Trucos de Spaceship Looter para PC

1 trucos

Logros de Steam de Spaceship Looter

BrainstormGo training with Brain
Acid hellBlast 100 barrels of acid
FinderFind all the items!
Good work Scientist!Scientist from the future done his job!
Good work Robot!Robot Cleaner done his job!
Good work Mutant!Reptile Mutant done his job!
Good work Spy!Federation Spy done his job!
Good work Joker!Commandos Joker done his job!
Unlock ScientistUnlock Scientist of the future
Unlock RobotUnlock Robot Cleaner
Unlock MutantUnlock Reptile Mutant
Unlock SpyUnlock the Federation Spy
LoaderRun 100 platforms for cargo
HakermanActivate the 50 monoliths
Boss 5Kill the fifth boss
Boss 4Kill the fourth boss
Boss 3Kill the third boss
Boss 2Kill the second boss
Boss 1Kill the first boss
TicketBuy the most expensive transfer
Electric shockKill 100 enemies lamps
Ball lightningShoot the enemies 100 electric bullets
Law and orderSave all the NPC
SaboteurPenetrate a spaceship pirates
Rich manMake 10 purchases
NeoFinish first location without damage

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