Trucos de Mount & Blade: Warband para PC

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Trucos de Mount & Blade: Warband para PC
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Mount & Blade Warband nos llama a tomar parte en combates entre grandes ejércitos. Esto, lógicamente, es de todo menos fácil. Así que para eso, la versión de PC del juego tiene una serie de trucos y comandos que podemos usar en nuestro provecho.

Recuerda, antes de nada hacer un backup de tu partida antes de empezar a usar trucos, por si estropearas algo mientras los utilizas.

Cómo habilitar los trucos en Mount & Blade: Warband

Para poder usar trucos tienes que tener activada la opcíon de usar trucos. Esto sólo puede hacerse antes de empezar a jugar.

Tienes la opción para habilitarlos o deshabilitarlos en los ajustes del menú principal. ¿Ya los has activado? Pues vamos al meollo del asunto.

Todos los trucos de Mount & Blade: Warband

A diferencia de otros juegos, en este caso no hay comandos que haya que teclear, sino que todo se hace con combinaciones de la tecla CTRL y otra más.

No debes usar el truco de nivel más allá del nivel 62. Este es el nivel máximo que se puede alcanzar y, si fuerzas que el personaje llegue al nivel 63, el juego se vuelve loco, te sube a nivel 2.000 y al mismo tiempo sube a ese nivel las misiones que escalan con el tuyo. Esto hace virtualmente imposible superar estas misiones.

  • CTRL+Alt+4: Hace aparecer el nocheatmenu, si escribes "no" (sin comillas) y pulsas Enter, desactivas los trucos.
  • CTRL+F5: La IA controla a tu personaje en combate.
  • CTRL+H: Curación completa de tu personaje.
  • CTRL+Shift+H: Curación completa de tu caballo (Shift, por si no lo sabes, es la tecla con la flecha hacia arriba, bajo el botón bloq mayus en un QWERTY estándar).
  • CTRL+F3: Te haces daño a ti mismo.
  • CTRL+barra espaciadora: Hace avanzar el tiempo mientras esperas en el mapa.
  • CTRL+X: Da puntos de experiencia al miembro del equipo seleccionado.
  • CTRL+X: Te da 1.000 puntos de experiencia para tu personaje (debes tener abierta la pestaña de tu personaje).
  • CTRL+X: Te da 1.000 monedas de oro si tienes abierto el inventario.
  • CTRL+W: Aumenta enormemente tu eficacia con las armas (debes tener abierta la pestaña de tu personaje)
  • CTRL+Alt+F4: Deja inconscientes a las tropas enemigas en combate.
  • CTRL+Shift+F4: Si mantienes pulsado el botón Shift, harás zoom. Esta combinación de botones dejará inconscientes a todos los enemigos sobre los que hagas zoom.
  • CTRL+Shift+F6: Deja inconscientes a todas tus tropas.
  • CTRL+F6: Deja inconsciente a uno de los soldados de tu tropa.
  • CTRL+F4: Si se pulsa varias veces, deja inconsciente a un enemigo.
  • CTRL+T: Te permite ver todo en el Mapa del Mundo, salvo los escondites.
  • CTRL+L: Subes un nivel. Debes tener cuidado de no pasar del nivel 62.
  • CTRL+clic izquierdo: Te teletransportas al lugar que selecciones (debes tener abierto el Mapa del Mundo).
  • CTRL+F9: Cámara lenta (al pulsar otra vez, el tiempo pasa de forma normal).
  • CTRL+F11: Detiene el tiempo mientras estás en combate. Pulsa de nuevo para que el tiempo siga corriendo.

