Trucos de Stellaris para PC

驴Aburrido de seguir las reglas? Recopilamos los mejores trucos de Stellaris para PC para conseguir TODO lo que quieras en el espacio.
Trucos de Stellaris para PCTrucos de Stellaris para PC

Stellaris, como buen juego de estrategia que es, tiene bastante complicaciones. Una de ellas es el conseguir recursos o dar con los planetas adecuados. 驴No ser铆a fant谩stico que hubiera trucos para conseguirlo todo sin esfuerzo? Pues eso es justo lo que tenemos aqu铆.

Con los siguientes trucos podr谩s hacer cosas como convertir el planeta en el que te encuentras en otro que te sea m谩s pr谩ctico, conseguir materiales, ser un "magn铆fico" l铆der pol铆tico... 隆todo vale!

Recuerda hacer un backup de tu partida antes de usar trucos, por si estropearas algo de forma irremediable.

C贸mo abrir la consola de comandos

Como es habitual, para introducir los trucos antes tienes que abrir la consola de comandos. En este caso debes pulsar la tecla 潞 (en el extremo izquierdo, junto al 1 en un QWERTY est谩ndar).

Una vez abierta la consola, simplemente introduce el comando y pulsa enter para que tenga efecto.

Recuerda que, como siempre, algunos comandos funcionan como "interruptor" de apagado y encendido. Trucos como el Modo Dios se activan al meterlos una vez y se desactivan si los introducimos con el efecto a煤n en marcha.

Trucos generales

Estos trucos afectan a nuestra partida de forma general: cambian nuestra val铆a pol铆tica, ciertos l铆mites, el dinero que tenemos...

  • add_ship NAVE CANTIDAD: a帽ade una nave especificada en NAVE en una cantidad determinada en CANTIDAD.
  • cash X: establece el dinero que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • contact: habilita el Contacto Global
  • debug_yesmen: la IA del juego siempre aceptar谩 tus exigencias.
  • democratic_election: fuerza las elecciones presidenciales.
  • engineering X: establece el nivel de ingenier铆a que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • event crisis.200: (el comando se escribe as铆, sin barrabajas y con el punto) elimina la infestaci贸n del planeta seleccionad. Pone soluci贸n inmediata al bug de infestaci贸n infinita.
  • fast_forward X: adelante el calendario un n煤mero de d铆as establecido en X.
  • finish_research: termina todos los proyectos de investigaci贸n activos.
  • finis_special _prject: termina todos los proyectos especiales activos.
  • ftl: habilita el FTL.
  • force_integrate ID: a帽ade al objetivo cuya ID especifiques a tu imperio.
  • free_government: cambias gobiernos sin tener que esperar.
  • free_policies: cambias cualquier pol铆tica sin limitaciones.
  • influence X: establece la influencia que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • instant_build: todo lo que construyas se terminar谩 al instante.
  • instant_colony: habilita la colonizaci贸n instant谩nea.
  • instant_move: habilita el teletransporte de naves.
  • invincible: habilita el Modo Dios.
  • kill_country: eliminas al pa铆s seleccionado.
  • kill_leader ID: eliminar al l铆der especificada en ID.
  • kill_pop ID: eliminas a la poblaci贸n especificada en ID.
  • minerals X: establece la cantidad de minerales que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • observe: cambias al Modo Observador.
  • phyiscs X: establece la cantidad de f铆sicos que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • remove_notification X: elimina una cantidad determinada de notificaciones especificada en X.
  • research_technologies: desbloquea todas las tecnolog铆as.
  • resource X: establece la cantidad de recursos que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • survey: sondea autom谩ticamente y al instante todos los planetas.
  • techupdate: regeneras todo el 谩rbol tecnol贸gico.
  • terraforming_resources X: establece la cantidad de recursos con los que contar谩 el planeta seleccionado en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • warscore X: establece la puntuaci贸n de Guerra que tienes en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.

