Género/s: JRPG / Rol
PEGI +16
PC Xbox One PS4 Switch

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 3/10/2017
  • Desarrollo: Airship Syndicate
  • Producción: THQ Nordic
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 29,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Español
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

Battle Chasers: Nightwar para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One


Battle Chasers: Nightwar para Xbox One

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Ficha técnica de la versión PS4


Battle Chasers: Nightwar para PlayStation 4

Ficha técnica de la versión Switch


Battle Chasers: Nightwar para Nintendo Switch

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Logros de Battle Chasers: Nightwar para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Battle Chasers: Nightwar en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Battle Chasers: Nightwar para PC
2755.1 %
It's Just Beginning
1734.6 %
Apprentice Crafter
Craft an item
1734.6 %
You're Learning...
Unlock a Beast Perk
1632.6 %
Barrel of Fun
1632.6 %
Trial By Combat
1632.6 %
Mystery Solved
Recover an item from the Mystery Cube
1428.5 %
Brave by Default
Complete a dungeon on Legendary difficulty
1326.5 %
Too Late
1224.4 %
That's Deep, Bro
1224.4 %
Go On...
Kill one of the Beastmaster's Targets
1224.4 %
Battle Ready
Unlock a Level 3 Battle Burst
1224.4 %
Beginner's Luck
Catch an Epic Fish
1224.4 %
Blood and Tears
1224.4 %
Seeing Red
1224.4 %
Bad Moon Rising
1122.4 %
Dirty Hands
Kill 500 enemies
1020.4 %
Well Read
Unlock 50% of the Lore Book
816.3 %
The New Bitcoin
Acquire 200 Shadow Coins
816.3 %
Catch 50 Fish
816.3 %
Little Game Hunter
Complete 50% of the Bestiary
816.3 %
Warming Up
Get a Mid level score at the Battle Arena
816.3 %
Lich, Please
714.2 %
Unlock a Hero Skin
714.2 %
Fresh Mint
Acquire 100,000 gold
714.2 %
Queen of the North
612.2 %
An Unstoppable Force
Acquire 1 of the Heroes' Ultimate Weapons
612.2 %
Vice Versa
612.2 %
Beauty is in the Eye
612.2 %
Behold, My True Form
Reach level 30
612.2 %
Are You Not Entertained
Get Max Score in the Battle Arena
612.2 %
The New Standard
Craft a legendary item
612.2 %
Master Crafter
Craft 50 items
612.2 %
Like A Noss
Kill all the Beastmaster's Targets
48.1 %
Finders Keepers
48.1 %
Unlock all Hero Skins
36.1 %
Mass Ruckus
Unlock All Battle Bursts
36.1 %
The Looking Glass
Start NG+
36.1 %
All out of Bubblegum...
Acquire all of the Heroes' Ultimate Weapons
12 %
No Parley
12 %
Must Be Bored
Complete all dungeons on Legendary difficulty
12 %
Risk Taker
Craft an item with less than 10% success chance
12 %
Epic Crafter
Craft 10 Epic Items
12 %
Rare Crafter
Craft 10 Rare Items
12 %
The Librarian
Unlock 100% of the Lore Book
00 %
Fish Watching
Complete the Fishiary
00 %
Big Game Hunter
Complete 100% of the Bestiary
00 %
A Fantasy, Finalized
Finish the game on NG+
00 %
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