Logros de The Political Machine 2024 para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para The Political Machine 2024 en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de The Political Machine 2024 para PC
Flawless Victory
Flawless Victory
Win every state in a presidential game mode.
0 %
Finish a turn with less than 0 funds.
0 %
Election Results
Election Results
Win a game on Presidential mode on November 5th of any year in real life.
0 %
Approve This Message
Approve This Message
Make an ad about your opponent opposing an issue.
0 %
Figure of Speech
Figure of Speech
Make a speech that flips a state color to your party?s leaning.
0 %
Fund Bucks
Fund Bucks
Earn more than 2 million funds in a single fundraiser in a state.
0 %
Electoral Build Up
Electoral Build Up
Have one of every max-level building during a playthrough.
0 %
Political Networking
Political Networking
Play a multiplayer game.
0 %
Build-A-Candidate Workshop
Build-A-Candidate Workshop
Create a custom candidate.
0 %
Primary Nomination
Primary Nomination
Win a game of Primaries.
0 %
Primary First Step
Primary First Step
Win the Iowa caucus.
0 %
Trump Card
Trump Card
Win with the Trump Populism deck with any candidate.
0 %
Win a game of Presidential mode.
0 %
Winning Argument
Winning Argument
Get a higher audience rating than your opponent in a debate.
0 %
State Connections
State Connections
Have active card effects in 5 different states.
0 %
PAC it Up
PAC it Up
Spend more than 50 Political Capital in one game.
0 %
No Gods, No Masters
No Gods, No Masters
Successfully trigger the Empower the Masses card in the Anarchism deck.
0 %
With Authority
With Authority
Successfully trigger the Military Backing card in the Authoritarianism deck.
0 %
Test of Faith
Test of Faith
Win with the Evangelical Conservative deck with any candidate.
0 %
Community Effort
Community Effort
Win with the Democratic Socialism deck with any candidate.
0 %
Biden Back Better
Biden Back Better
Win with the Biden Liberalism deck with any candidate.
0 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2/5/2024
  • Desarrollo: Stardock Entertainment
  • Producción: Stardock Entertainment
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 19.5 €
  • Jugadores: 1-Online
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: Sí
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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