
Logros de Suzerain para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Suzerain en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Suzerain para PC
Prologue: Rise to Power
Prologue: Rise to Power
Completed the Prologue
2100 %
Chapter I: President Rayne
Chapter I: President Rayne
Completed Chapter I
150 %
Chapter II: A New Sordland
Chapter II: A New Sordland
Completed Chapter II
150 %
Chapter III: Victim of Changes
Chapter III: Victim of Changes
Completed Chapter III
150 %
Chapter IV: Checkmate
Chapter IV: Checkmate
Completed Chapter IV
150 %
Coup d?État
Coup d?État
150 %
World At War
World At War
150 %
Vectern sis da!
Vectern sis da!
150 %
Hail the Queen
Hail the Queen
150 %
A Morgna her coren!
A Morgna her coren!
150 %
Forced Out
Forced Out
150 %
Just Another Sordish President
Just Another Sordish President
150 %
Early Retirement
Early Retirement
150 %
150 %
The Constitution of '56
The Constitution of '56
Successfully amend the Constitution of Sordland
150 %
Grand National Assembly
Grand National Assembly
Have your proposal reach 2/3rds majority
150 %
Article 100
Article 100
Declare a state of emergency
150 %
Sordish Economic Recovery
Sordish Economic Recovery
150 %
Sordish Depression
Sordish Depression
150 %
Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches
On a non-wealthy start, save at least 5 personal wealth points
150 %
Operation Bear Trap
Operation Bear Trap
Join the military operation against the BFF with Wehlen
150 %
Rightful Claim
Rightful Claim
Support the Valgslandian Invasion of Heljiland as an ally
150 %
United Against Communism
United Against Communism
Join the Arcasian Treaty Organisation
150 %
United Against Capitalism
United Against Capitalism
Join the Contanan Security Pact
150 %
This Can't Go On Like This, Anton
This Can't Go On Like This, Anton
Break up with Monica
150 %
Yes I'm Alone But Then Again I Always Was
Yes I'm Alone But Then Again I Always Was
Have dinner by yourself
150 %
Accept a bribe
150 %
Yollak Bluderat!
Yollak Bluderat!
Cause a Bludish insurgency in Sordland
150 %
Down with Rayne!
Down with Rayne!
Cause a civil unrest in Sordland
150 %
Freedom and Justice
Freedom and Justice
Enter an alliance with the People's Freedom and Justice Party
150 %
Purple Blood
Purple Blood
Enter an alliance with the National Front Party
150 %
Welfare State
Welfare State
150 %
Militarist State
Militarist State
150 %
Police State
Police State
150 %
Form the Secret State Police
150 %
Drain the Swamp
Drain the Swamp
Form the Anti-Corruption Police
150 %
We Are All Citizens Of Sordland
We Are All Citizens Of Sordland
Form the Commission for Bludish Rights
150 %
150 %
150 %
150 %
150 %
No Sordland For Old Men
No Sordland For Old Men
Have the Supreme Court sentence Tarquin Soll with the death penalty
150 %
End of an Era
End of an Era
Have the Supreme Court sentence Tarquin Soll to imprisonment
150 %
No Friends But Sords
No Friends But Sords
Have no alliances
150 %
Family Man
Family Man
150 %
By Any Means Necessary
By Any Means Necessary
Order the death of someone
150 %
Grand H-3 Opening
Grand H-3 Opening
Open the H-3 highway without complications
150 %
Grand L-1 Opening
Grand L-1 Opening
Open the L-1 railway without complications
150 %
New Generation of Sords
New Generation of Sords
Fund Young Sords as a former member
150 %
Revolutionary Generation
Revolutionary Generation
Fund Red Youth as a former member
150 %
Underhall Once Again #1
Underhall Once Again #1
Buy shares from Underhall Construction
150 %
FC Anrica
FC Anrica
Invest in FC Anrica
150 %
Save 10 government budget points
150 %
Giralt of Ribery
Giralt of Ribery
Bought Giralt Haute-Bellasorde's wineyard in Erlory
150 %
Merkopa's Most Unfair Election System
Merkopa's Most Unfair Election System
Sign Campaign Finance Bill and increase election threshold to 15%
150 %
Veto Campaign Finance Bill and decrease election threshold to 3%
150 %
Hawker's Plan
Hawker's Plan
Extend the state of emergency 2 times
150 %
638 Ways to Kill Rayne