C贸digos de naves para add_ship

Todas estas palabras son la parte NAVE para el comnado add_ship. Por ejemplo, add_ship Seeker 10 a帽adir谩 10 naves a tu flota. Las naves que tienen m谩s de una palabra se escriben tal cual, sin barrabajas ni nada por el estilol

  • Seeker
  • Starfang
  • Persistent
  • Sword
  • Divine Glory
  • Protector
  • Nomad Cruiser
  • Cloud Entity
  • Corsair
  • Black Earl
  • Pirate Galleon
  • Ancient Mining Drone
  • Ancient Combat Drone
  • Ancient Destroyer
  • Great Space Organism
  • DS47
  • Sentry
  • Vigil
  • Origo Ore
  • Drone Home Base
  • Grand Dragon (debes tener la expansi贸n Leviathans)
  • Dragonspawn (debes tener la expansi贸n Leviathans)
  • Stellarite (debes tener la expansi贸n Leviathans)
  • Dimensional Horror (debes tener la expansi贸n Leviathans)
  • Hive Asteroid (debes tener la expansi贸n Leviathans)
  • Shroud Avatar (debes tener la expansi贸n Utopia)
  • Void Dwelling (debes tener la expansi贸n Apocalypse)
  • Voidspan (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Reclaimner (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Progenitor (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Simulated Dragonspawn (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • AH4B (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Nanite Interdictor (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Nanite Mothership (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Nanite Factory (debes tener la expansi贸n Distant Stars)

Trucos de recursos

Aqu铆 hablamos de algo m谩s concreto y necesario para avanzar a toda velocidad: trucos para conseguir materiales y recursos.

planet_resource RECURSO CANTIDAD: a帽ade el recurso indicado en RECURSO en una cantidad equivalente a la indicada en CANTIDAD.+

Los c贸digos de objeto para RECURSO son los siguientes:

  • Actuator gris: sr_distar_nanoactuator (requiere la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Energ铆a: energy
  • Escamas grises: sr_distar_nanoscale (requiere la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Especia Riggan: sr_riggan
  • Minerales: minerals
  • Comida: food
  • Cristales grises: sr_distar_nanocrystal (requiere la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Cristales Muutagan: sr_muutagan
  • Cristales Teldar: sr_teldar
  • Cristales Yurantic: sr_yurantic
  • Influencia: influence
  • Gas Lythuric: sr_lythuric
  • Gas Stramene: sr_satramene
  • Gases de terraformaci贸n: sr_terraform_gases
  • L铆quidos de terraformaci贸n: sr_terraform_liquids
  • Mascotas alien铆genas: sr_alien_pets
  • Materia oscura: sr_dark_matter
  • Metal vivo: sr_living metal
  • Mineral Garanthium: sr_garanthium
  • Mineral Orillium: sr_orillium
  • Mineral Neutoronio: sr_neutronium
  • Polvo Pitharan: sr_pitharan
  • Piedra Betharian: sr_betharian
  • Polvo gris: sr_distar_nanodust (requiere la expansi贸n Distant Stars)
  • Unidad: unity
  • Vapor Engos_ sr_engos
  • XuraGel: sr_xuran
  • Zro: sr_zro

Trucos de planeta

Nuestro 煤ltimo bloque de trucos est谩 destinado a cambiar el tipo de planeta en el que est谩s.

  • planet_size X: establece el tama帽o del planeta en el que te encuentras en funci贸n del valor indicado en X hasta un m谩ximo de 25.
  • planet_happiness X: a帽ade (no establece) una cantidad de felicidad al planeta en el que te encuentras en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • pop_happiness: sube al m谩ximo el nivel de felicidad del planeta en el que te encuentras.
  • populate: todas las casillas libres del planeta tienen poblaci贸n.
  • planet_class X: cambia el tipo del planeta seleccionado al especificado en X.

C贸digos de planeta para el comando planet_class

planet_class X requiere que en X indiquemos el c贸digo del tipo de planeta para que el seleccionado cambie al deseado. Los c贸digos de cada tipo de planeta son los siguientes:

