Logros de Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue para PC - Listado completo

Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue para PC
Target Practice I
Target Practice I
Put out the fire in the first attempt.
150 %
Perfectionist II
Perfectionist II
Complete 15 missions without crashing.
150 %
Perfectionist III
Perfectionist III
Complete 20 missions without crashing.
150 %
Tourist I
Tourist I
Spend 30 minutes in free flight mode.
150 %
Tourist II
Tourist II
Spend 45 minutes in free flight mode.
150 %
Tourist III
Tourist III
Spend 60 minutes in free flight mode.
150 %
Like a Boss I
Like a Boss I
Complete 3 missions by helicopter Nimbus.
150 %
Like a Boss II
Like a Boss II
Complete 5 missions by helicopter Nimbus.
150 %
Like a Boss III
Like a Boss III
Complete 8 missions by helicopter Nimbus.
150 %
Perfectionist I
Perfectionist I
Complete 10 missions without crashing.
150 %
Target Practice II
Target Practice II
Put out the two fires in the first attempt.
150 %
Target Practice III
Target Practice III
Put out the three fires in the first attempt.
150 %
Sightseer I
Sightseer I
Visit 10 sightseeing points.
150 %
 Sightseer II
Sightseer II
Visit 20 sightseeing points.
150 %
Sightseer III
Sightseer III
Visit 30 sightseeing points.
150 %
Balls of Steel I
Balls of Steel I
Fly under 1 bridge.
150 %
Balls of Steel II
Balls of Steel II
Fly under 2 bridges.
150 %
Balls of Steel III
Balls of Steel III
Fly under 3 bridges.
150 %
I Like it the hard way II
I Like it the hard way II
Take 5 survivors without hover.
150 %
Lazy Fox II
Lazy Fox II
Spend 40 minutes in a hover.
150 %
Lazy Fox III
Lazy Fox III
Spend 60 minutes in a hover.
150 %
Gamer I
Gamer I
Perform 25% of the missions in the game.
150 %
Gamer II
Gamer II
Perform 50% of the missions in the game.
150 %
Gamer III
Gamer III
Perform 75% of the missions in the game.
150 %
Complete the game.
150 %
Use all the helicopters in the game.
150 %
I Like it the hard way I
I Like it the hard way I
Take 2 survivors without hover.
150 %
Lazy Fox I
Lazy Fox I
Spend 20 minutes in a hover.
150 %
I Like it the hard way III
I Like it the hard way III
Take 8 survivors without hover.
150 %
Spend 24 hours in the air.
150 %
The Transporter I
The Transporter I
Take 10 wounded to the hospital.
150 %
The Transporter II
The Transporter II
Take 20 wounded to the hospital.
150 %
The Transporter III
The Transporter III
Take 50 wounded to the hospital.
150 %
Flying Low I
Flying Low I
Fly 10 seconds at a speed greater than 60 knots at an altitude of less than 100 ft.
150 %
 Flying Low II
Flying Low II
Fly 10 seconds at a speed greater than 70 knots at an altitude of less than 80 ft.
150 %
Flying Low III
Flying Low III
Fly 10 seconds at a speed greater than 80 knots at an altitude of less than 60 ft.
150 %

Ficha técnica de la versión PC

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28/2/2014
  • Desarrollo: PlayWay
  • Producción: PlayWay
  • Distribución: Steam
  • Precio: 13,99 €
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Formato: Descarga
  • Textos: Inglés
  • Voces: Inglés
  • Online: No
  • Requisitos PC
Estadísticas Steam

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