Logros de Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn para PC
Air Kill!
Air Kill!
Zombies are not ment to fly.
533.3 %
Poppi'n Heads!
Poppi'n Heads!
Get 100 headshots in one match.
213.3 %
Tank Dispencer!
Tank Dispencer!
Encounter all 3 tanks, and get them killed.
16.6 %
Survive 4 minutes in Homerun. (Challenge mode)
16.6 %
Rocket Scientist!
Rocket Scientist!
Survive 4 minutes in Area 73. (Challenge mode)
16.6 %
Survive 4 minutes in Arise. (Challenge mode)
16.6 %
Black Friday!
Black Friday!
Survive 4 minutes in Night At The Mall. (Challenge mode)
16.6 %
Getting Colder!
Getting Colder!
Survive 4 minutes in RedSnow. (Challenge mode)
16.6 %
Feeling Sick!
Feeling Sick!
Survive 4 minutes in Abandoned Hospital. (Challenge mode)
16.6 %
Kill the zombie bear before he takes your money.
16.6 %
Hide And Seek!
Hide And Seek!
Find the fridge and make it disappear. Repeat 3 times.
16.6 %
Where Am I Going?
Where Am I Going?
Stand still for 30 seconds, wondering about your life.
16.6 %
I'm Not A Wise Man!
I'm Not A Wise Man!
Get yourself killed with a grenade. Dumbass.
16.6 %
I Want To Be Free!
I Want To Be Free!
Open all areas in a single match.
16.6 %
Mah Boomstick!
Mah Boomstick!
Get a shotgun, and make 20 zombies crawl in front of you.
16.6 %
Ima Fire With Mah Lazor!
Ima Fire With Mah Lazor!
Get the GiGaGirlGannon, and kill 10 zombies within 10 seconds.
16.6 %
You Smell That?
You Smell That?
Grill 50 zombies with flame in a single match.
16.6 %
Hack'n Slash!
Hack'n Slash!
Slice 53 zombies in one match.
16.6 %
I Told You To Get Back!
I Told You To Get Back!
Slaughter 10 000 zombies in total.
16.6 %
Get Back In Da Grave!
Get Back In Da Grave!
Slaughter 5000 zombies in total.
16.6 %
15 Hours!
15 Hours!
Go see your friends!
16.6 %
10 Hours!
10 Hours!
And still going?
16.6 %
5 Hours!
5 Hours!
You have wasted 5 hours of your life.
16.6 %
One Hour!
One Hour!
You have played ZKW for an hour.
16.6 %
Rank 30!
Rank 30!
Get promoted to rank 30.
16.6 %
Rank 10!
Rank 10!
Get promoted to rank 10.
16.6 %
Get Your Hands Dirty!
Get Your Hands Dirty!
Kill 15 zombies with a katana, and 25 with saw in one match.
16.6 %
Such An Meaty Strike!
Such An Meaty Strike!
Get 5 meats in a single game from the fridge.
16.6 %
Blood Waster!
Blood Waster!
Fight your way to round 20.
16.6 %
I'm Rich!
I'm Rich!
Own atleast 5000$ in one match
16.6 %
Help your friend in need.
16.6 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 13/3/2015
  • Desarrollo: Still Running
  • Producción: Merge Games / Tagstar Games
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 5,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: Sí
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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