Trucos de N++ para PC

2 trucos · Último:

También conocido como n plus plus, N++, NPLUSPLUS.
Índice de trucos


Guía para N++ que te ayudará a conocer la solución para los niveles. La habilidad la tienes que poner tú.

Logros de Steam de N++

You Suck But That's Okay
Using your HeadDie by hitting the ceiling too hard.
Practice Makes Perfect
CompletionistGet everything in the Ultimate Edition of the game
All-Gold NoviceEarn an all-gold badge in an episode from the top row
Death from All of the Above
SpeedyBeat an entire column of Race episodes.
CompletionistGet everything in the Ultimate Edition of the game
Rocket Murder TimeKill another player using a rocket 5 times in a single MP Race episode.
MemoriesBeat an entire column of Race Legacy episodes.
NostalgiaBeat an entire column of Solo Legacy episodes.
Good TimesBeat an entire column of Co-op Legacy episodes.
VoyeurWatch a highscore replay.
Hardcore NoviceBeat an entire Hardcore Story
Hardcore AdeptBeat 10 Hardcore Stories
Hardcore MasterComplete All Hardcore Stories
GoldenGet all of the All-Gold badges in every page of Solo
Ultimate NinjaGet everything in Solo mode
Co-operation Makes It HappenBeat an entire column of Co-op episodes.
All-Gold MasterEarn an all-gold badge in an episode from the bottom row
All-Gold AdeptEarn an all-gold badge in an episode from the middle row
No-Death MasterBeat an episode from the bottom row without dying.
No-Death AdeptBeat an episode from the middle row without dying.
No-Death NoviceBeat an episode from the top row without dying.
NinjaBeat the entire expert row of Solo Episodes
MasterBeat the entire bottom row of Solo Episodes
AdeptBeat the entire middle row of Solo Episodes
NoviceBeat the entire top row of Solo Episodes
Tutorial MasterGet all the gold in the Solo Introduction
Achieve Enlightenment
Perfection is Overrated Anyway
More Practice Makes More Perfect
GrandmasterGet everything in Solo mode

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