Logros de Sneaky Sneaky para PC - Listado completo
Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Sneaky Sneaky en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Sneaky Sneaky para PC
Logro | Usuarios | Frecuencia | |
Pacifist Finish a level without killing any enemies. | 0 | % | |
Piper of Jar Sneak Kill an enemy distracted by a jar. | 0 | % | |
City Zone Complete Awarded for completing the City zone. | 0 | % | |
Canyon Zone Complete Awarded for completing the Canyon zone. | 0 | % | |
Forest Zone Complete Awarded for completing the Forest zone. | 0 | % | |
Curious Shopper Buy every shop item at least once. | 0 | % | |
Shiny Shiny Collect every ruby. | 0 | % | |
Souped Up! Fully level up your stats. | 0 | % | |
Country Road Complete the main campaign. | 0 | % | |
Sadist Kill an enemy with a spike trap and switch. | 0 | % | |
Where does it go? Feed a skeleton some bait. | 0 | % | |
Sweet Dreams Sneak Attack a sleeping enemy. | 0 | % | |
Ham Rage Anger a Ham Troll into destroying 3 or more objects. | 0 | % | |
Arrow for an arrow. Kill an Archer with your bow and arrow. | 0 | % | |
What comes up, must blow up. Kill a Burrowing Skeleton with a bomb while its above ground. | 0 | % | |
First of Many Collect your first ruby. | 0 | % | |
Bush Lover Successfully land 5 'Sneak Kills' from a bush or hay in a single level. | 0 | % | |
Meat Confetti Kill 3 enemy with an bomb explosion. | 0 | % | |
Survivor Survive an encounter after being detected 3 or more times. | 0 | % | |
When you least expect... Sneak Kill an enemy who is searching for you. | 0 | % | |
Marco. Sneaky. Lead an enemy to 3 consecutive search points by breaking jars. | 0 | % | |
Sneaky in Training Finish a level without being detected. (Excludes tutorial level) | 0 | % | |
Dusty Boots Stay on 30 sand tiles with an enemy present. | 0 | % | |
Abusive Waiter Sneak Kill 3 enemies while they are eating bait in a single level. | 0 | % | |
Breaky Breaky Destroy or Harvest 100 tiles. (Trees, Rocks, Barrels etc.) | 0 | % | |
Potion Therapy Consume 10 health potions. | 0 | % | |
Sneaky Assassin Execute 5 consecutive Sneak Kills in a single level. | 0 | % | |
I'm Rich! Have 5000 Gold in your wallet. | 0 | % | |
Sneaky Hood Land a Long Shot with the bow. | 0 | % |