  • Desierto: pc_desert
  • Tropical: pc_tropical
  • 脕rido: pc_arid
  • Continental: pc_continental
  • Oce谩nico: pc_ocean
  • Tundra: pc_tundra
  • 脕rtico: pc_arctic
  • Alpino: pc_alpine
  • Sabana: pc_savannah
  • Gigante gaseoso: pc_gas_giant
  • Asteroide: pc_asteroid
  • Planeta fundido: pc_molten
  • Est茅ril: pc_barren
  • Est茅ril (G茅lido): pc_barren_cold
  • Roto: pc_broken
  • T贸xico: pc_toxic
  • Congelado: pc_frozen
  • Destrucci贸n nuclear: pc_nked
  • Escudo: pc_shielded
  • AI: pc_ai
  • InfestadO: pc_infested
  • Gaia: pc_gaia
  • Estrella tipo B: pc_b_star
  • Estrella tipo A: pc_a_star
  • Estrella tipo F: pc_f_star
  • Estrella tipo G: pc_g_star
  • Estrella tipo K: pc_k_star
  • Estrella tipo M: pc_m_star
  • Gigante roja tipo M: pc_m_giant_star
  • Enana marr贸n tipo T: pc_t_star
  • Agujero negro: pc_black_hole
  • Estrella de neutrones: pc_neutron_star
  • Pulsar: pc_pulsar
  • Planeta con anillos habitable: pc_ringworld_habitable
  • Planeta con anillos habitable y da帽ado: pc_ringworld_habitable_damaged
  • Planeta con anillos "cosido": pc_ringworld_seam
  • Planeta con anillos "cosido" y da帽ado: pc_ringworld_seam_damaged
  • Asteroide cristalino: pc_crystal_asteroid
  • Planeta envuelto: pc_shrouded
  • H谩bitat orbital: pc_habitat
  • M谩quina: pc_machine
  • Destrozado: pc_shattered
  • Nanite: pc_gray_goo
  • Agrietado: pc_cracked

Trucos de planeta

Nuestro 煤ltimo bloque de trucos est谩 destinado a cambiar el tipo de planeta en el que est谩s.

  • planet_size X: establece el tama帽o del planeta en el que te encuentras en funci贸n del valor indicado en X hasta un m谩ximo de 25.
  • planet_happiness X: a帽ade (no establece) una cantidad de felicidad al planeta en el que te encuentras en funci贸n del valor indicado en X.
  • pop_happiness: sube al m谩ximo el nivel de felicidad del planeta en el que te encuentras.
  • populate: todas las casillas libres del planeta tienen poblaci贸n.
  • planet_class X: cambia el tipo del planeta seleccionado al especificado en X.

C贸digos de planeta para el comando planet_class

planet_class X requiere que en X indiquemos el c贸digo del tipo de planeta para que el seleccionado cambie al deseado. Los c贸digos de cada tipo de planeta son los siguientes:

  • Desierto: pc_desert
  • Tropical: pc_tropical
  • 脕rido: pc_arid
  • Continental: pc_continental
  • Oce谩nico: pc_ocean
  • Tundra: pc_tundra
  • 脕rtico: pc_arctic
  • Alpino: pc_alpine
  • Sabana: pc_savannah
  • Gigante gaseoso: pc_gas_giant
  • Asteroide: pc_asteroid
  • Planeta fundido: pc_molten
  • Est茅ril: pc_barren
  • Est茅ril (G茅lido): pc_barren_cold
  • Roto: pc_broken
  • T贸xico: pc_toxic
  • Congelado: pc_frozen
  • Destrucci贸n nuclear: pc_nked
  • Escudo: pc_shielded
  • AI: pc_ai
  • InfestadO: pc_infested
  • Gaia: pc_gaia
  • Estrella tipo B: pc_b_star
  • Estrella tipo A: pc_a_star
  • Estrella tipo F: pc_f_star
  • Estrella tipo G: pc_g_star
  • Estrella tipo K: pc_k_star
  • Estrella tipo M: pc_m_star
  • Gigante roja tipo M: pc_m_giant_star
  • Enana marr贸n tipo T: pc_t_star
  • Agujero negro: pc_black_hole
  • Estrella de neutrones: pc_neutron_star
  • Pulsar: pc_pulsar
  • Planeta con anillos habitable: pc_ringworld_habitable
  • Planeta con anillos habitable y da帽ado: pc_ringworld_habitable_damaged
  • Planeta con anillos "cosido": pc_ringworld_seam
  • Planeta con anillos "cosido" y da帽ado: pc_ringworld_seam_damaged
  • Asteroide cristalino: pc_crystal_asteroid
  • Planeta envuelto: pc_shrouded
  • H谩bitat orbital: pc_habitat
  • M谩quina: pc_machine
  • Destrozado: pc_shattered
  • Nanite: pc_gray_goo
  • Agrietado: pc_cracked

