Logros de Dark para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Dark en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Dark para PC
Tasted Blood
Tasted Blood
You received your first blood ? the first time is always something special ?
930 %
Completed the Tutorial
826.6 %
Brace yourselves ?
Brace yourselves ?
Found the (not all that) secret announcement for a future project in the Tutorial.
413.3 %
The Great Silence
The Great Silence
Killed 50 opponents
413.3 %
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum
310 %
A Transient Shadow
A Transient Shadow
Used Shadow Leap 50 times
310 %
Silent Assassin
Silent Assassin
Killed 50 unaware opponents
310 %
Experienced Vampire
Experienced Vampire
Distributed 10 Power points
310 %
Powerful Vampire
Powerful Vampire
Distributed 20 Power points
26.6 %
3D trendsetter
3D trendsetter
Experienced the game in Virtual Reality.
26.6 %
Worst vampire ever!
Worst vampire ever!
26.6 %
Guided tour, please!
Guided tour, please!
Finished the Harding Museum in less than 20 minutes.
26.6 %
Now THAT's a challenge!
Now THAT's a challenge!
Finished a challenge without draining anyone.
26.6 %
Challenge? That's not a challenge.
Challenge? That's not a challenge.
Finished a challenge in less than three minutes.
26.6 %
Pick thyself a challenge
Pick thyself a challenge
Finished a challenge.
26.6 %
Hard core
Hard core
Finished DARK on ?hard?.
26.6 %
Good average!
Good average!
Finished DARK on ?normal?.
26.6 %
Simply simple
Simply simple
Finished DARK on ?easy?.
26.6 %
Learned all the powers and their upgrades.
26.6 %
Just a Ghost
Just a Ghost
Completed a level without raising an alarm
26.6 %
Data Collector
Data Collector
Found 7 PDAs
26.6 %
After Dark
After Dark
26.6 %
Vampiric Powers used 50 times
26.6 %
Enjoy Nature
Enjoy Nature
26.6 %
Must've Been the Wind
Must've Been the Wind
Earned ten experience rewards for completing areas without raising the alarm.
26.6 %
What's Going On Here?
What's Going On Here?
Subdued 5 opponents and Fed on them
26.6 %
A Friend in Need
A Friend in Need
26.6 %
Kiss From a Rose
Kiss From a Rose
26.6 %
26.6 %
A Time to Make Friends
A Time to Make Friends
26.6 %
No Place to Hide
No Place to Hide
26.6 %
Género/s: Action-RPG / Sigilo
PEGI +16
PC Xbox 360

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Estadísticas Steam

Dark para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox 360

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Dark para Xbox 360

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