.4 %
Pissed Off (Tier: Hard)
Pissed Off (Tier: Hard)
Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher
1421.8 %
Collect 20 full N.A.N.O. bars
1421.8 %
Furious (Tier: Easy)
Furious (Tier: Easy)
Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher
1421.8 %
Mechanic (Tier: Normal)
Mechanic (Tier: Normal)
1421.8 %
Boredom No More (Tier: Easy)
Boredom No More (Tier: Easy)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher
1421.8 %
Power Down (Tier: Normal)
Power Down (Tier: Normal)
1421.8 %
Complete any other level than the first one with no deaths on difficulty Normal
1320.3 %
Retirement (Tier: Hard)
Retirement (Tier: Hard)
Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Hard or higher
1320.3 %
Furious (Tier: Normal)
Furious (Tier: Normal)
Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher
1320.3 %
Suicide Mission (Tier: Easy)
Suicide Mission (Tier: Easy)
1320.3 %
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Easy)
Kill a Heavy Scarab on difficulty Easy
1320.3 %
Complete all Bezoar levels on difficulty Normal or higher
1218.7 %
Boredom No More (Tier: Normal)
Boredom No More (Tier: Normal)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher
1218.7 %
Suicide Mission (Tier: Normal)
Suicide Mission (Tier: Normal)
1218.7 %
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Normal)
Kill a Heavy Scarab on difficulty Normal
1218.7 %
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Easy)
Destroy a CLN Gunship within 5 seconds on difficulty Easy
1218.7 %
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Easy)
1218.7 %
Buy all Combat Gear Upgrades
1117.1 %
Exile: Wanderer
Exile: Wanderer
Complete all Barrens levels on difficulty Normal or higher
1117.1 %
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Normal)
Destroy a CLN Gunship within 5 seconds on difficulty Normal
1117.1 %
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Easy)
Destroy 2 CLN Gunships within 20 seconds on difficulty Easy
1117.1 %
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Easy)
Kill a Heavy Scarab within 20 seconds on difficulty Easy
1015.6 %
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Normal)
1015.6 %
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Normal)
Destroy 2 CLN Gunships within 20 seconds on difficulty Normal
914 %
Overkill (Tier: Hard)
Overkill (Tier: Hard)
Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Hard or higher
812.5 %
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Normal)
Kill a Heavy Scarab within 20 seconds on difficulty Normal
812.5 %
Patient (Tier: Hard)
Patient (Tier: Hard)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Hard or higher
710.9 %
Monkey Business (Tier: Hard)
Monkey Business (Tier: Hard)
Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher
710.9 %
Mechanic (Tier: Hard)
Mechanic (Tier: Hard)
710.9 %
Power Down (Tier: Hard)
Power Down (Tier: Hard)
710.9 %
Buy all CLN Firearm Upgrades
69.3 %
Patient (Tier: Insane)
Patient (Tier: Insane)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Insane
69.3 %
Pissed Off (Tier: Insane)
Pissed Off (Tier: Insane)
Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Insane
69.3 %
Retirement (Tier: Insane)
Retirement (Tier: Insane)
Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Insane
69.3 %
Complete all Bezoar levels on difficulty Hard or higher
69.3 %
Furious (Tier: Hard)
Furious (Tier: Hard)
Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher
69.3 %
No Bananas Today (Tier: Hard)
No Bananas Today (Tier: Hard)
Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher
69.3 %
Mechanic (Tier: Insane)
Mechanic (Tier: Insane)
69.3 %
Boredom No More (Tier: Hard)
Boredom No More (Tier: Hard)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher
69.3 %
Suicide Mission (Tier: Hard)
Suicide Mission (Tier: Hard)
69.3 %
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Hard)
Kill a Heavy Scarab on difficulty Hard
69.3 %
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Hard)
Destroy a CLN Gunship within 5 seconds on difficulty Hard
69.3 %
Monkey Business (Tier: Insane)
Monkey Business (Tier: Insane)
Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Insane
57.8 %
Overkill (Tier: Insane)
Overkill (Tier: Insane)
Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Insane
57.8 %
Extermination (Tier: Easy)
Extermination (Tier: Easy)
Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Easy or higher
57.8 %
Extermination (Tier: Normal)
Extermination (Tier: Normal)
Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Normal or higher
57.8 %
Extermination (Tier: Hard)
Extermination (Tier: Hard)
Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Hard or higher
57.8 %
Boredom No More (Tier: Insane)
Boredom No More (Tier: Insane)
Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Insane
57.8 %
Power Down (Tier: Insane)
Power Down (Tier: Insane)
57.8 %
Exile: Shock'em!
