Logros de The Pathless para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para The Pathless en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de The Pathless para PC
The Adventure Begins
The Adventure Begins
1100 %
Expert Secret Seeker
Expert Secret Seeker
00 %
Gift of the Lizard Spirit
Gift of the Lizard Spirit
00 %
Gift of the Snake Spirit
Gift of the Snake Spirit
00 %
Gift of the Bear Spirit
Gift of the Bear Spirit
00 %
Hunter of the Light
Hunter of the Light
Collect all the lightstones.
00 %
Light of Cernos
Light of Cernos
Collect all the Elk lightstones.
00 %
Light of Sauro
Light of Sauro
Collect all the Lizard lightstones.
00 %
Light of Nimue
Light of Nimue
Collect all the Snake lightstones.
00 %
Light of Kumo
Light of Kumo
Collect all the Bear lightstones.
00 %
Secret Seeker
Secret Seeker
00 %
Great Secret Seeker
Great Secret Seeker
00 %
Gift of the Elk Spirit
Gift of the Elk Spirit
00 %
00 %
Textile Workshop
Textile Workshop
00 %
00 %
Cleanse the Elk
Cleanse the Elk
00 %
Cleanse the Lizard
Cleanse the Lizard
00 %
Cleanse the Snake
Cleanse the Snake
00 %
Cleanse the Bear
Cleanse the Bear
00 %
The Truth is a Pathless Land
The Truth is a Pathless Land
00 %
A New Path Awaits
A New Path Awaits
00 %
00 %
1000 Talismans Shot
1000 Talismans Shot
Shoot 1,000 talismans.
00 %
Shoot 5 talismans while airborne before touching the ground.
00 %
Sky Master
Sky Master
Get 10 flaps.
00 %
Skill Shot Master
Skill Shot Master
Chain 10 skill shots in a row.
00 %
Epic Flight
Epic Flight
Fly for over a minute without touching an updraft.
00 %
Super Slide
Super Slide
Slide 400 meters down a steep slope.
00 %
Epic Landing
Epic Landing
Fall 150 meters without gliding and land hard.
00 %
River Rider
River Rider
Drift 300 meters down a river.
00 %
Trick Shot
Trick Shot
00 %
High Flyer
High Flyer
00 %
No Path Untraveled
No Path Untraveled
Collect all achievements.
00 %
Cold Hike
Cold Hike
00 %
Forest Whisperer
Forest Whisperer
Run with 6 animals.
00 %
Storm Survivor
Storm Survivor
Survive 3 storm encounters unscathed.
00 %
Eagle's Companion
Eagle's Companion
Pet the eagle 4 times.
00 %
The Pathfinder's Tale
The Pathfinder's Tale
Find all the lore of the Pathfinder's story.
00 %
Ancient Whispers
Ancient Whispers
00 %
Echoes of the Past
Echoes of the Past
00 %
Wisdom of the Ancients
Wisdom of the Ancients
00 %
Gifts of the Tall Ones
Gifts of the Tall Ones
00 %
PC PS4 iPhone PS5 Xbox Series X/S Xbox One Switch

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

Estadísticas Steam

The Pathless para Ordenador

1 votos
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Ficha técnica de la versión PS4


The Pathless para PlayStation 4

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Ficha técnica de la versión iPhone


The Pathless para iPhone

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Ficha técnica de la versión PS5


The Pathless para PlayStation 5

2 votos
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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox Series X/S


The Pathless para Xbox Series X/S

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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One


The Pathless para Xbox One

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Ficha técnica de la versión Switch


The Pathless para Nintendo Switch

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