Logros de Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry para PC
{TEMP} Impervious
{TEMP} Impervious
Fully upgrade the Serpent
00 %
My first raft
My first raft
Purchase a schooner
00 %
A dingy dinghy
A dingy dinghy
Purchase a small galeon
00 %
The leaking bucket
The leaking bucket
Purchase a frigate
00 %
The scowling scow
The scowling scow
Purchase a galeon
00 %
Quite a ketch
Quite a ketch
Purchase a warship
00 %
My pinnace is bigger than yours
My pinnace is bigger than yours
Acquire a ship of the line
00 %
Alea iacta est
Alea iacta est
Win 10 games of dice
00 %
Winged thief
Winged thief
Use your Raven to steal something 100 times
00 %
{TEMP} Collector
{TEMP} Collector
Have more than 100 items in your inventory
00 %
{TEMP} Herbalist
{TEMP} Herbalist
Collect 100 herbs
00 %
{TEMP} Sterling work
{TEMP} Sterling work
Solve more than 100 quests
00 %
{TEMP} Hunter
{TEMP} Hunter
Eliminate 100 beasts
00 %
{TEMP} Spray & Pray
{TEMP} Spray & Pray
Waste 50.000 cannon loads
00 %
Plugging the leaks
Plugging the leaks
Use 100.000 reales on ship repairs
00 %
Resistance is Futile
Resistance is Futile
Successfully board 50 ships
00 %
Blow me!
Blow me!
Blow yourself up.
00 %
Officer on deck
Officer on deck
Hire a full officer set
00 %
Hops, malt and?
Hops, malt and?
Prepare any tincture
00 %
Royal gift
Royal gift
00 %
Un cadeau du roi soleil
Un cadeau du roi soleil
00 %
Flota de Indias galardón
Flota de Indias galardón
00 %
The last Unicorn
The last Unicorn
00 %
Wind catcher
Wind catcher
00 %
Bird of prey
Bird of prey
00 %
00 %
00 %
00 %
{TEMP} First-timer
{TEMP} First-timer
00 %
Shoot 50 human enemies
00 %
Sea legs
Sea legs
Advance to level 10
00 %
Old salt
Old salt
Advance to level 25
00 %
Learning the ropes
Learning the ropes
00 %
The fugitive
The fugitive
00 %
Strange bedfellows
Strange bedfellows
00 %
Sins and miracles
Sins and miracles
00 %
Best served cold
Best served cold
00 %
Under King's Colours
Under King's Colours
00 %
Vive la France!
Vive la France!
00 %
Viva Espana!
Viva Espana!
00 %
Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
00 %
Kill 10 human enemies with explosions
00 %
Up close and personal
Up close and personal
Kill 25 human enemies using a knife
00 %
Fear the Reaper!
Fear the Reaper!
Kill 50 human enemies using Fear skill
00 %
Port rat
Port rat
Advance to level 5
00 %
Spirit of death
Spirit of death
Eliminate 50 human enemies silently
00 %
Kill 100 human enemies on land
00 %
Sink 50 schooners
00 %
Sink 40 small galeons
00 %
Sink 30 frigates
00 %
Sink 20 galeons
00 %
Sovereign of the seas
Sovereign of the seas
Sink 10 warships
00 %
The sea of blood
The sea of blood
Sink 500 ships
00 %
Call me Croesus
Call me Croesus
Collect 1.000.000 reales
00 %
Earn 100.000 reales from trading
00 %
Did I do that?
Did I do that?
Destroy a ship during boarding
00 %
Release 10 ships after boarding
00 %
Let them burn?
Let them burn?
Burn 10 ships after boarding
00 %
PEGI +18

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 20/11/2015
  • Desarrollo: Reality Pump Studios
  • Producción: TopWare Interactive
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 49,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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