
Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 6/12/2022
  • Desarrollo: MechWolf Productions
  • Producción: MechWolf Productions
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 16.79 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -

Gastova: The Witches of Arkana para Ordenador

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Logros de Gastova: The Witches of Arkana para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Gastova: The Witches of Arkana en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Gastova: The Witches of Arkana para PC
Speed Demon
Purchase the ability to dash.
1100 %
Jack of one Trade
Reach max upgrade for a single element in shop.
00 %
Judgement of the 13th
00 %
Trails of Light, Trials of Shadow
00 %
00 %
Graduation Trip
Beat the game for the first time.
00 %
Hardcore Trip
Beat the game in hard mode.
00 %
No Blessings Allowed
Beat the game without using potions or Goddess' Stones.
00 %
Self Improvement
Collect all of Gastova's stat upgrades.
00 %
Find all of Gastova's staves.
00 %
Sky Assault!
00 %
Master of Some
Reach max upgrade for all elements in shop.
00 %
Keeper of the Peace
Destroy at least one of each existing enemy in the game.
00 %
Cleaning House
Defeat 1000 enemies.
00 %
Unlock all map areas.
00 %
Witchy Fortune
Acquire 1,000,000 credits.
00 %
Acquire a few new costumes.
00 %
Gastova's Rescue Service
00 %
00 %
Guardian Witch of Arkana
Complete all game achievements.
00 %
Uran Disaster
Find out the truth about the previous witches' disappearances.
00 %
Breezing Moves
Defeat Nephelle, Guardian of the Wind Fount.
00 %
Honey Queen
Defeat Elizabee, Queen of the Bees.
00 %
Tea Party in the Woods
Defeat Rosalia, Guardian of the Nature Fount.
00 %
Pass the Sphinx's Trial of Wisdom.
00 %
Cat Fight
Pass the Sphinx's Trial of Strenght.
00 %
Tomb Raiding
Defeat Felicity, Guardian of the Fire Fount.
00 %
Ghost Buster
Defeat Dullahan, Harbinger of Pumpkins.
00 %
Spooky Activity
Defeat Isabelle, Guardian of the Spirit Fount.
00 %
00 %
Crabby Shoes
Defeat Kudalina, the Matriarch of the Brood.
00 %
Thundering Hooves
Defeat Kirincorn, Half Kirin, Half Corn.
00 %
Rocking Match
Defeat Sierra, Guardian of the Earth Fount.
00 %
Mother of the Seas
Defeat Seiryuu, Protector of the Sea
00 %
Flowing Grace
Defeat Nanami, Guardian of the Water Fount.
00 %
The Guardian Witch's Bane
Defeat the Amazing and Terrible Onyx Despair!
00 %
Friendly Banter
Defeat Tenebrea, Guardian of the Ice Fount.
00 %
Battle for Sanctuary
Defeat the 11 Astral Knights.
00 %
No Fragrance, Please
Defeat Aldebaran, Guardian of the Light Fount.
00 %
00 %
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