Trucos de The Legend of Korra para PC

3 trucos · Último:

También conocido como La leyenda de Korra.
Índice de trucos

Dificultad extrema

Termina el juego en dificultad normal para activar la dificultad extrema.

Apariencias desbloqueables

Traje "Fist Talisman"
En la pantalla de la tienda pulsa: 2, 2, 4, 4, Click izquierdo.

Traje "Chi Blocker"
Ve a la habitación de Korra y pulsa: 1, 3, 1, Click derecho, Click izquierdo, Click derecho.
Traje "Spirit Korra"
Ve a la habitación de Korra y pulsa: 1, 1, 3, 3, Click izquierdo.
Traje Libro 1
Completa el juego en cualquier dificultad.

Logros de Steam de The Legend of Korra

Down and OutCompleted Chapter 1.
Escape from the CityCompleted Chapter 2.
More than Hot Leaf JuiceBought your first item at the shop.
Hop Hop HoppityJumped 100 times.
The Power of WaterCompleted Chapter 3.
Ready for BattleEquip your first item in Korra's Room.
Zhu Li! Do the Thing!Used your first equipped item.
Ooooh, Shiny!Entered the Collection Screen for the first time after finding a treasure.
To the South!Completed Chapter 4.
Kung Fu MasterWent into Clash Mode 10 times.
That Escalated QuicklyCompleted Chapter 7.
The AftermathCompleted Chapter 8.
Right Back At Ya!Countered 100 times.
Nowhere Else to GoCompleted Chapter 5.
Be the LeafDodged 100 times.
Sure, Come On InCompleted Chapter 6.
Jill of all TradesCompleted all tutorials.
Buh-bye!Performed 100 Finishing Moves.
Combo MasterObtained all combos.
Knockout!!Got 10 Knockouts in Pro-bending matches.
Full-Baked AvatarMaxed out all bending types.
Not a Booster RocketWent into Avatar State 10 times.
Good Girl!Completed a Naga Running sequence without hitting anything.
Face-OffWon a Face-Off in a Pro-bending match.
The Fire Ferrets Strike Again!Completed the highest difficulty of Pro-bending.
Talisman CollectorPurchased 12 talismans.
Biz-BenderCollected every treasure item.
Extreme AvatarCompleted the game on Extreme difficulty.
Go in PeaceSpirit-bended 200 dark spirits.
My Cabbages!!Collected 10 cabbages.

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