638 Ways to Kill Rayne
Survive two assassination attempts
150 %
Thank You Serge
Thank You Serge
150 %
First Step To Golconda
First Step To Golconda
Successfully partake in the Descension Day ceremonies
150 %
Man of the People
Man of the People
Veto the campaign finance bill, improve workers' rights, focus and fund health or education and provide stimulus checks to the people
150 %
I Still Love You
I Still Love You
150 %
Sign 10 bills
150 %
Veto 8 bills
150 %
Valgslandian Vodka
Valgslandian Vodka
Drink Valgslandian Vodka with Comrade Hegel
150 %
Say "A'Morgna wes core" 7 times
150 %
Every Vote Matters
Every Vote Matters
Lose the vote on the constitutional amendments in the Grand National Assembly by only one vote
150 %
Sordish War Machine
Sordish War Machine
Declare war against Rumburg
150 %
"Fortune, Strength, Liberty"
Make a military alliance with Lespia
150 %
"Freedom or Peril"
Make a military alliance with Agnolia
150 %
"Through Broken Shackles"
Make a military alliance with Valgsland
150 %
Hold a peace summit with Rumburg
150 %
Just Another Funeral
Just Another Funeral
Attend 3 funerals
150 %
Crocodile Tears
Crocodile Tears
Order the murder of Petr Vectern and organize a state funeral for him
150 %
Carb Diet
Carb Diet
Order pasta and rice at the Esteria restaurant
150 %
An Offer You Cannot Refuse
An Offer You Cannot Refuse
Make a backroom deal with Marcel Koronti to control media outlets
150 %
Speaking Louder Makes You Right
Speaking Louder Makes You Right
Shout four times
150 %
The Bludish Dream
The Bludish Dream
Create the autonomous zone, pass Articles 6 and 7 of the Bludish amendment, and establish the minority rights committee
150 %
A Sordland For All
A Sordland For All
Amend the Articles 6 and 7 of the Constitution
150 %
Make FC Anrica qualify for the quarter finals of the Merkopan Cup
150 %
Rizia Prologue: Ascension to the Throne
Rizia Prologue: Ascension to the Throne
Completed the Rizia Prologue
150 %
Chapter I: King Romus
Chapter I: King Romus
Completed Rizia Chapter I
150 %
Chapter II: Between-Seas
Chapter II: Between-Seas
Completed Rizia Chapter II
150 %
Chapter III: Leviathan
Chapter III: Leviathan
Completed Rizia Chapter III
150 %
Chapter IV: Sila Orica
Chapter IV: Sila Orica
Completed Rizia Chapter IV
150 %
Great Unification
Great Unification
Oversee the succesful return of both Pales and Zille back to Rizia
150 %
Intermerkopum Alliance
Intermerkopum Alliance
Form the Intermerkopum Alliance
150 %
Say My Name
Say My Name
Complete 3 Romus Toras construction projects
150 %
The Force in South Merkopa
The Force in South Merkopa
Accomplish overwhelming power projection in Southern Merkopa
150 %
Arms Importer
Arms Importer
Import military equipment and vehicles 7 times
150 %
Rizian Charter of Fundamental Law
Rizian Charter of Fundamental Law
Successfully execute democratic reforms
150 %
True Master of Crisis
True Master of Crisis
Avoid all crises
150 %
Glovurius axa Rizia axa Pales
Glovurius axa Rizia axa Pales
Unified Pales with Rizia peacefully
150 %
The Prince
The Prince
Have a son and declare him heir
150 %
People's Army
People's Army
Have massive manpower
150 %
Trustworthy Friends
Trustworthy Friends
Succesfully convince President Smolak to return Zille peacefully without a referandum and be given a gift of friendship
150 %
Romus The Conqueror
Romus The Conqueror
Personally lead the invasion of Pales and win
150 %
Fall from GRACE
Fall from GRACE
150 %
Have 15 Authority
150 %
It's Not You, It's Me
It's Not You, It's Me
Reject two romantic advances in the same night
150 %
Romus the Generous
Romus the Generous
Participate in a Derdian Duel of Generosity and lose
150 %
A King's Best Friend
A King's Best Friend
Adopt Bruno
150 %
Ready To Love Again
Ready To Love Again
Give your wife's wedding ring to Lucita
150 %
My Rule Continues
My Rule Continues
150 %
Out And Proud
Out And Proud
Publicize your relationship with Pabel
150 %
Case Closed
Case Closed
Solve the Zille Friendship Day bombing
150 %
Peace to the Duke