Logros de Steam de Mount & Blade: Warband

Get up Stand upCleanse the town of bandits in the opening mission.
Community ServiceInstall and play one mod.
Good SamaritanHelp a lord or party win a fight.
Talking helpsEngage in a conversation with a hero character through the party screen.
Medieval TimesEnter and win a tournament.
Abundant FeastEat 6 different types food concurrently.
Royality PaymentBe granted your first fief.
Old dirty scoundrelHave a -50 relation with a lord, village, or faction.
Sold into SlaverySell 5 people to the ransom broker.
Holy DiverKill or wound at least 500 enemies.
Knights of the RoundRecruit 6 hero characters.
Morale LeaderRaise your soldiers' morale from low to excellent.
Help Help I'm being RepressedHarass wondering peasants on the map.
Romantic WarriorLearn 3 poems from tavern bards.
Sarranidian NightsCamp in the Sarranid region of the map.
Pugnascious DPick a fight with a lord by insulting him or by challenging him to a duel.
Force of NatureYou and your army have killed or wounded 5,000 enemy troops.
Art of WarHave two of the following skills at a 5; Trainer, Tactics, Leadership, or Persuasion.
Might makes RightGet either two strength related skills to 5 or one to 7.
None Shall PassSuccessfully defend a castle.
Migrating CoconutsVisit every major town in Calradia.
Trick ShotLand a shot with a difficulty of 10 while using a bow and arrow.
This is our land(MP) Your team successfully defended a castle in siege battle mode.
Book WormFinish reading one book through the camping screen.
Happily ever afterGet Married.
Old school Sniper Land a shot with a difficulty of 6 while using a crossbow.
Agile WarriorGet either two agility related skills to 5 or one to 7.
The BanditRaid 3 caravans and raid 3 villages.
Khaaan!Kill 75 enemies with horse archery.
Best served coldDefeat 10 enemy parties in the snowy regions of Calradia.
Melee MasterMake one of your melee weapon skills 250.
Man EaterKill 50 men as a female character.
Calradian Tea PartyMake your own faction.
Look at the Bones!Face off against 100 enemies using custom battle mode.
Talk of the townAs a female character, raise your renown to 50.
Medieval EmlakBecome the owner of at least 5 fiefs.
Mind on the MoneyHave two of the following skills at a 5; Looting, Inventory Management, Trade, or Prisoner Management.
Gold FarmerAmass a fortune of 100,000 denars.
Dexterous DastardMake one of your ranged weapon skills 250.
Every breath you take(MP) In any multiplayer mode have more kills than deaths.
Last man standing(MP) Win one round in battle mode.
Baron got backWin a battle against a lord or party who previously beat or captured you.
The RangerHave a 7 in one of the following skills or a 5 in two; Tracking, Path-finding, or Spotting.
Concilio CalradiAs a ruler have 3 vassals.
Calradian Army KnifeKill 10 enemies with a throwing weapon's secondary function.
Mountain BladeKill 10 parties of Mountain Bandits.
Bring out your DeadGet one of your healing skills to 5.
Got Milk?Steal 3 cattle from a single village.
Sassy!As a female character get into a duel with male lord by insulting him.
Glorious Mother Faction(MP) Win a round of team deathmatch mode.
Trojan Bunny MakerGet the engineering skill up to 5.
Victum SequensAs a ruler conquer 10 towns or castles.
I dub theePromote one of your followers into a position of power.
Choppy Chop Chop(MP) Slay 50 foes with slashing weapons.
Lady of the LakeAs a female character, give a companion character a great sword.
QueenAs a female character, make your own faction.
Gambit Land a shot with a difficulty of 5 while using a throwing weapon.
Autonomous CollectiveBe chosen as marshall.
KingmakerPut a pretender on their rightful throne.
Man HandlerAs a female character, Capture and sell three NPC lords.
Heart BreakerGet a character to elope.
The Holy Hand GrenadeKill 75 enemies with throwing weapons.
King ArthurYou have completed the following achievements: Melee Master, Knights of the Round, Every breath you take, I dub thee/Good Samaritan.
Elite Warrior(MP) Win a round of deathmatch mode.
The Huscarl(MP) Kill 50 foes with throwing axes.
Mace in yer Face!(MP) Kill 25 foes with a blunt weapon.
Shish Kebab(MP) Perform 25 lance kills while mounted.
Throwing Star(MP) Kill 25 people with throwing weapons.
Girl PowerAs a female character, help a female claimant reclaim her throne.
Ruin the Raid(MP) Win in Conquest mode.
The Golden Throne Rule all of Calradia!
Spoil the charge(MP) Kill 50 cavalry while on foot, the enemy must be killed while mounted.
Manifest DestinyAssist your faction in conquering Calradia.
EmpressAs a female character, become queen of all Calradia.
Son of OdinYou have completed the following achievements: Might makes Right, The Huscarl, Melee Master/Dexterous Dastard, and Holy Diver/Elite Warrior.
Kassai MasterYou have completed the following achievements: Trick Shot, Khaaan!, Agile Warrior, and Harassing Horseman.
Svarog the MightyYou have completed the following achievements: Might Makes Right, Choppy Chop Chop, Glorious Mother Faction, and Old school Sniper.
Legendary RastamYou have completed the following achievements: Abudant Feast, Mace in yer Face!, Sarranidian Nights, and Art of War/Melee Master.
Iron BearYou have completed the following achievements: Mace in yer Face!, Spoil the Charge, Agile Warrior, and This is our land.
Harassing Horseman(MP) Kill 100 people with mounted projectiles.

