
Logros de Rogue's Tale para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Rogue's Tale en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Rogue's Tale para PC
Loose Weight
Loose Weight
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a blue shirt or robe and dropping an item while stuck in a water pit.
133.3 %
Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a red shirt or robe and eating some meat.
00 %
Mighty Hulk
Mighty Hulk
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a green shirt or robe and destroying an item by throwing it to a wall.
00 %
The Wanderer
The Wanderer
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing an orange shirt or robe and wielding two swords at the same time.
00 %
Three Tails
Three Tails
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a yellow shirt or robe and flipping a coin until you get three tails in a row.
00 %
The Pink Order
The Pink Order
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a pink shirt or robe and saying "I love pink" without the quotes on the chat.
00 %
Big Bada Boom
Big Bada Boom
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a white shirt or robe and using a soul gem until you receive your multipass.
00 %
Over 9000
Over 9000
This achievement can be unlocked by obtaining a score of over 9000 after unlocking all eight shirt achievements.
00 %
Gurmur's End
Gurmur's End
This achievement can be unlocked by killing Gurmur and interrupting the cultists' plan to take over the world.
00 %
Canis Woofus
Canis Woofus
This achievement can be unlocked by killing a Dread Wolf.
00 %
This achievement can be unlocked by taking a look at your dog while it is badly hurt or almost dead.
00 %
Traps Are Bad
Traps Are Bad
This achievement can be unlocked by rescuing your dog from a pit.
00 %
Hardened Skin
Hardened Skin
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog reach level 3.
00 %
Winter Fur Coat
Winter Fur Coat
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog reach level 6.
00 %
Arctic Fur Coat
Arctic Fur Coat
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog reach level 9.
00 %
Ferocious Bite
Ferocious Bite
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog reach level 12.
00 %
Sharpened Fangs
Sharpened Fangs
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog reach level 15.
00 %
Rare Breed
Rare Breed
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog kill a Dire Wolf.
00 %
Epic Breed
Epic Breed
This achievement can be unlocked by having your dog kill a monster.
00 %
Bottled Rage
Bottled Rage
This challenge can be completed by killing an enemy with a healing potion.
00 %
One Stray Shot
One Stray Shot
This challenge can be completed by causing 25 or more damage to an enemy with a single shot. Instant kill effects do not count.
00 %
The Curve Ball
The Curve Ball
This challenge can be completed by killing an uninjured level 10+ enemy with a single hit from a weapon that can only be thrown. Instant kill effects do not count.
00 %
Itch Be Slapped
Itch Be Slapped
This challenge can be completed by killing an uninjured monster while causing damage only with your two bare hands.
00 %
The Ghostbuster
The Ghostbuster
This challenge can be completed by killing all Heroes of Hallwood in the final battle.
00 %
Against the Odds
Against the Odds
This challenge can be completed by clearing an entire dungeon while having a cursed amulet and two cursed rings equipped. Items must be equipped at the time the dungeon is reset and closing an entrance does not count.
00 %
Dark Passenger
Dark Passenger
This challenge can be completed by reaching level 20 without lighting any torches.
00 %
The Loose Knot
The Loose Knot
This challenge can be completed by killing yourself using telekinesis.
00 %
True Devotion
True Devotion
This challenge can be completed by completing all other challenges.
00 %
Control Freak
Control Freak
This challenge can be completed by enslaving a daemon while having a human, undead, beast and monster friends at the same.
00 %
Meticulous One
Meticulous One
This challenge can be completed by finishing all nine special encounters in a single game.
00 %
Feel the Power
Feel the Power
This challenge can be completed by having 42 or more ability points without buffs or debuffs. Note that this is triggered at the end of a turn and it cannot be completed while in town.
00 %
Peaceful Hippie
Peaceful Hippie
This challenge can be completed by reaching level 10 without killing anyone or anything.
00 %
The Bubble Boy
The Bubble Boy
This challenge can be completed by regaining full health after casting Divine Shield while having only one health remaining.
00 %
The Prodigal Son
The Prodigal Son
This challenge can be completed by having six unused talent points.
00 %
Merchant's Tale
Merchant's Tale
This challenge can be completed by having 2450 gold coins.
00 %
Bigger They Are
Bigger They Are
This challenge can be completed by killing an uninjured monster with a single blow. Instant kill effects do not count.
00 %
That's Cheating
That's Cheating
This challenge can be completed by looting the crown after dying at least once.
00 %
The Epic Splat
The Epic Splat
This challenge can be completed by failing a reflex check while having Lightning Reflexes heritage and Sixth Sense talent.
00 %
One Nasty Flu
One Nasty Flu
This challenge can be completed by having 20 ability damage effects that reduce all abilities by 5.
00 %
Just a Scratch
Just a Scratch
This challenge can be completed by killing a creature that has hit you for 25 or more points of damage with a single attack or spell.
00 %
Idle Bookworm
Idle Bookworm
This challenge can be completed by learning all spells in a single game.
