Logros de Holdfast: Nations At War para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Holdfast: Nations At War en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Holdfast: Nations At War para PC
Coward?s Reward
Coward?s Reward
Shoot and kill an enemy that?s closer than 5 meters.
250 %
Frederic Francois Chopin
Frederic Francois Chopin
Gather worldwide renown through masterful play of the piano.
250 %
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Finish a round without killing anyone.
250 %
Perform an act of desertion.
250 %
Not A Step Back!
Not A Step Back!
Complete the T1 'Not A Step Back!' field order.
250 %
Pomp & Circumstance
Pomp & Circumstance
Complete the T1 'Pomp & Cirumstance' field order.
250 %
Dedicated Performer
Dedicated Performer
Complete the T1 'Dedicated Performer' field order.
250 %
Capturing Colours
Capturing Colours
Take hold of 5 capture points in the Army Siege, Army Conquest or Coastal Siege game mode.
250 %
Cheer patriotically 500 times.
250 %
Coward?s Gamble
Coward?s Gamble
Complete the T2 'A Coward?s Gamble' field order.
250 %
Defeat an Infantry Officer or Captain wielding a sword while playing as an Infantry Officer or Captain using a pistol.
250 %
Complete the T1 'Ranker' field order.
250 %
The British Grenadiers
The British Grenadiers
Kill an infantryman in melee combat while playing as a British Grenadier.
250 %
Over The Hills & Far Away
Over The Hills & Far Away
Finish 25 rounds whilst being enlisted with the British Empire.
125 %
Barking Orders
Barking Orders
Complete the T3 'Barking Orders' field order.
125 %
Complete the T1 'Mime' field order.
125 %
Complete the T3 'Indestructible!' field order.
125 %
Explosives Specialist
Explosives Specialist
Kill 10 infantrymen using explosives.
125 %
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Complete the T2 'Conscientious Objector' field order.
125 %
Lang Lebe Der Kaiser!
Lang Lebe Der Kaiser!
Complete the 'Lang Lebe Der Kaiser!' feat of strength.
125 %
For King & Country!
For King & Country!
Complete the 'For King & Country!' feat of strength.
125 %
Flashbacks From Another War
Flashbacks From Another War
Complete the T2 'Flashbacks From Another War' field order.
125 %
Clever Wordsmith
Clever Wordsmith
Complete the T1 'Clever Wordsmith' field order.
125 %
Building Bridges
Building Bridges
Complete the T2 'Building Bridges' field order.
125 %
Aubrey?s Crew
Aubrey?s Crew
Sink a 50-Gun Frigate while crewing a naval vessel carrying fewer guns.
125 %
Battlefield Contractor
Battlefield Contractor
Erect 25 constructible defences as a sapper.
125 %
Lang Lebe Der König!
Lang Lebe Der König!
Complete the 'Lang Lebe Der König!' feat of strength.
125 %
Vive L'Empereur!
Vive L'Empereur!
Complete the 'Vive L'Empereur!' feat of strength.
125 %
Superior Craftsmanship
Superior Craftsmanship
Construct a chair as a sapper.
125 %
Minden's Pride
Minden's Pride
Complete the T2 'Minden's Pride' field order.
125 %
Rock Skippin?
Rock Skippin?
Kill a player using a cannonball that bounced at least 1 times.
125 %
For the Fatherland!
For the Fatherland!
Complete the 'For The Fatherland!' feat of strength.
125 %
Kill 25 people while wielding a hammer, axe or sledgehammer.
125 %
Kill 10 people while wielding a spade.
125 %
Rank & File
Rank & File
Complete the T1 'Rank & File' order.
125 %
Bayonet Drills
Bayonet Drills
Complete the T1 'Bayonet Drills' order.
125 %
Complete the T1 'Patriotic' field order.
125 %
Defeat an Infantry Officer or Captain in a pistol duel while playing as an Infantry Officer or Captain.
125 %
Viva l'Italia!
Viva l'Italia!
Complete the 'Viva l'Italia!' feat of strength.
