Logros de Aurion: legacy of the Kori-Odan para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Aurion: legacy of the Kori-Odan en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Aurion: legacy of the Kori-Odan para PC
Bantu Wedding
Bantu Wedding
Was there at Enzo and Erine's wedding
312.5 %
Leoritas' Demise
Leoritas' Demise
Defeated the Zama looters
28.3 %
Defender of Zama
Defender of Zama
Defeated those who attacked the city of Zama
28.3 %
Battle of Odane Bridge
Battle of Odane Bridge
Defeated the group of attackers in front of Zama Palace
28.3 %
Rhino's Respect
Rhino's Respect
28.3 %
Wall of the Heart
Wall of the Heart
Erine saved Enzo from Ngarba
14.1 %
Flying Lion
Flying Lion
Threw the Honour of the Kori-Odans into the air
14.1 %
Exile from Zama
Exile from Zama
Spoke to Nama at Figuil
14.1 %
Caloo Opening
Caloo Opening
Accessed the game menu for the first time
14.1 %
Nama Purchases
Nama Purchases
Made purchases at all Figuil's shops before the Nama tutorial
14.1 %
Caaro Aargudan
Caaro Aargudan
Read the page about the Caaro Aargudan during Nama's tutorial
14.1 %
Completed the first Bodiop climb successfully
14.1 %
Shaka's Punishment
Shaka's Punishment
Hit Norbert Koross at least 3 times with Shaka's Anger
14.1 %
Shaka's Justice
Shaka's Justice
Defeat Norbert Koross
14.1 %
1st Aurionic Pillar
1st Aurionic Pillar
Experience first Aurionic Awakening
14.1 %
Terror of the Ajangas
Terror of the Ajangas
Defeat at least 25 Ajangas
14.1 %
Terror of the Trakas
Terror of the Trakas
Defeat at least 25 Trakas
14.1 %
iron breathing
iron breathing
Finish 5 battles without using STM items
14.1 %
Finish 10 battles without using Erine
14.1 %
Mr Clean
Mr Clean
Finish 10 battles without getting hit
14.1 %
Make 50 hits during a combat
14.1 %
Prince's Ballad
Prince's Ballad
Spoke to all the residents of Zama before the coronation
00 %
Honour of the Kori-Odans
Honour of the Kori-Odans
Used first Ultimate Legacy against Ngarba
00 %
Nama's Respect
Nama's Respect
Forced Nama to show her Legacy first
00 %
Norbert's Respect
Norbert's Respect
Focus your Legacy after Norbert Koross
00 %
Queen's Anger
Queen's Anger
Use Erine's Shango Flames at least 3 times against Onia Koross
00 %
Onia's Respect
Onia's Respect
Focus your Legacy after Onia Koross
00 %
Disillusioned Woman
Disillusioned Woman
Finish the death speech of Onia Koross
00 %
Shaka's Calm
Shaka's Calm
Stop Nimrud's gold rush attack with Shaka's anger
00 %
Ice Melt
Ice Melt
Stop Nimrud's gold rush attack with unleashed fury
00 %
Nimrud's Respect
Nimrud's Respect
Focus your Legacy after Nimrud Koross
00 %
Try at least 10 different types of food
00 %
Terror of the Traka Trainers
Terror of the Traka Trainers
Defeat at least 20 Traka trainers
00 %
Son of Rock
Son of Rock
Arrive at city of Isao
00 %
Saved the Orphans
Saved the Orphans
00 %
Merry Widow
Merry Widow
00 %
Isao Dignitary
Isao Dignitary
Finished all the quests from the dignitary Bilandil
00 %
Ukungu Damu
Ukungu Damu
Listened to the explanation of Ukungu Damu and Isao's dilemmas
00 %
2nd Aurionic Pillar
2nd Aurionic Pillar
Experienced the second Aurionic Awakening
00 %
Bouake Prison
Bouake Prison
Activated the merchant via Bouake's Caloo
00 %
Headsman's Justice
Headsman's Justice
Beat the Wamba team with the blood pact in the Bouake Mine
00 %
Wambara's Respect
Wambara's Respect
Focus your Legacy after Wambara Koross
00 %
Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing
Focus your Water Legacy after Wambara focused his Legacy
00 %
King's Wrath
King's Wrath
Use the Anger Ultimate Legacy against Wambara
00 %
Bouake Escape
Bouake Escape
Get out of the Bouake Mine Prison
00 %
Manyang Frost
Manyang Frost
Use Gombe Iceberg at least 8 times with Erine during Bouake prison break
00 %
Terror of the Wambas
Terror of the Wambas
Defeat at least 25 Wamba soldiers
00 %
Terror of the Manyang
Terror of the Manyang
Defeat at least 25 Manyang ants
00 %
Isao Soldiers' Respect
Isao Soldiers' Respect
00 %
Saviour of Isao Merchants
