Éstas son las mejores ofertas de Instant Gaming para PC del momento

Los grandes lanzamientos de la temporada están rebajados en Instant Gaming.
Actualizado: 3:51 29/8/2020

Contenido patrocinado

Una semana más os ofrecemos las ofertas más destacadas del momento en Instant Gaming, la tienda online de códigos digitales de juegos para PC y otros contenidos. Entre los juegos rebajados podemos encontrar lanzamientos recientes como Need for Speed Heat, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order y Age of Empires 2 HD.

Nota: Los precios son los vigentes en el momento de publicar la noticia. Pueden cambiar en las próximas horas.

Ofertas destacadas de Instant Gaming

Juego ó packTipoPrecioOfertaDto.
Abandon ShipSteam22.99 €12.85 €44%
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyEpic Games39.99 €26.98 €32%
Asterix & Obelix XXL 3 - The Crystal MenhirSteam39.99 €22.71 €43%
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret HideoutSteam59.99 €45.17 €24%
AutonautsSteam19.99 €12.03 €39%
Blacksad - Under The SkinSteam39.99 €22.68 €43%
Blair WitchSteam24.99 €14.25 €42%
BlasphemousSteam25 €14.55 €41%
BlazBlue: Cross Tag BattleSteam34.99 €15.95 €54%
Borderlands 3Epic Games59.99 €37.67 €37%
Borderlands 3 Deluxe EditionEpic Games79.99 €59.49 €25%
Children of MortaSteam21.99 €14.76 €32%
Close Combat: The Bloody FirstSteam36.99 €29.48 €20%
Code VeinSteam49.99 €31.79 €36%
Contra: Rogue CorpsSteam39.99 €31.49 €21%
ControlEpic Games59.99 €35.08 €41%
Crying SunsSteam20.99 €14.93 €28%
Darksiders GenesisSteam29.99 €23.99 €20%
Daymare: 1998Steam29.99 €19.02 €36%
Deadly daysSteam11.99 €7.53 €37%
Deliver Us The MoonSteam24.99 €11.06 €55%
DepravedSteam19.99 €17.49 €12%
Destiny 2Battle.net59.99 €28.55 €52%
Destiny 2: ShadowkeepSteam34.99 €31.12 €11%
Devil's HuntSteam29.99 €17.98 €40%
Die Young (+Early Access)Steam16.79 €7.99 €52%
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete EditionSteam39.99 €31.99 €20%
Dragon Star VarnirSteam41.99 €19.55 €53%
eFootball PES 2020Steam49.99 €24.23 €51%
eFootball PES 2020 Legend EditionSteam69.99 €47.77 €31%
Felix The ReaperSteam24.99 €20.59 €17%
FIFA 20Origin59.99 €35.99 €40%
Football Manager 2020Steam54.99 €33.99 €38%
Gears 5 (PC / Xbox ONE)Xbox Play Anywhere69.99 €24.98 €64%
Gears 5 Ultimate Edition (PC / Xbox ONE)Xbox Play Anywhere79.99 €44.98 €43%
GreedFallSteam49.99 €33.49 €33%
Green HellSteam20.99 €14.99 €28%
GRIDSteam54.99 €17.76 €67%
GRID Ultimate EditionSteam74.99 €37.29 €50%
HeadsnatchersSteam12.49 €3.89 €68%
Hunt ShowdownSteam39.99 €25.99 €35%
IndivisibleSteam39.99 €26.71 €33%
JumanjiSteam0 €15.95 €0%
Maze CrusherSteam6.99 €5.99 €14%
MistoverSteam27.99 €14.83 €47%
Monkey King: Hero is BackSteam34.99 €17.99 €48%
MutazioneSteam17.99 €14.75 €18%
MXGP 2019 - The Official Motocross VideogameSteam49.99 €24.19 €51%
Narcos: Rise of the CartelsSteam24 €17.99 €25%
NBA 2K20Steam49.99 €26.35 €47%
NBA 2K20 Deluxe EditionSteam69.99 €37.84 €45%
NBA 2K20 Legend EditionSteam89.99 €31.57 €64%
Need for Speed HeatOrigin59.99 €44.69 €25%
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch RemasteredSteam49.99 €38.79 €22%
On The RoadSteam24.95 €18.98 €23%
OutbuddiesSteam17.99 €12.74 €29%
Plants vs Zombies Battle for NeighborvilleOrigin39.99 €26.89 €32%
Pride RunSteam16.79 €14.06 €16%
Rebel CopsSteam9.99 €7.01 €29%
Red Dead Redemption 2 Special EditionRockstar74.99 €59.99 €20%
Red Dead Redemption 2 Standard EditionRockstar60 €48.88 €18%
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionRockstar89.99 €73.39 €18%
ShockRodsSteam20.99 €14.21 €32%
Skybolt ZackSteam16.79 €14.99 €10%
Sniper Ghost Warrior ContractsSteam29.99 €22.69 €24%
SparkliteSteam24.99 €17.5 €29%
Spyro Reignited TrilogySteam39.99 €14.99 €62%
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderOrigin59.95 €50.49 €15%
Stygian: Reign of the Old OnesSteam24.99 €16.93 €32%
Terminator: ResistanceSteam39.99 €24.99 €37%
The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of MedanSteam29.99 €16.98 €43%
The Outer WorldsEpic Games60 €41.32 €31%
The Surge 2Steam49.99 €35.08 €29%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: BreakpointUplay59.99 €33.6 €43%
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrinceSteam29.99 €14.05 €53%
ValfarisSteam20.99 €13.23 €36%
WRC 8: FIA World Rally ChampionshipEpic Games39.99 €26.5 €33%
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible LairSteam29.99 €11.99 €60%

Vandal ofrece noticias de videojuegos los siete días de la semana, cubriendo la actualidad del sector. En estas páginas encontrarás noticias sobre nuevos anuncios de juegos, fechas de lanzamiento, tráilers y otros detalles, así como información sobre la industria del videojuego y la vibrante cultura que se está creando en torno al ocio interactivo. ¡No olvides decirnos lo que te parece este artículo o darnos tu opinión sobre el tema participando en los comentarios!


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