Logros de Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars para PC
Win a battle without loosing a single unit.
133.3 %
Every piece has a purpose
Every piece has a purpose
Win a battle while having at least 8 units survive the battle
133.3 %
Win a fight without your lord receiving any damage
133.3 %
Fledgling vampire
Fledgling vampire
Tutorial Finished
133.3 %
Mourterra Victor
Mourterra Victor
Win a Mourterra Sandbox as any Clan
00 %
Blood for the blood god
Blood for the blood god
Use Sacrifice card 50 times
00 %
Win a battle with only your General left alive
00 %
Avid Reader
Avid Reader
Purchase 100 cards from Libraries
00 %
Now you are thinking with portals
Now you are thinking with portals
Use any Portal building 25 times.
00 %
Prison Break
Prison Break
Purchase 25 units from Prisons
00 %
When you wish upon a stone
When you wish upon a stone
Use a Wishing Stone 25 times
00 %
Hold every Ritual Site on any Sandbox map
00 %
Max Bloodline
Max Bloodline
Have the Max amount of allowed Lords in Sandbox
00 %
Warmont Victor
Warmont Victor
Win a Warmont Sandbox as any Clan
00 %
Kreya Victor
Kreya Victor
Win a Kreya Sandbox as any Clan
00 %
Esain Victor
Esain Victor
Win a Esain Sandbox as any Clan
00 %
100 units killed in battle
00 %
Warmont Champion
Warmont Champion
Win a Warmont Sandbox as all Clans
00 %
Kreya Champion
Kreya Champion
Win a Kreya Sandbox as all Clans
00 %
Esain Champion
Esain Champion
Win a Esain Sandbox as all Clans
00 %
Mourterra Champion
Mourterra Champion
Win a Mourterra Sandbox as all Clans
00 %
Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing
Win a battle with only one unit surviving.
00 %
Use a Tier 1 unit to do the killing blow against an enemy Tier 3 unit
00 %
Surround an enemy unit from all four sides
00 %
Trigger the Overkill keyword effect 3 times on one units turn
00 %
Heal 200 health from the Lifesteal keyword in one battle
00 %
Soul Trapper
Soul Trapper
Gain 30 Mana from the Soul Trap keyword in one battle
00 %
Relics of Old
Relics of Old
Complete Act II of the Moroia Campaign
00 %
Lord of Warmont
Lord of Warmont
Complete all missions in the Dracul Campagin
00 %
A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember
Complete Act I of the Dracul Campaign
00 %
The Eternal Bond
The Eternal Bond
Complete Act II of the Dracul Campaign
00 %
Complete Act III of the Dracul Campaign
00 %
It Ends Tonight
It Ends Tonight
Complete Act IV of the Dracul Campaign
00 %
The Ancient Lord
The Ancient Lord
Complete all missions in the Nosfernus Campagin
00 %
The Nightmare Rises
The Nightmare Rises
Complete Act I of the Nosfernus Campaign
00 %
The Ancient One
The Ancient One
Complete Act II of the Nosfernus Campaign
00 %
A Battle of Beasts
A Battle of Beasts
Complete Act III of the Nosfernus Campaign
00 %
A Battle of Will
A Battle of Will
Complete Act IV of the Nosfernus Campaign
00 %
Lady of the Frozen
Lady of the Frozen
Complete all missions in the Moroia Campagin
00 %
Sins of the Past
Sins of the Past
Complete Act I of the Moroia Campaign
00 %
Claim a total of 100 Provinces.
00 %
The Ancient Ones Tomb
The Ancient Ones Tomb
Complete Act III of the Moroia Campaign
00 %
Complete Act IV of the Moroia Campaign
00 %
What's the point of victory
What's the point of victory
Complete all the Campaign missions
00 %
Play 50 kingdom mode cards
00 %
Full House
Full House
Play 250 kingdom mode cards
00 %
Royal Flush
Royal Flush
Play 1000 kingdom mode cards
00 %
Win a sandbox map
00 %
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert
Use clairvoyance to reveal an enemy army
00 %
Fill up all itemslots on one general
00 %
Paint the world in blood
Paint the world in blood
Take over every single region on a KM map
00 %
Consume a total of 100 population by feeding on Cities and Villages
00 %
Género/s: Tactical RPG
PC Xbox One PS4 Switch

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/8/2020
  • Desarrollo: Palindrome Interactive
  • Producción: Kalypso Media
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 39,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars para Ordenador

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Ficha técnica de la versión Xbox One

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/8/2020
  • Desarrollo: Kalypso Media
  • Producción: Palindrome Interactive
  • Distribución: Koch Media
  • Precio: 49,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Blu-ray
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas XBOX LIVE

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars para Xbox One

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Ficha técnica de la versión PS4

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/8/2020
  • Desarrollo: Kalypso Media
  • Producción: Palindrome Interactive
  • Distribución: Koch Media
  • Precio: 49,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Blu-ray
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars para PlayStation 4

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Ficha técnica de la versión Switch

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/8/2020
  • Desarrollo: Kalypso Media
  • Producción: Palindrome Interactive
  • Distribución: Koch Media
  • Precio: 39,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Tarjeta
  • Textos: Español
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: -
  • Requisitos PC

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars para Nintendo Switch

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