Saviour of Isao Merchants
00 %
Protector of the Bohiris
Protector of the Bohiris
00 %
Bilandil's Gratitude
Bilandil's Gratitude
00 %
King's Avenger
King's Avenger
00 %
Multi Skilled Aurionic
Multi Skilled Aurionic
Use 3 Aurions against Malik Bilaore
00 %
Donga Champion
Donga Champion
Force Dramane to show his Aurionic Legacy first at Isao
00 %
Link's Respect
Link's Respect
Focus your Legacy in the right order against Dramane at Isao
00 %
Prince of the Bojaas
Prince of the Bojaas
Win the fight against Dramane at Isao
00 %
Aurionic Link
Aurionic Link
Have read the discussion about how Aurionic Links work
00 %
Isao Hero
Isao Hero
Saved everybody in the Isao war
00 %
Kah-Isao Terror
Kah-Isao Terror
Fight at least 15 battles on the Kah-Isao world map
00 %
00 %
Auri-Om Griot
Auri-Om Griot
Finished the discussion with Eniki about Maïsha's birth
00 %
Top of the Elobis
Top of the Elobis
Reached the highest position of the Elobis at Wasao
00 %
Saba's Queen
Saba's Queen
Finished the first audience with the queen of Saba
00 %
Kâ-Auri Awakening
Kâ-Auri Awakening
Completed Eniki's fusion tutorial
00 %
Kâ-Auri Fusion
Kâ-Auri Fusion
Discovered all the fusions possible with the first 2 Pillars
00 %
First Bath
First Bath
Swum for the first time in Shakaï Lituba
00 %
Shakaï Sage
Shakaï Sage
Finish the Shakaï Pillar puzzle in less than 5 attempts
00 %
Griots' Will
Griots' Will
Opened the forked passage in Shakaï Lituba
00 %
Origins of the Koross
Origins of the Koross
Listened to the Koross Origin story
00 %
Respect of Palak
Respect of Palak
Push Palak to gather the Ney-Auri without yourself beeing in Aurionic state.
00 %
Light of the Veil
Light of the Veil
Defeat Palak Koross
00 %
Ney-Karou Colours
Ney-Karou Colours
Finish the Ney-Karou colour puzzle in less than 5 attempts
00 %
Elorin's Respect
Elorin's Respect
Forced Elorin to focus the Ney-Auri before gathering your Legacy
00 %
Return of the Shadows
Return of the Shadows
Use the Vengeful Legacy after Elorin Karou focused his Ney-Auro
00 %
Heir of Souleyris
Heir of Souleyris
Perform the Souleyris Ultimate Legacy against Elorin Karou
00 %
Conquerors of Ney-Karou
Conquerors of Ney-Karou
00 %
Wasao Hero
Wasao Hero
00 %
Terror of Karou Soldiers
Terror of Karou Soldiers
Defeat at least 25 soldiers from Elorin's army
00 %
Terror of Ney-Ogum
Terror of Ney-Ogum
Defeat at least 15 Ney Ogums
00 %
Terror of the Karou Elites
Terror of the Karou Elites
Defeat at least 25 elite soldiers from the Karou army
00 %
Terror of the Karou Rabshas
Terror of the Karou Rabshas
Defeat at least 25 heavy soldiers from the Karou army
00 %
Extended Family
Extended Family
Saved Eniki's brethren at Souleyris Lituba
00 %
Have eaten at least 20 different types of food
00 %
Sea Legs
Sea Legs
Accessed the intercontinental boat menu for the first time
00 %
Return to Isao
Return to Isao
Entered Isao after Wasao
00 %
Full-bodied Palm Wine
Full-bodied Palm Wine
00 %
3rd Aurionic Pillar
3rd Aurionic Pillar
Experienced the 3rd Aurionic Awakening
00 %
Kâ-Auri Expert
Kâ-Auri Expert
Found all the fusions possible with 3 Pillars
00 %
Bouto Lima Master
Bouto Lima Master
Defeated Daruba Sopir
00 %
Sopir's Respect
Sopir's Respect
Forced Daruba Sopir to focus all his Legacies
00 %
Global Aurion
Global Aurion
00 %
Ntu Bridge Conqueror
Ntu Bridge Conqueror
Finish the Ntu Bridge battle
00 %
Touop's Respect
Touop's Respect
Forced Touop Daruba to focus all his Legacies
00 %
Key to Ediang
Key to Ediang
00 %
Friend of the Bouto Spirits
Friend of the Bouto Spirits
Finished the spirits' puzzle at Bouto Lima mountain
00 %
Sidune's Respect
Sidune's Respect
Forced Daruba Sidune to focus all his Legacies
00 %
Eternal Emoja
Eternal Emoja
00 %
The Truth
The Truth
00 %
Terror of the Koulams
Terror of the Koulams
Defeated at least 30 Koulam rebels
00 %
Terror of the Kayas
Terror of the Kayas
Defeated at least 30 Kaya rebels
00 %
Terror of the Moyos
Terror of the Moyos
Defeated at least 30 Moyo rebels
00 %
Terror of the Mout-Mouts
Terror of the Mout-Mouts
