Trucos de Samurai Warriors 2 Empires para Xbox 360

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Logros de Xbox Live de Samurai Warriors 2 Empires

Scenario: Battle of SekigaharaUnlock the scenario "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.100
Scenario: Incident at HonnojiUnlock the scenario "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.100
Scenario: Battle of AnegawaUnlock the scenario "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.100
Level Four WeaponObtain a level 4 weapon in Empire Mode and save your game.50
Stage: Osaka CampaignIn Empire Mode, play the special stage "Osaka Campaign" and save your game.50
Stage: Battle of SekigaharaIn Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.50
Stage: Incident at HonnojiIn Empire Mode, play the special stage "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.50
Stage: Battle of AnegawaIn Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.50
Stage: Battle of KawanakajimaIn Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Kawanakajima" and save your game.50
First ConsultationEmpire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 3 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)50
MatsukazeObtain the mount "Matsukaze" in Empire Mode and save your game.50
Persian MareObtain the mount "Persian Mare" in Empire Mode and save your game.50
Moon ChildObtain the mount "Moon Child" in Empire Mode and save your game.50
Most Valuable WarriorEmpire Mode Event: A retainer is praised for his or her prowess in battle (Save game to receive)50
Four GuardiansEmpire Mode Event: 4 retainers are proclaimed the most essential to your clan (Save game to receive)50
Third ConsultationEmpire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 20 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)50
Second ConsultationEmpire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 10 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)50


50G: Stage: Osaka Campaign
In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Osaka Campaign" and save your game.

50G: Stage: Battle of Sekigahara
In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.

100G: Scenario: Battle of Sekigahara
Unlock the scenario "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.

50G: Most Valuable Warrior
Empire Mode Event: A retainer is praised for his or her prowess in battle (Save game to receive)

50G: Stage: Incident at Honnoji
In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.

50G: Stage: Battle of Anegawa
In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.

50G: Stage: Battle of Kawanakajima
In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Kawanakajima" and save your game.

100G: Scenario: Battle of Anegawa
Unlock the scenario "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.

50G: Matsukaze
Obtain the mount "Matsukaze" in Empire Mode and save your game.

100G: Scenario: Incident at Honnoji
Unlock the scenario "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.

50G: Four Guardians
Empire Mode Event: 4 retainers are proclaimed the most essential to your clan (Save game to receive)

50G: Third Consultation
Empire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 20 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)

50G: Moon Child
Obtain the mount "Moon Child" in Empire Mode and save your game.

50G: Persian Mare
Obtain the mount "Persian Mare" in Empire Mode and save your game.

50G: Second Consultation
Empire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 10 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)

50G: Level Four Weapon
Obtain a level 4 weapon in Empire Mode and save your game.

50G: First Consultation
Empire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 3 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)

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Samurai Warriors 2 Empires para Xbox 360 (Valoración de usuarios: 8, 1 votos)
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