Logros de Homeworld 3 para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Homeworld 3 en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Homeworld 3 para PC
The Unbound
The Unbound
Research your first ship upgrade.
1100 %
Warriors Of The Fringe
Warriors Of The Fringe
1100 %
The Sajuuk-Khar
The Sajuuk-Khar
1100 %
Ghosts Of The Desert
Ghosts Of The Desert
1100 %
Into the Glacier
Into the Glacier
1100 %
A Helluva Ship
A Helluva Ship
1100 %
We Are Away
We Are Away
1100 %
Grand Armada
Grand Armada
Build a grand total of 500 ships.
1100 %
Stay in formation!
Stay in formation!
1100 %
If You?ll Be My Bodyguard
If You?ll Be My Bodyguard
Order a ship to guard another ship.
1100 %
One Step Too Close
One Step Too Close
1100 %
Open The Way
Open The Way
1100 %
A Dark Cloud Gathers
A Dark Cloud Gathers
1100 %
Prepare To Shipbreak
Prepare To Shipbreak
1100 %
Fix-it Frigate
Fix-it Frigate
Fully repair 50 ships using Support Frigates.
1100 %
Hostile Takeover
Hostile Takeover
Capture an enemy ship.
1100 %
Bug Swatter
Bug Swatter
Eliminate 200 total enemy strikecraft in the campaign.
1100 %
Complete 5 missions without the Mothership being hit by enemy fire.
1100 %
Chapel Perilous
Chapel Perilous
1100 %
Blow up 5 ships with one explosion.
1100 %
That Was One in a Million!
That Was One in a Million!
Land the final shot to destroy a Capital ship with a Fleet Bomber ship.
1100 %
As They Have Hunted Us
As They Have Hunted Us
1100 %
The Time Of Prophecy
The Time Of Prophecy
00 %
A Path Across the Galaxy
A Path Across the Galaxy
In Campaign, have a (non-mothership) ship built in Facility 315 survive all the way through until the end of the campaign.
00 %
This War Is Over
This War Is Over
00 %
Complete the campaign on Easy difficulty.
00 %
Nothing Short Of Miraculous
Nothing Short Of Miraculous
00 %
Destruct Sequence Alpha-One
Destruct Sequence Alpha-One
00 %
Not Today, Singularity!
Not Today, Singularity!
Win a Skirmish match consisting of at least 3 enemy AI opponents.
00 %
The Great Cannon
The Great Cannon
00 %
Big Game Hunter
Big Game Hunter
Eliminate 50 total enemy capital ships.
00 %
That Belongs in a Museum!
That Belongs in a Museum!
Collect an artifact during a War Games session.
00 %
Shall We Play a Game?
Shall We Play a Game?
Successfully complete a War Games session for the first time.
00 %
Complete the campaign on Hard difficulty.
00 %
Complete the campaign on Medium difficulty.
00 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 13/5/2024
  • Desarrollo: Blackbird Interactive
  • Producción: Gearbox Publishing
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 59.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1-Online
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: Sí
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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