Logros de The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure para PC
Out of Sight, Out of Mine
Out of Sight, Out of Mine
3100 %
Three-peat Beat
Three-peat Beat
Won a chain of three consecutive battles.
3100 %
Flash Mob
Flash Mob
Achieved 100 pre-emptive attacks.
3100 %
Petty Monst-emeanor
Petty Monst-emeanor
Achieved 100 victories in battle.
3100 %
A Demon Twice Removed
A Demon Twice Removed
3100 %
An Enigma No More
An Enigma No More
Learned how to use the Enigma II.
3100 %
Grim Realization
Grim Realization
133.3 %
Defeated 8 enemies at once.
133.3 %
Sixteen Going on Severing
Sixteen Going on Severing
Defeated 16 enemies in a single battle.
133.3 %
Detective Do-Right
Detective Do-Right
133.3 %
Strong Arms of the Law
Strong Arms of the Law
133.3 %
Co-op Clobbering
Co-op Clobbering
133.3 %
Pride of the Precinct
Pride of the Precinct
133.3 %
Mao Than a Feeling
Mao Than a Feeling
133.3 %
Terminal Diagnosis
Terminal Diagnosis
133.3 %
Plato-nic Ideal
Plato-nic Ideal
133.3 %
Forged in Battle
Forged in Battle
133.3 %
Randy for Randy
Randy for Randy
133.3 %
The Girls Are Alright
The Girls Are Alright
133.3 %
Tower of Terror
Tower of Terror
133.3 %
Rest and Revolution
Rest and Revolution
133.3 %
The Distant Flames
The Distant Flames
133.3 %
The World Beyond the Mirror
The World Beyond the Mirror
133.3 %
The Prison of Hard Knox
The Prison of Hard Knox
133.3 %
From Zero to Azure
From Zero to Azure
133.3 %
Zhang Hui Would Be Proud
Zhang Hui Would Be Proud
133.3 %
Break It Up
Break It Up
Used 100 S-Breaks.
133.3 %
Undebaitable Angler
Undebaitable Angler
Caught all fish.
133.3 %
Writ of Habeas Corpses
Writ of Habeas Corpses
133.3 %
Hometown Hero
Hometown Hero
133.3 %
Tender Loving Car
Tender Loving Car
133.3 %
Mira Mira on the Wall
Mira Mira on the Wall
Had one million mira or more.
133.3 %
Voluntary Monslaughter
Voluntary Monslaughter
133.3 %
Right to Remain Violent
Right to Remain Violent
Achieved 500 victories in battle.
133.3 %
Decorated Officers
Decorated Officers
133.3 %
Pom Party Grandmaster
Pom Party Grandmaster
133.3 %
Walking on Sunshine
Walking on Sunshine
00 %
Order in the Quartz
Order in the Quartz
00 %
Fine-Elie Together
Fine-Elie Together
00 %
Trails to Treazure
Trails to Treazure
Opened every treasure chest.
00 %
Liberator of Crossbell
Liberator of Crossbell
Mastered Trails to Azure and earned every achievement.
00 %
Seeker, Found
Seeker, Found
00 %
Heavenly Host
Heavenly Host
00 %
Superlative Slaying Squad
Superlative Slaying Squad
00 %
4.0 Average
4.0 Average
Won a battle with a tactical bonus of ×4.00 or more.
00 %
Serve and Perfect
Serve and Perfect
00 %
Gehenna's Kitchen
Gehenna's Kitchen
00 %
Search and Leisure
Search and Leisure
Played for over 100 hours.
00 %
One in a Vermillion
One in a Vermillion
00 %
The Phantom Menace
The Phantom Menace
00 %
Nightmare on East Street
Nightmare on East Street
Completed the game on nightmare difficulty.
00 %
No Hard Feelings?
No Hard Feelings?
Completed the game on hard or nightmare difficulty.
00 %
Peerless Heroes
Peerless Heroes
Raised Lloyd, Elie, Tio, and Randy to level 120.
00 %
The Last Orbender
The Last Orbender
00 %
Masterful Artistry
Masterful Artistry
00 %
Burst on the Scene
Burst on the Scene
Activated Burst 50 times.
00 %
I'mma Let You Finish
I'mma Let You Finish
Canceled 100 enemy arts or crafts.
00 %
Género/s: JRPG / Rol
PC Switch PS4

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 14/3/2023
  • Desarrollo: Nihon Falcom / PH3 GmbH
  • Producción: NIS America / Inc.
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 39.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Switch


The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure para Nintendo Switch

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Ficha técnica de la versión PS4

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 17/3/2023
  • Desarrollo: Nihom Falcom
  • Producción: NIS America
  • Precio: 39.99 €
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure para PlayStation 4

1 votos
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