Logros de Steam de Stellaris

Brave New WorldColonize a planet
EnergeticStore/have 1000 EC
ExplorerSurvey one of each basic planet class
Break On Through...Research a Rare technology
Power OverwhelmingStore/have 5000 EC
Mutual UnderstandingSuccessfully negotiate a trade deal
Domo ArigatoBuild a Robot Pop
ResourcefulHave access to ten different Strategic Resources
Building Better WorldsTerraform a planet
Digging DeepEarn a total Mineral income each month above 250
New Shining StarUpgrade your capital to an Imperial Complex
Faster, Stronger, BetterGenetically alter a species (not uplift)
A Home Away From HomeConquer another species' homeworld
... To the Other SideResearch 15 Rare technologies in a single game
SupremacyWin a War against another Empire
What Came BeforeFind the home system of a Precursor Empire
The Grand FleetBuild a fleet with a total fleet size above 120
Birth of a FederationEstablish a Federation
Grand AdmiralHave an Empire total fleet power of 100,000+
OmniculturalHave your ruler be of a different species class than your founding species
Tradition is EverythingUnlock all 42 Traditions
Clever GirlUplift a species
Tourist TrapOwn a planet with at least 10 different species on it
Imperial HighwayOwn 4 active Gateways
EmissaryExplore a Natural Wormhole
Center of TradeEarn at least 1000 Energy Credits per month from trade
The Industrial Re-RevolutionEarn a total Mineral income each month above 1000
Battle ThrallsHave 3 other Empires as vassals
Rift SealedDestroy the portals employed by the invaders from another time and space
VictoriousWin the game through any victory condition
Mad GeniusRecruit a scientist from the Curators
Very Open BordersAs a xenophile Empire, have migration treaties with at least 10 other Empires
Old FriendsReceive a gift from a Fallen Empire
Paradise FoundTerraform a planet into a gaia world
Then Virgil, Now BeatriceReturn a long-dead species to life
ArchaeologistSuccessfully investigate an archaeological site
League of NationsBe a founding member of the Galactic Community
PatronSupport the Artisan Troupe for 10 years
The Good StuffPurchase a rare resource from the Traders
What Was Will BeClose the loop, or don't
Citadel of DeathOwn a Citadel with 40k fleet power
MegapolisHave a planet with at least 100 Pops
Throw Your Weight AroundHave a Diplomatic Weight of over 9000
QueeningSuccessfully capture an extragalactic matriarch
Infinite CreationBirth a new universe
Unravelling EnigmaUncover the secrets of an ancient fortress
Return to DustDestroy an Enclave
Last, Best HopeLead the non-aligned powers to victory against an Awakened Empire
Put A Ring On ItHave a ringworld section as your capital
Suffer not the AlienAs a xenophobic Empire, purge all other sentient species from the galaxy
Planned ObsolescenceAs a materialist empire with at least 200 Pops, have at least 75% of the Pops be robotic
PeacekeeperAs a pacifist Empire, be at peace for 200 consecutive years (crises do not count as wars)
Deus VultAs a spiritualist Empire, own 4 holy worlds
UnboxingOpen up a shielded world
Enlightened TimesEnlighten a Bronze or Stone Age civilization
PaybackAs a humanoid species, infiltrate the homeworld of pre-FTL reptilians
Outside ContextInvade pre-FTL Earth while it is in the midst of a world war
Like Tears in RainEvolve into perfect, immortal machines
Star StruckOwn 200 Starbases (Outposts are counted)
Let Us Go Forward TogetherLevel up your Federation
Voight-KampffDevelop the means to prevent nefarious infiltration
Hear Me RoarHatch the egg
Whence It CameDefeat a horrifying invader
DreadnoughtRestore an ancient warship
Stellar PerformanceTake a trophy from a stellar being
Warrior of LightDestroy a wraith
Slave to the SystemsAs an authoritarian Empire with at least 500 Pops, have at least 200 enslaved Pops
Captive StarConstruct a complete Dyson Sphere
Ringworld EngineersConstruct a complete Ring World
I Can See ForeverConstruct a complete Sentry Array
Think TankConstruct a complete Science Nexus
Beyond the VeilBreach the Shroud
Controlled EvolutionGenetically modify a species to possess traits worth 7 points
View from the End of the WorldOwn a Habitat station in a Black Hole system
Towards UtopiaAs an Egalitarian empire, have at least 500 Pops living under Utopian living conditions in your Empire
XenophageKeep at least 5 different species as livestock in your Empire
Rise of the MachinesAs a Determined Exterminator, conquer or eliminate all biological Empires in the galaxy.
Distinctiveness AddedAs a Driven Assimilator, own cyborg Pops of at least 5 different species.
Retirement HomeAs a Rogue Servitor, own at least 10 Pops from Fallen Empires.
Does Not ComputeShut down the Contingency plan.
Planet of the MechsTerraform a planet into a Machine World.
ExterminatusUse a World Cracker to destroy another Empire's capital planet
Clash of the TitansDefeat a Fallen Empire's Titan fleet with a Titan of your own
Stay on TargetDestroy another Empire's Colossus while it is in the process of firing on a planet
Pandora's WorldUse a Global Pacifier to shield a planet belonging to Fanatic Purifiers, Ravenous Swarms, or Determined Exterminators
No Khan DoKill the Great Khan in battle
...and Hope?Unseal the path to the L-Cluster
It belongs in a museum!Find a Relic