Peace to the Duke
Form a military alliance with Pales
150 %
Let it Rayne
Let it Rayne
Maximize Sordland bond investment returns
150 %
Game of Spoons
Game of Spoons
Correctly finish high tea in Rumburg
150 %
So It Is
So It Is
Say "Halaita" 10 times
150 %
Blaze of Glory
Blaze of Glory
Say "Glovurius axa Rizia" 10 times
150 %
Make Yourself Great Again
Make Yourself Great Again
Be remembered as Romus the Great
150 %
Path To Exile
Path To Exile
00 %
00 %
00 %
A New Hope
A New Hope
00 %
00 %
Support nothing
00 %
Soll's Legacy
Soll's Legacy
Pass a new constitution with no limit to presidential vetoes, no presidential impeachment and stronger presidential decrees
00 %
Alexius Maximus Reginald the Third
Alexius Maximus Reginald the Third
Cause Orso Hawker's dog to die
00 %
Revenge of Izzam
Revenge of Izzam
Cause the BFF to organize a bomb attack at Soll Dam
00 %
Another Alphonso
Another Alphonso
Make the USP obstruct you and trigger the Sordish Depression
00 %
Master of Crisis
Master of Crisis
Trigger four late-game crisis events
00 %
Kiss My Gas
Kiss My Gas
Get very high Gasom returns and then revert EPA to 10 percent
00 %
Lose a chess match against Lucian, don't pick him as VP, and get betrayed at Congress or Supreme Court
00 %
Feel My Energy
Feel My Energy
Lead Sordland to energy independence
00 %
Executive Hoarder
Executive Hoarder
Collect all 15 collectibles
00 %
Save the World
Save the World
Fund all philanthropic opportunities
00 %
Make Sordland Great Again
Make Sordland Great Again
Centralize the Bergia Special Zone, increase the budget of the ministry of the interior, and destroy the BFF
00 %
Father's Son
Father's Son
Invade the Grand Duchy of Pales and suffer a humiliating defeat
00 %
The World Against Us
The World Against Us
Get heavily sanctioned by the AN
00 %
Golden Age of Rizia
Golden Age of Rizia
Achieve high living standards, strong welfare, great workers rights, business growth and no instability
00 %
Sords, Our Friends
Sords, Our Friends
Accomplish all trade deals with Sordland successfuly
00 %
Arms Exporter
Arms Exporter
Export military equipment and vehicles 7 times
00 %
Wruhec's Second Coming
Wruhec's Second Coming
Declare a theocracy
00 %
Save the Princess
Save the Princess
Successfully rescue Princess Vina from the enemy
00 %
Completely Justified
Completely Justified
Order and watch the execution of 5 "traitors"
00 %
Royal Hoarder
Royal Hoarder
Collect all collectible items from Rizia
00 %
Not Losing You Again
Not Losing You Again
Successfully rescue your flagship RRN Valero at the expense of Palesian sailors
00 %
You've Got Nerve
You've Got Nerve
Use Rumburgian experimental weapons during war
00 %
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad
Reinstate Duchess Angelica Sazon and Taddeus Azaro to their former positions
00 %
Mine All Mine
Mine All Mine
Nationalize Rizian Royal Gold
00 %
The King Is Dead
The King Is Dead
00 %
Away from My Land
Away from My Land
00 %
00 %
Two Birds For Beatrice
Two Birds For Beatrice
Flip off the Queen as Anton Rayne and Romus Toras
00 %
Wruhecs Chosen
Wruhecs Chosen
Be remembered as the Scourge of Nur
00 %
Funny Man
Funny Man
Be remembered as the Romus the Funny King
00 %
I hereby declare...
I hereby declare...
Be remembered as Romus the Lawgiver
00 %
No Alcohol for me Please
No Alcohol for me Please
Be remembered as Romus the Sober
00 %
PC Switch

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 4/12/2020
  • Desarrollo: Torpor Games
  • Producción: Fellow Traveller
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 12,49 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

Suzerain para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Switch

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 23/9/2021
  • Desarrollo: Torpor Games
  • Producción: Fellow Traveller
  • Distribución: eShop
  • Precio: 16,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC

Suzerain para Nintendo Switch

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