00 %
Bad Romance
Bad Romance
This challenge can be completed by showing your inner rogue and killing your puppy eyed soul mate.
00 %
Undead Party
Undead Party
This challenge can be completed by starting the final battle with 8 or more undead friends.
00 %
The Red Mist
The Red Mist
This challenge can be completed by killing five or more enemies with a single melee attack.
00 %
Poison Blade
Poison Blade
This challenge can be completed by equipping a weapon that has ten or more poison effects.
00 %
Frosty Touch
Frosty Touch
This challenge can be completed by killing an uninjured drake with frozen orbs. Instant kill effects do not count.
00 %
My Precious
My Precious
This challenge can be completed by obtaining the ring of power.
00 %
Dark Shroud
Dark Shroud
This challenge can be completed by having ten or more curse effects at the same time.
00 %
Fully Buffed
Fully Buffed
This challenge can be completed by having twelve or more buff effects at the same time.
00 %
Wizard's Staff
Wizard's Staff
This achievement can be unlocked by learning the following talents: Literacy: Common, Literacy: Celestial, Literacy: Draconic, Literacy: Infernal
00 %
Bow and Arrows
Bow and Arrows
This achievement can be unlocked by learning the following talents: Aimed Shot, Multi Shot, Quick Shot, Dark Vision
00 %
Throwing Knives
Throwing Knives
This achievement can be unlocked by learning the following talents: Blade Flurry, Deadly Throw, Silent Move, Dual Wield
00 %
Sword and Buckler
Sword and Buckler
This achievement can be unlocked by learning the following talents: Heroic Charge, Crushing Blow, Sweeping Blow, Shield Bash
00 %
Leather Armour Set
Leather Armour Set
This achievement can be unlocked by killing any monster. Note that monsters are visibly larger than your average creature.
00 %
Potion of Antidote
Potion of Antidote
This achievement can be unlocked by reaching level 7.
00 %
Potion of Healing
Potion of Healing
This achievement can be unlocked by reaching level 14.
00 %
The Seventh Talent
The Seventh Talent
This achievement can be unlocked by learning the secret seventh talent.
00 %
The Interface Dog
The Interface Dog
This achievement can be unlocked by viewing all tutorial entries.
00 %
The Silver Spoon
The Silver Spoon
This achievement can be unlocked by having 7 enchanted items equipped at the same time (note that shirt or robe does not count).
00 %
One Strange Trip
One Strange Trip
This achievement can be unlocked by reaching level 20 while eating only blood cap mushrooms.
00 %
The Pandamonium
The Pandamonium
This achievement can be unlocked by reaching level 20 while causing physical damage with fists only.
00 %
Arcane Gimmickry
Arcane Gimmickry
This achievement can be unlocked by finding three or more hidden magic traps with the search button in a single game.
00 %
Lightning Reflexes
Lightning Reflexes
This achievement can be unlocked by passing three or more reflex checks in a single game.
00 %
Heroes of Hallwood
Heroes of Hallwood
This achievement can be unlocked by visiting the graves of all Heroes of Hallwood.
00 %
Fire Resistant
Fire Resistant
This achievement can be unlocked by having 15 or more points of fire resistance at any given time.
00 %
Frost Resistant
Frost Resistant
This achievement can be unlocked by having 15 or more points of frost resistance at any given time.
00 %
Shock Resistant
Shock Resistant
This achievement can be unlocked by having 15 or more points of shock resistance at any given time.
00 %
Poison Resistant
Poison Resistant
This achievement can be unlocked by having 10 or more points of poison resistance at any given time.
00 %
Disease Resistant
Disease Resistant
This achievement can be unlocked by having 10 or more points of disease resistance at any given time.
00 %
Blissful Ignorance
Blissful Ignorance
This achievement can be unlocked by learning six talents without learning how to read.
00 %
Celestial Mastery
Celestial Mastery
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all Celestial spells in a single game.
00 %
Draconic Mastery
Draconic Mastery
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all Draconic spells in a single game.
00 %
Infernal Mastery
Infernal Mastery
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all Infernal spells in a single game.
00 %
Amulet Knowledge
Amulet Knowledge
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all amulet effects in a single game.
00 %
Ring Knowledge
Ring Knowledge
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all ring effects in a single game.
00 %
Wand Knowledge
Wand Knowledge
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all wand effects in a single game.
00 %
Scroll Knowledge
Scroll Knowledge
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all scroll effects in a single game.
00 %
Potion Knowledge
Potion Knowledge
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all potion effects in a single game.
00 %
Enchant Knowledge
Enchant Knowledge
This achievement can be unlocked by learning all enchant effects in a single game.
00 %
Defile This
Defile This
This achievement can be unlocked by wearing a black shirt or robe and defiling graves until you see something purple.
00 %
Género/s: Action-RPG / Roguelike

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/3/2014
  • Desarrollo: Epixx.org
  • Producción: Epixx.org
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 4,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: No
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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