Trucos de Toon War para PC

1 trucos

Logros de Steam de Toon War

Kill 50 Akm mansKill 50 Akm mans
Boss 7Destroy airplane boss
flammenwerferDestroy 50 flame mans
NadeKill 50 grenade mans
ShieldKill 30 shield mans
truckDestroy 30 trucks
Boss 5Destroy train Boss
BoatsDestroy 100 boats
water tanlDestroy 50 Water tanks
Boss 6Destroy Submarine boss
SnowmobilesDestroy 30 snowmobiles
Boss 8Destroy sea ships
HostagesRescue Hostages
The bridge of spiesDefend the bridge
Catch me if you canDefeat the snow runner
Run forest, Run!Runaway from snowball
GiantsKill all giant enemies
BombsDestroy all the bombs in night
VortexSurvive from vortexes
Boss 3Destroy Spider boss
Rocket MansKill 50 Rocket mans
camelsKill 30 Camel raiders
hummerDestroy 50 hummers
rocketDestroy 50 rocket launchers
First bossDestroy Radar boss
BtrDestroy 30 Btr's
TankDestroy 30 tanks
Boss 2Destroy artilery boss
Boss 4Destroy Grader boss
MachinegunnersKill 200 machinegunners
SnipersKill 100 snipers
turretsDestroy 30 ground turrets
KamikazesKill 300 kamikazes
BikesKill 50 motorcycles
DronesDestroy 50 air drones
Boss 4Destroy Dron boss
Ski mansDestroy 50 ski mans

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