
Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/8/2015
  • Desarrollo: 5 Lives Studios
  • Producción: 5 Lives Studios
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 27,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

Satellite Reign para Ordenador

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Logros de Satellite Reign para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Satellite Reign en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Satellite Reign para PC
First Blood
Killed a Corp Soldier
3339.7 %
Downtown Pacifist
Make it to Downtown without getting blood on your hands
910.8 %
5 Stealth Kills in a row
Kills in a row without being seen being suspicious
56 %
10 Stealth Kills in a row
Kills in a row without being seen being suspicious
44.8 %
No Big Brother: Tutorial
Destroy all cameras in the Tutorial
22.4 %
15 Stealth Kills in a row
Kills in a row without being seen being suspicious
22.4 %
I know Kung Fu
50 Melee Kills
11.2 %
Cold War
Kill 100 Uzy Korps
11.2 %
Fire the CEO
With extreme prejudice.
11.2 %
Enter The Grid
Enter The Grid
11.2 %
Enter the Industrial area
Enter the Industrial area
11.2 %
Enter Dracogenics
Enter Dracogenics
11.2 %
Enter the CBD
Enter the CBD
11.2 %
Master of Coin
Place a syphon on every ATM in the city
11.2 %
Easy Money: Downtown
Place a syphon on every ATM in the Downtown District
11.2 %
Easy Money: Grid
Place a syphon on every ATM in the Grid District
11.2 %
Easy Money: Industrial
Place a syphon on every ATM in the Industrial District
11.2 %
Easy Money: CBD
Place a syphon on every ATM in the CBD
11.2 %
Key Logger
Access all data terminals in the city
11.2 %
Script Kiddie: Downtown
Access all data terminals in the Downtown District
11.2 %
Script Kiddie: Grid
Access all data terminals in the Grid District
11.2 %
Script Kiddie: Industrial
Access all data terminals in the Industrial District
11.2 %
Script Kiddie: CBD
Access all data terminals in the CBD
11.2 %
Infinite Lives
Find and capture all 5 Lives devs for cloning
11.2 %
Fish in a Barrel
Kill 100 Civilians
11.2 %
No Big Brother: Downtown
Destroy all CCTV cameras in Downtown
11.2 %
No Big Brother: Industrial
Destroy all CCTV cameras in the Industrial District
11.2 %
No Big Brother: Grid
Destroy all CCTV cameras in the Grid District
11.2 %
No Big Brother: CBD
Destroy all CCTV cameras in the CBD
11.2 %
No Big Brother: Dracogenics
Destroy all CCTV cameras in the final boss area
11.2 %
Science, bitch!
Acquire ten scientists
11.2 %
No More Lives
Found and killed all 5 Lives devs
11.2 %
Invisible Death
Kill 20 enemies while cloaked
11.2 %
Industrial Pacifist
Make it to the Industrial District without getting blood on your hands
11.2 %
CBD Pacifist
Make it to the CBD without getting blood on your hands
11.2 %
Grid Pacifist
Make it to The Grid without getting blood on your hands
11.2 %
Dracogenics Pacifist
Make it to the Dracogenics district without getting blood on your hands
11.2 %
100 Kills By Hijacked
Use Hijacked to kill 100 Enemies
11.2 %
Holy War
Kill 100 Eternals
11.2 %
10 Kills One Explosion
Get 10 kills with a single explosion
11.2 %
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