Logros de The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie para PC
Commence the Operation
Commence the Operation
375 %
Operation: Liberate Crossbell
Operation: Liberate Crossbell
375 %
Evening of Encounters
Evening of Encounters
250 %
Break Master
Break Master
Induced 800 break states.
250 %
Won a battle with a tactical bonus of x3.0 or greater.
250 %
Just Crafty Enough
Just Crafty Enough
Performed 100 S-Crafts.
250 %
Link Master
Link Master
Raised any two characters to Link Level 7.
250 %
Arts Master
Arts Master
Used arts that target an enemy's weak point 100 times.
250 %
Out For Bloodier
Out For Bloodier
Achieved 500 victories in battle.
250 %
Out For Blood
Out For Blood
Achieved 100 victories in battle.
250 %
Zemurian Core
Zemurian Core
Forged 3 types of weapons with Black Zemurian Ore.
250 %
Signing Ceremony
Signing Ceremony
250 %
As the Snow Thaws
As the Snow Thaws
250 %
Lost Heroes
Lost Heroes
250 %
Page Turner
Page Turner
Completely filled the books section of the notebook. (Excludes Marksman of the Moonless Morn)
250 %
Slinking in Muck and Mire
Slinking in Muck and Mire
250 %
Illusions Shattered
Illusions Shattered
250 %
Cruel Blue Skies
Cruel Blue Skies
250 %
Light in the Dark
Light in the Dark
250 %
Will, Tempered by Dusk
Will, Tempered by Dusk
250 %
Zeroth Hour
Zeroth Hour
250 %
250 %
Hope in Reverie
Hope in Reverie
250 %
Burst Master
Burst Master
Performed 50 Bursts.
125 %
Look Back to Look Forward
Look Back to Look Forward
125 %
Order Master
Order Master
Enacted 100 Brave Orders.
125 %
United Warriors
United Warriors
Enacted 100 United Front Attacks.
125 %
Burden of Proof
Burden of Proof
125 %
Assist Master
Assist Master
Performed 500 assists.
125 %
Indomitable Liberator
Indomitable Liberator
Reached Liberation Rank S.
125 %
Out For Blood
Out For Blood
Completely filled the battle section of the notebook. (Excludes Coda Content)
125 %
Coffer Chaser
Coffer Chaser
Opened all treasure boxes. (Excludes Reverie Corridor Daydreams)
125 %
Completely filled the character section of the notebook. (Excludes Coda Content)
125 %
Fish Fear Me
Fish Fear Me
Completely filled the fishing section of the notebook. (All 26 Species of Fish + Rod Lv. Max)
125 %
PPP! Powerhouse
PPP! Powerhouse
Won against all opponents in Pom! Pom! Party!
125 %
Advantage Masters
Advantage Masters
Won against all opponents in Vantage Masters. (Excludes Gold Sealing Stone and VM Dojo Characters)
125 %
Master Quartz Collector
Master Quartz Collector
Collected 55 types of master quartz.
125 %
Lost Arts Collector
Lost Arts Collector
Collected 6 types of Lost Arts quartz.
125 %
Earned 2,000,000+ mira.
125 %
What a Gem!
What a Gem!
Raised any master quartz to level 15.
125 %
Sudden Swooper
Sudden Swooper
Initiated 300 advantageous encounters. (Includes Double and Triple Advantage)
125 %
Everywhere at Once
Everywhere at Once
Defeated 8 enemies at once.
125 %
Rush Master
Rush Master
Performed 100 Rushes.
125 %
Beachside Vac-Cay
Beachside Vac-Cay
Enjoyed all activities in the Beachside Vac-Cay Daydream.
00 %
Trials in Trails
Trials in Trails
Conquered 9 Trial Doors.
00 %
Out For Bloodiest
Out For Bloodiest
Achieved 1500 victories in battle.
00 %
United Menders
United Menders
Performed 50 United Front Heals.
00 %
Grill Master
Grill Master
Completely filled the recipe section of the notebook. (Excludes Coda Content)
00 %
United Sorcerers
United Sorcerers
Cast 100 United Front Arts.
00 %
I Dream of You
I Dream of You
Had all daydreams. (Excludes Coda Content/DLC Episodes)
00 %
Your Worst Nightmare
Your Worst Nightmare
Cleared the game on Nightmare difficulty.
00 %
Lover of Reverie
Lover of Reverie
Accomplished all Master Missions and received compensation. (Excludes Coda Content)
00 %
Obtained all achievements.
00 %
Género/s: JRPG / Rol
PC PS4 Switch PS5

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 7/7/2023
  • Desarrollo: Nihon Falcom / PH3 GmbH
  • Producción: NIS America / Inc.
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 59.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie para PlayStation 4

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie para Nintendo Switch

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie para PlayStation 5

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