Logros de Blinding Dark para PC - Listado completo
Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Blinding Dark en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Blinding Dark para PC
Logro | Usuarios | Frecuencia | |
Some Fire Power Collected the Blessed Revolver | 1 | 100 % | |
Soul Shard Collected the Soul Shard | 1 | 100 % | |
Halfway There Collected at least 333 Souls | 1 | 100 % | |
Mana Addict Collected at least 50 mana | 1 | 100 % | |
The Doppelganger Your twin... evil twin | 1 | 100 % | |
Serious Fire Power Collected the Ardens Ira | 1 | 100 % | |
Extra Defense Collected the Svalinn Skjoldur | 1 | 100 % | |
Spirit Catcher Collected the Egyptian Trap | 1 | 100 % | |
Butcher's Favourite Collected the Ritualistic Axe | 1 | 100 % | |
First Steps Confused and still shacking you begin exploring. | 1 | 100 % | |
Portal Key Collected the Scrying Crystal | 1 | 100 % | |
May It Be Light Collected the Torch Carrier | 1 | 100 % | |
Ruthless Survivor Defeated 20 enemies | 1 | 100 % | |
Defeated your first foe Your enemy lies broken and lifeless. | 1 | 100 % | |
Death... Can wait | 1 | 100 % | |
ACT I Completed Play through ACT I | 1 | 100 % | |
Act I Story Complete Unlocked all 20 journal entries | 1 | 100 % | |
First Journal Entry The story begins... | 1 | 100 % |