125 %
Regiment Pride
Regiment Pride
Complete the T3 'Regiment Pride' field order.
125 %
Gifted Surgeon
Gifted Surgeon
Complete the T2 'Gifted Surgeon' field order.
125 %
Hollom?s Luck
Hollom?s Luck
Drown yourself whilst carrying an object.
125 %
A Field Commission
A Field Commission
Complete the T1 'A Field Commission' field order.
125 %
Turn On
Turn On
Open a door whilst having a lantern equipped.
125 %
Pub Brawler
Pub Brawler
Kill an infantryman in a fist fight.
125 %
A Gentle Nudge
A Gentle Nudge
Kill a soldier with the sledgehammer.
125 %
A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand
Complete the T3 'A Helping Hand' field order.
00 %
Grill & Skewer
Grill & Skewer
Complete the T3 'Grill & Skewer' field order.
00 %
Complete the T2 'Crewman' field order.
00 %
Largest Lot
Largest Lot
Complete the T2 'Largest Lot' field order.
00 %
Harper's Pride
Harper's Pride
Complete the T2 'Harper's Pride' field order.
00 %
Motherly Love
Motherly Love
Complete the T2 'Motherly Love' field order.
00 %
Sporting The Colours
Sporting The Colours
Complete the T1 'Sporting The Colours' field order.
00 %
Complete the T1 'Press-Ganged' field order.
00 %
A Volunteer's Duty
A Volunteer's Duty
Complete the T1 'A Volunteer's Duty' order.
00 %
Sharpe? Shooter
Sharpe? Shooter
Kill 25 Infantry Officers over a range of more than 75 meters using a rifle.
00 %
The Ocean?s Floor
The Ocean?s Floor
Land the final hit on an enemy naval vessel.
00 %
Chosen Man
Chosen Man
Kill 100 soldiers over a range of more than 50 meters using a rifle.
00 %
Crew an 8-Gun Schooner while playing on Harouti Islands.
00 %
Kill 4 enemy players at once with a direct cannonball hit.
00 %
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Win a round of Naval Battlefield or Naval Assault without losing or swapping your ship.
00 %
Kill 3 people in a row using the boarding pike.
00 %
Defeat an Infantry Officer or Captain in a sword fight while playing as an Infantry Officer or Captain.
00 %
A Decent Surprise
A Decent Surprise
Kill 3 people with a single shot of the blunderbuss.
00 %
A Naturalist?s Demise
A Naturalist?s Demise
A surgeon healing you meets their unfortunate end.
00 %
Obtain the highest score on your team while playing as a Captain in the Naval Battlefield or Naval Assault game modes.
00 %
Sharpe' Recruit
Sharpe' Recruit
Complete the T3 'Sharpe Recruit' field order.
00 %
Douanes Imperiales
Douanes Imperiales
Obtain a victory in the Coastal Siege game mode while playing as the French Customs class on Fort Imperial.
00 %
The Mathematics Of Defeat
The Mathematics Of Defeat
Suffer a defeat while playing as the invaders in the Coastal Siege game mode.
00 %
Sighting The Barn
Sighting The Barn
Kill 3 infantrymen using a single rocket.
00 %
HMS Indefatigable
HMS Indefatigable
Gather a reputation aboard a 50-Gun Frigate by sinking 3 enemy vessels in a single round.
00 %
Napoleonic Sportsmanship
Napoleonic Sportsmanship
Kick an enemy to death.
00 %
Not So Little Drummer Boy
Not So Little Drummer Boy
Complete the T3 'Not So Little Drummer Boy' field order.
00 %
Clan Enlistment
Clan Enlistment
Enlist and join a game clan through the Regiment Registry.
00 %
Regiment Honours
Regiment Honours
Complete the T2 'Regiment Honours' field order.
00 %
Regiment Veteran
Regiment Veteran
Complete the T1 'Regiment Veteran' field order.
00 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 5/3/2020
  • Desarrollo: Anvil Game Studios
  • Producción: Anvil Game Studios
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 19.99 €
  • Jugadores: Online
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: -
  • Online: Sí
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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