Logros de Empire TV Tycoon para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Empire TV Tycoon en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Empire TV Tycoon para PC
My First Movie!
My First Movie!
Create a movie
457.1 %
I'm the boss!
I'm the boss!
Hire a worker
457.1 %
At your service
At your service
Complete a quest
457.1 %
Complete an Ad campaign
457.1 %
TV Remote
TV Remote
Get over 100.000 audience
457.1 %
Welcome to Empirewood!
Welcome to Empirewood!
Program your first movie
457.1 %
Fingers crossed
Fingers crossed
Present a movie to the industry awards
342.8 %
Win the best movie award
342.8 %
Noob with a Camera
Noob with a Camera
Make a movie with a rating 6 or more
228.5 %
Well deserved money
Well deserved money
Sell a movie produced by you
228.5 %
 In red
In red
Fall into red numbers
228.5 %
Under arrest!
Under arrest!
Got caught with a pirate movie
228.5 %
Fail to complete and Ad Campaign
228.5 %
Be really hated by an audience group
114.2 %
Only with professionals
Only with professionals
Have a lvl 5 worker
114.2 %
Fresh content!
Fresh content!
Program at least 12 movies of the year 2012 or more
114.2 %
Family member
Family member
Ask for a loan
114.2 %
Lose the game because red numbers
114.2 %
Don't get caught with a pirate movie
114.2 %
Get over 1.000.000 $
114.2 %
Seven digits!
Seven digits!
Get over 1.000.000 audience
114.2 %
Breaking the mold
Breaking the mold
Get over 25.000.000 audience
114.2 %
Most watched!
Most watched!
Win movie of the day with a movie produced by you
114.2 %
Sell a movie produced by you for more than 100000$
114.2 %
Black and White
Black and White
Program at least 12 movies of the year 1970 or less
00 %
Born in the 80?s
Born in the 80?s
Program at least 12 movies made between the year 1980 and 1989
00 %
The king of the world
The king of the world
Get over 33.000.000 audience
00 %
Sloth loves you
Sloth loves you
00 %
To infinity... and beyond!
To infinity... and beyond!
Get over 40.000.000 audience
00 %
Win the unconditional love of an audience group
00 %
Red Fury
Red Fury
Win the game in expert mode with the red channel
00 %
Promising Future
Promising Future
Win the game in expert mode
00 %
Win the game
00 %
Live for the People!
Live for the People!
Complete a hard quest
00 %
Money isn't a problem
Money isn't a problem
Get over 5.000.000 $
00 %
Swimming in money
Swimming in money
Get over 2.500.000 $
00 %
Show me the money!
Show me the money!
Complete an Ad campaign worth 750.000$ reward or more
00 %
Get them all!
Get them all!
Win the 4th different best movie award in the same game
00 %
Win all the awards in the same night
00 %
Touched by the Gods
Touched by the Gods
Make a perfect movie (10 rating)
00 %
The Seventh Art is Born
The Seventh Art is Born
Make a movie with a rating 9 or more
00 %
Make one movie of each genre in the same game
00 %
Oh! Crap
Oh! Crap
Make a movie with a rating 4 or less
00 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 20/10/2015
  • Desarrollo: Dreamsite Games
  • Producción: Dreamsite Games
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 12,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Español
  • Online: Marcadores
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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