Trucos de Kerbal Space Program para Xbox One

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Logros de Xbox Live de Kerbal Space Program

One Does Not Simply Return From EveCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Eve.100
Look Ma! No Tractor Beams!Completed your first ship to ship dock! Congrats, lots of people don't make it this far.70
Eeloocidate the MatterCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Eeloo.50
Failure is Not an OptionCongratulations! You've completed your first landing on Moho!45
Too Much RCSCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Pol.40
Got My Moho BackCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Moho.40
So EeloosiveCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Eeloo, very few astronauts get this far!40
Kerboy BeBopCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Bop.35
Let Me Play Among the StarsYou've launched your first satellite into space! Now you can join the leagues of the Sputnik I team.35
A Rocky PlanetCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Ike.30
KerBop Doo WopYou just did a flyby of Bop!30
Vall HaulerCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Vall.30
The Sapphire of JoolCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Laythe.25
Flying MinmusCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Minmus.25
Jool of the Starry SeaCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Jool.25
Gilly Up!Congratulations! You completed your first mission to Gilly.25
The Largest Moon in the Kerbol SystemCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Tylo.25
Duna 2000Congratulations! You completed your first mission to Duna.25
Completing Missions and Unlocking AsteroidsCongratulations! You completed your first mission to Dres.25
Here Comes the KerbalryYou've recovered your first crew member from the perils of space!25
To The Mun and BackCongratulations! You completed your first mission to the Mun.20
Crowned JoolCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Jool.15
MunwalkingYou've completed your first EVA on the Mun.15
First Dwarf PlanetCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Dres.15
A Grain Of SandCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Pol.15
Home of the MoholesCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Moho.15
The Only Moon with a True AtmosphereCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Laythe!15
Mission to MinmusCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Minmus.10
Zero GravityYour first EVA in space! Now you've joined the leagues of those who repaired the Skylab in 1973.10
Duna's Only Natural MoonCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Ike.10
The View From Up HereCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Kerbin.10
Mun Rover, Mun RoverCongratulations! You took your first rover out for a spin.10
One Small StepYou've planted your first flag on the Mun!10
The Right Kind of PilotYou've been to space and landed safely back home!10
The Biggest Wonder to KerbalkindYou just completed a flyby of Duna!10
Getting Eve-nYou've just completed your first flyby of Eve!10
Almost No GravityCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Gilly.10
The Home of VallhengeCongratulations! You completed your first flyby of Vall.10
Tylo, Tylo, It's Off to Space We Go!Congratulations! You completed your first flyby of Tylo.10
Fly Me to the MunYou've completed a flyby of the Mun!5
Ground ControlYou've completed your first landing at the Kerbal Space Center!5
No Left TurnsYou've completed your first runway launch!5
Space, Space, SPAAAACE!You've completed your first Launch Pad launch.5
Open for BusinessCongratulations! You've completed your first contract!5

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