Trucos de Munin para iPhone

0 trucos

Logros de Steam de Munin

JörmungandrComplete Midgardr
YmirComplete Jötunheimr
NíðhöggrComplete Nifleheimr
BaldrComplete Helgardhr
FreyjaComplete Vanaheimr
SurtrComplete Múspellsheimr
VölundrComplete ?lfheimr
IvaldiComplete Svártalfheimr
Quadruple FutharkLight up 4 Runes at the same time
FriggComplete Ásgarð
DipperCollect 9 Feathers while underwater
Circus ShowStand on top a rolling boulder for more than 3 seconds
Race the Golden ThroneFinish the last level in 45 seconds or less
NecromaniacDie in all the different ways possible
Fiðr LoverCollect 999 Feathers
Vertically ChallengedFinish 9 levels without jumping
OrbicideFree 9 Orb spirits
Humor the DevsWatch the whole credits at normal speed from the Chapters Menu

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