Exile: Shock'em!
Blow up 30 fussion cells
57.8 %
Exile: Discoverer
Exile: Discoverer
Complete all Barrens levels on difficulty Hard or higher
57.8 %
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Hard)
57.8 %
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Easy)
57.8 %
Buy all N.R.G. Weapon Upgrades
46.2 %
Furious (Tier: Insane)
Furious (Tier: Insane)
Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
No Bananas Today (Tier: Insane)
No Bananas Today (Tier: Insane)
Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Complete all Bezoar levels on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Destroy 5000 destructible items
46.2 %
Enraged (Tier: Easy)
Enraged (Tier: Easy)
Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher
46.2 %
Enraged (Tier: Normal)
Enraged (Tier: Normal)
Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher
46.2 %
Enraged (Tier: Hard)
Enraged (Tier: Hard)
Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher
46.2 %
Enraged (Tier: Insane)
Enraged (Tier: Insane)
Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Extermination (Tier: Insane)
Extermination (Tier: Insane)
Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Suicide Mission (Tier: Insane)
Suicide Mission (Tier: Insane)
46.2 %
Hawk Eye
Hawk Eye
46.2 %
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Pest Control (Tier: Insane)
Kill a Heavy Scarab on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Fugitive (Tier: Insane)
Destroy a CLN Gunship within 5 seconds on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Easy)
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Easy)
46.2 %
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Normal)
46.2 %
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Hard)
46.2 %
Exile: Conqueror
Exile: Conqueror
Complete all Barrens levels on difficulty Insane
46.2 %
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Hard)
Kill a Heavy Scarab within 20 seconds on difficulty Hard
46.2 %
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Deconstruction (Tier: Insane)
46.2 %
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Normal)
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Normal)
46.2 %
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Hard)
46.2 %
Complete any other level than the first one with no deaths on difficulty Hard
34.6 %
Complete any other level than the first one with no deaths on difficulty Insane
34.6 %
Collect 41 full N.A.N.O. bars
34.6 %
Death Incarnate
Death Incarnate
Kill 10000 enemies
34.6 %
Avenging Angel
Avenging Angel
Kill 2000 enemies using environmental damage only
34.6 %
Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
Find all the secrets in Bezoar
34.6 %
Chinese Farmer
Chinese Farmer
34.6 %
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Hard)
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Hard)
Destroy 2 CLN Gunships within 20 seconds on difficulty Hard
34.6 %
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Cop Killer (Tier: Insane)
Destroy 2 CLN Gunships within 20 seconds on difficulty Insane
34.6 %
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Sucker! (Tier: Insane)
34.6 %
Exile: Millionaire
Exile: Millionaire
Find all the secrets in Barrens
34.6 %
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Bug Splatter (Tier: Insane)
Kill a Heavy Scarab within 20 seconds on difficulty Insane
34.6 %
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Insane)
Exile: Crush'em! (Tier: Insane)
34.6 %
Exile: Achilles
Exile: Achilles
Complete all Bezoar and Barrens levels on Heroic mode
34.6 %
PEGI +18

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 13/9/2011
  • Desarrollo: Flying Wild Hog
  • Producción: Flying Wild Hog
  • Distribución: Digital
  • Precio: 27,99€
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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