
Logros de Dicey Dungeons para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Dicey Dungeons en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Dicey Dungeons para PC
Inflict 10 Poison
Inflict 10 Poison
Stack 10 or more total Poison on an enemy at once.
758.3 %
Unlock episodes
Unlock episodes
Unlock episodes.
758.3 %
Win on your first turn
Win on your first turn
Defeat an enemy on your first turn.
650 %
40 damage in a one attack
40 damage in a one attack
Do more than 40 damage in a single attack.
433.3 %
6 episodes
6 episodes
Complete any 6 episodes.
325 %
Defeat a boss with full health
Defeat a boss with full health
Defeat a boss with full health.
325 %
Curse of Greed
Curse of Greed
Complete the episode named "Curse of Greed".
325 %
Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers
Complete the episode named "Finders Keepers".
325 %
Lock all dice
Lock all dice
Lock all enemy dice.
325 %
Furry Dice
Furry Dice
Become a furry dice.
325 %
Use limit break twice
Use limit break twice
Use your limit break twice in one turn.
216.6 %
20 damage with Dagger
20 damage with Dagger
Do more than 20 damage in one turn with Dagger.
216.6 %
Hatch an egg.
216.6 %
Parallel Universe 2
Parallel Universe 2
Complete any two parallel universe episodes.
216.6 %
Parallel Universe 1
Parallel Universe 1
Complete any parallel universe episode.
216.6 %
12 episodes
12 episodes
Complete any 12 episodes.
216.6 %
All episodes for one contestant
All episodes for one contestant
Complete all six episodes for any one contestant.
216.6 %
You Choose, You Lose
You Choose, You Lose
Complete the episode named "You Choose, You Lose".
216.6 %
Elimination Round 1
Elimination Round 1
Complete any elimination round episode.
216.6 %
9 episodes
9 episodes
Complete any 9 episodes.
216.6 %
Elimination Round 2
Elimination Round 2
Complete any two elimination round episodes.
216.6 %
Parallel Universe 4
Parallel Universe 4
Complete any four parallel universe episodes.
18.3 %
Parallel Universe 3
Parallel Universe 3
Complete any three parallel universe episodes.
18.3 %
Complete the episode named "Countdown".
18.3 %
10 ones in a row
10 ones in a row
Roll 10 ones in a row.
18.3 %
The Inevitability of Rust
The Inevitability of Rust
Complete the episode named "The Inevitability of Rust".
18.3 %
Inflict 5 Shock
Inflict 5 Shock
Inflict 5 or more Shock in a single turn.
18.3 %
Inflict 5 Freeze
Inflict 5 Freeze
Inflict 5 or more Freeze in a single turn.
18.3 %
Inflict 5 Burn
Inflict 5 Burn
Inflict 5 or more Burn in a single turn.
18.3 %
Use a Finale card
Use a Finale card
Use a Finale card.
18.3 %
Elimination Round 3
Elimination Round 3
Complete any three elimination round episodes.
18.3 %
Elimination Round 4
Elimination Round 4
Complete any four elimination round episodes.
18.3 %
Complete all 36 episodes
Complete all 36 episodes
Complete all 36 regular episodes.
00 %
Defeat Lady Luck
Defeat Lady Luck
Defeat Lady Luck.
00 %
Inflict 30 Poison
Inflict 30 Poison
Stack 30 or more total Poison on an enemy at once.
00 %
Triple Gadget
Triple Gadget
Use the same gadget three times in one turn.
00 %
64 Max HP
64 Max HP
Have max health of 64 or higher.
00 %
Use Dragon's Tooth
Use Dragon's Tooth
Use the Dragon's Tooth.
00 %
Four Prepared Slots
Four Prepared Slots
Complete an episode as Witch with four prepared slots.
00 %
Do 12 damage with thrown dice
Do 12 damage with thrown dice
Do 12 or more damage in one turn by throwing dice.
00 %
Defeat a boss with 4 Battle Axes
Defeat a boss with 4 Battle Axes
Defeat a boss with four or more battle axes equipped.
00 %
Hard Mode Bonus Round 6
Hard Mode Bonus Round 6
Complete all six bonus round episodes in hard mode.
00 %
Hard Mode Bonus Round 5
Hard Mode Bonus Round 5
Complete any five bonus round episodes in hard mode.
00 %
Hard Mode Bonus Round 4
Hard Mode Bonus Round 4
Complete any four bonus round episodes in hard mode.
00 %
Hard Mode Bonus Round 3
Hard Mode Bonus Round 3
Complete any three bonus round episodes in hard mode.
00 %
Hard Mode Bonus Round 2
Hard Mode Bonus Round 2
Complete any two bonus round episodes in hard mode.
00 %
Hard Mode Bonus Round 1
Hard Mode Bonus Round 1
Complete any bonus round episode in hard mode.
00 %
All six bonus rounds
All six bonus rounds
Complete all six bonus round episodes.
00 %
Parallel Universe 6
Parallel Universe 6
Complete all six parallel universe episodes.
00 %
Parallel Universe 5
Parallel Universe 5
Complete any five parallel universe episodes.
00 %
Elimination Round 6
Elimination Round 6
Complete all six elimination round episodes.
00 %
Elimination Round 5
Elimination Round 5
Complete any five elimination round episodes.
00 %
Losers, Weepers
Losers, Weepers
Complete the episode named "Losers, Weepers".
00 %
PC Switch Xbox Series X/S
Xbox One PS4 PS5

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 13/8/2019
  • Desarrollo: Terry Cavanagh
  • Producción: Terry Cavanagh
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 12,49 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

Dicey Dungeons para Ordenador

2 votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión Switch

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 16/12/2020
  • Desarrollo: Terry Cavanagh
  • Producción: Distractionware Limited
  • Distribución: eShop
  • Precio: 14,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC

Dicey Dungeons para Nintendo Switch

Sin votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox Series X/S

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 11/11/2021
  • Desarrollo: Terry Cavanagh
  • Producción: Terry Cavanagh
  • Distribución: Microsoft Store
  • Precio: 12,49 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC

Dicey Dungeons para Xbox Series X/S

Sin votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 11/11/2021
  • Desarrollo: Terry Cavanagh
  • Producción: Terry Cavanagh
  • Distribución: Microsoft Store
  • Precio: 12,49 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: -
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas XBOX LIVE

Dicey Dungeons para Xbox One

1 votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión PS4

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 6/2/2023
  • Desarrollo: Terry Cavanagh
  • Producción: Distractionware Limited
  • Precio: 14.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Español
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

Dicey Dungeons para PlayStation 4

Sin votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.

Ficha técnica de la versión PS5

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 6/2/2023
  • Desarrollo: Terry Cavanagh
  • Producción: Distractionware Limited
  • Precio: 14.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Español
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

Dicey Dungeons para PlayStation 5

Sin votos
Insuficientes votos para figurar en los rankings.
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