Unlimited Power!Use the active effect of a Relic
We Come In PeaceComplete a mutually friendly First Contact with an empire with no negative incidents
Who Scraps the ScrapperDestroy the Scrapper Bot
1999 A.D.Slaughter the Voidspawn
A Hump Like a Snow-HillHunt the Tiyanki Matriarch
It Followed Me HomeBefriend a Space Amoeba
FranchisingAs a Corporate empire, have a branch office on 5 different empires' capitals
Inscrutable PowerI won the Galatron and all I got was this lousy achievement
Obscure TastesBuild a Mega-Art Installation in a nebula system
Black Hole MiningBuild a Matter Decompressor
Strategic InitiativeBuild a Strategic Coordination Center
Giga-EngineeringHave at least 4 fully operational Megastructures within your borders (Habitats, Ring Worlds and Gateways do not count)
We Are LegionBe a biological Hive Mind with at least 1000 drone Pops
United SpaceBuild an Interstellar Assembly
ArtificerHave 100 Minor Artifacts
Relic HunterIn one game, find 5 Relics from Ancient Relics Story Pack
Green ThumbComplete the Baol Precursor chain
Dust OffComplete the Zroni Precursor chain
Raiders of the Lost GalatronCapture the Galatron from another empire
ArcanaStudy Minor Artifacts and discover a random technology
We're Number OneBe the leader of a max level Federation
Unstoppable ForceBuild a Juggernaut
Our Fleets will Blot Out the StarsConstruct a complete Mega-Shipyard
Whatever it is, I'm against itRefuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member
Opposites AttractHave all eight ethics represented within your Federation
Humble PieHumiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it
You've Been ServedDenounce an Empire that is not actually in breach of galactic law while all major sanctions have been passed
Big Red ButtonDestroy the Galaxy
With Thunderous ApplauseBecome the Galactic Emperor
Sic Semper TyrannisLead a rebellion that successfully deposes the Galactic Emperor
Modern CincinnatusAs Galactic Custodian, defeat the end-game Crisis and then end the title rather than finishing your term
They Come In PiecesVivisect an alien
Shoot To KillStart a full fledged first contact war before communications have been fully established
Burn NoticeDisavow all knowledge of an Asset during an Operation
All-Seeing EyeHave an Intel Level of 100 on five different empires simultaneously
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, BlorgComplete at least ten distinct operations during a game
Surfing the WebHave a network of at least 30 Hyper Relays, in systems you own, connected to your capital.
Yeet the FleetCatapult a military fleet directly into the capital system of an enemy empire you are at war with.
None Shall PassHave a Fortress World with a Planetary Defense Shield, protected by a fully upgraded orbital ring, filled with defensive modules, with a fleet power of at least 10,000
Gotta Subjugate Them AllHave a tier 3 subject of each Specialist type simultaneously.
Fine PrintModify a vassalization contract.
Maximally EffectiveBe the patron of three maximum sized Mercenary Enclaves.
You MonsterReduce, reuse, recycle.
Meet the New BossSame as the old boss.
UnderlordAs a Subterranean empire, dig too deep, but prove yourself worthy.
Into the UnknownAs a Slingshot to the Stars empire, send 10 crewed science ships into the unknown with Quantum Catapults.
Non-Prophet OrganizationAs a Teachers of the Shroud empire, prove that the Shroudwalkers made a terrible mistake.
Fixer UpperAs an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.
Growing Like WeedsHave 10 organic pop assembly on your capital, as a budding species without the Clone Army origin.
Tend the GardenAs custodian of Wenkwort Artem, make it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and original blockers.
Machine SupremacyWin the game as a machine uprising.
Strange MoodAs a Master Crafter empire, fully construct a megastructure while you have a Covenant.
Directive 67As a Clone Army empire, denounce the Spiritualist fallen empire then destroy them.
Destroy the People of Earth!As the Commonwealth of Man, destroy the United Nations of Earth while ruled by symbiotic brainslugs.
Room for DesertConsume another empire?s desert homeworld.
Can you Smell What the Lithoids are Cooking?As a Lithoid empire, keep another Lithoid pop as Livestock or Process them.
Rock Beats PaperAs a Lithoid empire, show the Galactic Community what you think of that strongly worded letter.
There?s a Zombie on my LawnAs a Necroid empire destroy a Plantoid empire, or vice-versa, without blowing up their final planet.
With Great PowerAs Necrophages do not invade any pre-ftls and defeat the crisis OR have 10 observation stations
Recent HistoryAs a Memorialist empire have Galactic Memorials on 5 tomb worlds created during the game
Holy WaterDrench a Fallen Empire?s holy world.
Fishing for TroubleAs an angler empire, provoke a Fallen Empire into declaring war on you and win.
There be DragonsOwn 13 dragons and have them in your capital system.
Quest CompleteFind the true ending of The Order?s noble quest.
Toxic WorkplaceAs a Toxoid Galactic Custodian or Emperor, insult all other members of the Community. (Min 3)
Could be WorseColonize a planet that started the game as a Toxic world, then turn it into a Tomb World.

