
Logros de Wo Yao Da para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Wo Yao Da en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Wo Yao Da para PC
Pig-type allies.
Pig-type allies.
Stage one cleared.
1100 %
Sorry, I am main character.
Sorry, I am main character.
Stage two cleared.
1100 %
Stage three cleared.
1100 %
My mother is eighty and is waiting for me at home.
My mother is eighty and is waiting for me at home.
When we finished hunting and were on our way home, there are 3 partners surviving.
1100 %
I'm a farmer!
I'm a farmer!
killed 12 enemies in the farmers battle.
1100 %
Don't scramble! They are all mine.
Don't scramble! They are all mine.
Killed all the beasts by yourself.
1100 %
Gifted with using arquebus.
Gifted with using arquebus.
Killed 7 intruders by using arquebus.
1100 %
Our best kung fu still can't fight against the western style guns.
Our best kung fu still can't fight against the western style guns.
10 evil spirit that wears a red headscarf were gunned down.
00 %
All enemies that saw "Masters" bald head were burst.
00 %
Don't pinch! it will explode!
Don't pinch! it will explode!
Kill all the evil spirit that wears a tiger suit without using "Pinch".
00 %
I want to use my killing knife.
I want to use my killing knife.
Killed 7 musketeers by using normal attack.
00 %
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
The total loss of Hp is less than 125 when you arrive the building at the top of the mountain.
00 %
I am going to have a meeting. I am busy.
I am going to have a meeting. I am busy.
The troop members killed over 10 enemies before the final battle to start.
00 %
You have eaten, don't meow! Go to sleep!
You have eaten, don't meow! Go to sleep!
Have called "Beard" to come to lead you over 3 times.
00 %
Look at me carefully!
Look at me carefully!
Master made 4 different sequences of dance movements.
00 %
Big Brother is right!
Big Brother is right!
When the three attack waves is over, the leader's HP is still more than 50%.
00 %
A genuine person.
A genuine person.
The dance was interrupted by cavalry 3 times when using the self-healing force.
00 %
The two - digit fans!
The two - digit fans!
Followers reach 10 people.
00 %
Wo Yao Da
Wo Yao Da
00 %
Mini horse!
Mini horse!
Use your skill to make 5 enemies get down from the horse.
00 %
You've been bursted!
You've been bursted!
The leader of mob was pinched and burst.
00 %
What's up?
What's up?
Kill all the generals reinforcements.
00 %
Lip service.
Lip service.
To decapitate the leader of the enemies.
00 %
We agreed never slap in the face.
We agreed never slap in the face.
killed the opponent by using normal attack.
00 %
Gifted with using bows.
Gifted with using bows.
Killed 7 intruders by using bows.
00 %
Gifted with using spears.
Gifted with using spears.
Killed 7 intruders by using spears.
00 %
King of bald head.
King of bald head.
Stage nine cleared.
00 %
You are my fans.
You are my fans.
Stage eight cleared.
00 %
It turns out I'm not handsome.
It turns out I'm not handsome.
Stage seven cleared.
00 %
You happy now?
You happy now?
Stage six cleared.
00 %
Open! Sesame!
Open! Sesame!
Stage five cleared.
00 %
Rock singer.
Rock singer.
Stage four cleared.
00 %
Género/s: Acción / Arcade

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 16/9/2017
  • Desarrollo: PING YI LIN
  • Producción: PING YI LIN
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 4,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: No
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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