Trucos de Alien Swarm para PC

3 trucos · Último:
Índice de trucos

Códigos de consola

asw_auto_reload 0Desactiva la auto recarga.
asw_horde_override 1Activa El Director.
exec 360_controller_pc.cfgActiva el soporte para mando de Xbox 360.
asw_gimme_ammoMunición al completo para todas las armas.
asw_gimme_healthSalud al completo.
asw_god 1Modo Dios.
firstpersonJuega en modo de primera persona.
asw_tilegenAbre el generador de niveles basados en casillas.
openserverbrowserAbre el navegador de servidores.

Estrellas de promoción

Cruz de CalliumTercera promoción.
Estrella CarbideSegunda promoción.
Estrella de TitaniumPrimera promoción.

Logros de Steam de Alien Swarm

Technician SecuredFinish a mission without the tech getting killed.
Hat TrickComplete 2 co-op missions online. Earns a Team Fortress 2 parasite hat.
Quick and DeadKill a Swarm Boomer before it inflates.
Quick LoadSuccessfully perform a fast reload.
Shield DownDeliver the finishing blow to a Swarm Shieldbug.
Zero MortalityComplete a mission on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Seal of QualitySeal a door with the welder.
Protect the TechGuard the squad's tech so that he takes no damage during the hack.
Clear FiringKill 25 drones without friendly fire. Four marines must be present in the mission.
Under the GunRoll under a Swarm Ranger projectile.
Close EncountersKill 20 Swarm with melee attacks in a single mission.
On the Ready LineKill 1,000 Swarm.
SharpshooterComplete a mission with better than 90% accuracy.
GunslingerSuccessfully perform 5 fast reloads in a row.
Easy CampaignComplete the Jacob's Rest campaign on Easy difficulty or harder.
Group HealHeal all 4 marines with a single Heal Beacon.
Parasite PuncherKill a Swarm Parasite with a melee attack.
Assault SpecialistKill 250 Swarm with the Assault Rifle.
Prototype ProfessionalKill 250 Swarm with a Prototype Rifle.
Infestation SaviorCure an Infested marine.
Smoking BarrelsKill 5 Swarm with explosive barrels in a single mission.
Electro-StunnedStun 6 Swarm with a single Stun Grenade.
Normal CampaignComplete the Jacob's Rest campaign on Normal difficulty or harder.
Scrambled EggsDestroy all Swarm Eggs in a mission without allowing any to hatch.
Autogun ExpertKill 250 Swarm with an Autogun.
PyrotechnicianKill 250 Swarm with a Flamethrower.
Blast RadiusKill 6 Swarm with a single Grenade.
Short Controlled BurstsComplete a mission with no friendly fire incidents. Four marines must be present in the mission.
Armory AccessUnlock all the available weapons.
Ammo TechnicianDeploy 10 ammo stashes that are used by other marines.
Bug StomperKill 100 Swarm Grubs.
Static DefenderKill 500 Swarm with deployable Sentry Guns.
Damage AmpedKill 15 Swarm with all four marines under the effects of a Damage Amp in a single mission.
Stay FrostyFreeze 6 Swarm with a single Freeze Grenade.
Peace MedicHeal 300 points of damage in a single mission without dealing any non-melee damage to the Swarm.
Vindicator VeteranKill 250 Swarm with a Vindicator.
High Voltage ExpertKill 250 Swarm with a Tesla Cannon.
Hard CampaignComplete the Jacob's Rest campaign on Hard difficulty or harder.
Circuit BreakerComplete 10 wire hacks without access being logged.
Another BughuntKill 5,000 Swarm.
Minigun MasterKill 250 Swarm with a Minigun.
Pistols ExpertKill 250 Swarm with Twin Pistols.
Small Arms SpecialistKill 250 Swarm with PDWs.
Slaughter SoldierKill 250 Swarm with a Chainsaw.
Railgun SpecialistKill 250 Swarm with a Rail Rifle.
Shotgun SpecialistKill 250 Swarm with a Shotgun.
Firewall SpecialistKill 100 Swarm with Incendiary Mines.
Professional MarksmanKill 250 Swarm with a Marksman Rifle.
Hornet Barrage ExpertKill 100 Swarm with Hornet Barrages.
Tactical Explosives ExpertKill 100 Swarm with Laser Tripmines.
Grenadier ExpertKill 250 Swarm with a Grenade Launcher.
HardcoreComplete any mission on Brutal difficulty with Onslaught and Hardcore Friendly Fire enabled.
Brutal CampaignAwarded for finishing the Jacob campaign on Brutal difficulty.
PerfectComplete a mission on Normal difficulty or harder without receiving any damage.
Rydberg Reactor Speed RunComplete Rydberg Reactor within 3:10 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Cargo Elevator Speed RunComplete Cargo Elevator within 2:50 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Insane CampaignAwarded for finishing the Jacob campaign on Insane difficulty.
Deima Surface Bridge Speed RunComplete Deima Surface Bridge within 2:30 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Landing Bay Speed RunComplete Landing Bay within 1:25 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
SynTek Residential Speed RunComplete SynTek Residential within 2:30 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Sewer Junction Speed RunComplete Sewer Junction within 1:30 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Timor Station Speed RunComplete Timor Station within 4:25 on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Outstanding ExecutionComplete a campaign on Normal difficulty or harder without any marines dying.
Security ExpertComplete 10 computer hacks without access being logged.
Nuke From OrbitKill 100,000 Swarm.
Kill Them AllKill 25,000 Swarm.

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