Logros de Xbox Live de Mount & Blade: Warband

The Golden Throne Roi a le jour55
KingmakerPower behind the curtain.35
Manifest DestinyConquerer35
Victum Sequens10 conquered towns or castles35
Ruin the RaidWon in Conquest mode.15
Gold FarmerOn a pile of gold15
Royality PaymentFiefdom15
Medieval EmlakFive fun fiefs15
Calradian Tea PartyFaction leader15
Concilio Calradi3 vassals15
This is our landCastle defended15
Spoil the chargeCavalry killed15
Harassing HorsemanKilled 100 people with mounted projectiles.15
Throwing StarKilled 25 people with throwing weapons.15
Shish Kebab25 lance kills15
Force of NatureYou and your army have killed or wounded 5,000 enemy troops.15
Last man standingWon one round in battle mode.15
Every breath you takeMore kills than deaths.15
Choppy Chop Chop50 foes slaed by slashing15
Mace in yer Face!Mace met the face15
The HuscarlThe Huscarl15
Glorious Mother FactionWon death match15
Elite WarriorElite15
Talk of the townTalk of the town15
Lady of the LakeLady of the Lake15
Holy DiverKilled or wounded 500 enemies.15
None Shall Pass!Castle Defended15
The Ranger7 in one of the following skills or a 5 in two; Tracking, Path-finding, or Spotting.15
Man Eater50 men killed as a female character.15
The Holy Hand Grenade75 enemies killed with throwing weapons.15
KHAAN!75 enemies killed with horse archery.15
Get Up Stand UpTown cleansed of bandits in the opening mission.15
Best Served ColdBest Served Cold15
Trick ShotTrick Shot15
Old School SniperOld School Sniper15
Calradian Army Knife10 enemies killed with a throwing weapon's secondary function.15
Mountian Blade10 parties of Mountain Bandits killed.15
Bring Out Your DeadOne of your healing skills set to 5.15
Mind on the MoneyYou have money on your mind15
Art of WarWar Artist15
Pugnascious DStand up to the man15
Old Dirty ScoundrelScoundrel15
Got Milk?3 Cattle stolen15
Sold into SlaverySlave Master15
Medieval TimesTournament won15
Good SamaritanThe most helpful one15
Abundant FeastGlutton15
Book WormWell read15
Happily ever afterKnot Tied15
Heart BreakerEloped15
Autonomous CollectiveMarshall15
I dub theeFollower Promoted15
Sassy!Beat the man down15

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