Defeated at least 50 Mout-Mout rebels
00 %
Terror of Kah-Wangaa
Terror of Kah-Wangaa
Fought at least 15 battles on the Kah-Wangaa world map
00 %
Sacred Ngondo
Sacred Ngondo
Reached the final room in the Tomb of the Kori-Odans
00 %
Nabi's Respect
Nabi's Respect
Force Nabi to use all of his Aurionic Legacies
00 %
Rightful Heir
Rightful Heir
00 %
Total Awakening
Total Awakening
Experienced the 4th Aurionic Awakening
00 %
Return to Your Roots
Return to Your Roots
Returned to visit Zama for the first time since the exile
00 %
Dehkina's Awakening
Dehkina's Awakening
Followed the conversation with Dhekina on Kah-Bawanga
00 %
Nama's Vision
Nama's Vision
Followed the conversation with Nama on Kah-Bawanga
00 %
Kajuta Roho
Kajuta Roho
Had a conversation with the Head Griot about Kah-Bawanga
00 %
Bojaa Shield Breaker
Bojaa Shield Breaker
Survived the first long Kah-Bawanga battle
00 %
Out of the Frying Pan
Out of the Frying Pan
Survived the third long Kah-Bawanga battle
00 %
Rhino Tamer
Rhino Tamer
00 %
Royal Punishment
Royal Punishment
00 %
Dramane's Respect
Dramane's Respect
Force Dramane to use all his Legacy at Kajuta Roho
00 %
Lion and Eagle
Lion and Eagle
Use Enzo's real Ultimate Legacy against Dramane
00 %
Final Speech
Final Speech
Used all of the Aurions against Dramane at Kajuta Roho
00 %
Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Completed game
00 %
Terror of the Ney-Croco
Terror of the Ney-Croco
Defeated at least 25 Ney Crocos
00 %
Terror of the Abadjis
Terror of the Abadjis
Defeated at least 10 Abadjis
00 %
Terror of the Xangaloos
Terror of the Xangaloos
Defeated at least 10 Xangaloos
00 %
Terror of the Malawas
Terror of the Malawas
Defeated at least 10 Malawas
00 %
Terror of the Marabouts
Terror of the Marabouts
Defeated at least 8 Marabouts
00 %
Terror of Kah-Bawanga
Terror of Kah-Bawanga
Fight at least 15 battles in world map mode in Bawanga
00 %
Kâ-Auri Master
Kâ-Auri Master
Discovered every Aurion in the game
00 %
Ultimate Legacy
Ultimate Legacy
Unlocked all the Aurions Ultimate Legacies
00 %
Found Ice Aurion
00 %
Found Lightning Aurion
00 %
Found Dark Aurion
00 %
Found Light Aurion
00 %
Found Fire + Earth Aurion
00 %
Found Water + Earth Aurion
00 %
Found Air + Earth Aurion
00 %
Found Fire + Water Aurion
00 %
Found Fire + Air Aurion
00 %
Found Ice + Lightning Aurion
00 %
Found Lightning + Earth Aurion
00 %
Found Water + Fire + Earth Aurion
00 %
Found Air + Fire + Earth Aurion
00 %
Found Air + Earth + Water Aurion
00 %
Found Fire + Earth + Air + Water Aurion
00 %
Full Awareness
Full Awareness
Found Light + Dark Aurion
00 %
Eliminate any Boss without going into Aurion mode
00 %
Use 10 Ultimate Legacies in a game
00 %
Block 1000 hits times in a game
00 %
Use 120 Ultimate Legacies in a game
00 %
Marriage Bonds
Marriage Bonds
Use Erine's support 100 times
00 %
Bassa Queen
Bassa Queen
Eliminate 20 enemies with Erine
00 %
Try 50 Aurionic fusions
00 %
Partners in Crime
Partners in Crime
Get level 60 participation
00 %
Ewondo Queen
Ewondo Queen
Eliminate 2 bosses with Erine
00 %
Find 100 hidden Caloos
00 %
Good Son
Good Son
Showed Nabi Kori-Odan 2 Pillars
00 %
00 %
Aurionic warrior
Aurionic warrior
00 %
00 %
Full awakened aurionic
Full awakened aurionic
00 %
PC Xbox One

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 14/4/2016
  • Desarrollo: Kiro'o Games
  • Producción: Plug In Digital
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 14,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: No
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

Aurion: legacy of the Kori-Odan para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 22/5/2024
  • Desarrollo: Kiro'o Games
  • Producción: Kiro'o Games
  • Distribución: Microsoft Store
  • Precio: 14.99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: -
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC

Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan para Xbox One

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