Logros de Finding Teddy para PC - Listado completo
Aquí encontrarás el listado completo con todos los logros que existen para Finding Teddy en PC y su puntuación Gamerscore. Además te mostramos qué es lo que tienes que hacer para conseguirlos todos y cuantos de nuestros usuarios los han ganado para que conozcas su dificultad.
Guía de logros de Finding Teddy para PC
Logro | Usuarios | Frecuencia | |
Monstered You died against the Monster. | 17 | 37.7 % | |
Blobbed You died against the Blob. | 15 | 33.3 % | |
Wasped You died against the Wasp. | 15 | 33.3 % | |
Bzzzz Mr Bug joined you. | 13 | 28.8 % | |
Spidered You died against the Spider. | 12 | 26.6 % | |
Crocodiled You died against the Crocodile. | 12 | 26.6 % | |
Snaked You died against the Snake. | 12 | 26.6 % | |
Meow Mr Cat joined you. | 11 | 24.4 % | |
Teddy's Saviour You beat the game and saved Teddy. | 10 | 22.2 % | |
Spidered. Again ! You died against the second Spider. | 10 | 22.2 % | |
Baby Sitter You helped the Spider Mother to get back it's lost baby. | 8 | 17.7 % | |
Taranted You died against Tarant. | 8 | 17.7 % | |
Firefly You found a firefly. Find them all ! | 7 | 15.5 % | |
Firefly Collector You found all fireflies. | 6 | 13.3 % | |
R.I.P. You helped the ghost to transmit a message. | 6 | 13.3 % | |
Who's Your Daddy? You beat the game and unlocked all the content. | 5 | 11.1 % | |
Musician You unlocked all the Musicom. | 5 | 11.1 % | |
Artwork Collector You unlocked all artworks. | 5 | 11.1 % | |
Nyanyanyanya Tarant showed you his Nyan Cat talent. | 5 | 11.1 % |