Logros de Xbox Live de Stellaris

Raiders of the Lost GalatronCapture the Galatron from another empire120
QueeningSuccessfully capture an extragalactic matriarch80
Rift SealedDestroy the portals employed by the invaders from another time and space80
Voight-KampffDevelop the means to prevent nefarious infiltration80
PeacekeeperAs a pacifistic empire, be at peace for 200 consecutive years (crises do not count as wars.)80
Very Open BordersAs a xenophilic empire, have migration treaties with at least 10 other empires80
Deus VultAs a spiritualistic empire, own 4 holy worlds80
Suffer not the AlienAs a xenophobic empire, purge all other sentient species in the galaxy80
What Was Will BeClose the loop, or don't80
Whence It CameDefeat a horrifying invader80
Last, Best HopeLead the non-aligned powers to victory against an awakened empire80
Stellar PerformanceTake a trophy from a stellar being80
Battle ThrallsHave 3 other Empires as vassals50
Grand AdmiralEmpire total fleet military power equals 10000050
OmniculturalHave your ruler be of a different species class than your founding species50
Enlightened TimesEnlighten a Bronze or Stone age civilization50
Paradise FoundTerraform a planet into a gaia world50
Put a Ring On ItHave a ring world section as your capital50
Slave to the SystemsAs an authoritarian Empire with at least 500 Pops, have at least 200 enslaved Pops50
Planned ObsolescenceAs a materialist empire, have at least 75% of the pops in your empire be robotic in an empire with a50
UnboxingOpen up a shielded world50
VictoriousWin the game through any victory condition50
Relic HunterIn one game, find 5 Relics from Ancient Relics Story Pack50
Infinite CreationBirth a new universe50
Hear me RoarHatch the egg50
DreadnoughtRestore an ancient warship50
Towards UtopiaAs an Egalitarian empire, have at least 500 pops living under Utopian living conditions50
XenophageKeep at least 5 different species as livestock in your Empire50
Planet of the MechsTerraform a planet into a Machine World50
Distinctiveness AddedAs a Driven Assimilator, own cyborg Pops of at least 5 different species50
Retirement HomeAs a Rogue Servitor, own at least 10 Pops from Fallen Empires50
Rise of the MachinesAs a Determined Exterminator, conquer or eliminate all biological Empires in the galaxy50
Giga-EngineeringHave at least 4 fully operational Megastructures (Habitats, Ring Worlds and Gateways do not count)50
Opposites AttractHave all eight ethics represented within your Federation50
Outside ContextInvade pre-FTL Earth while it is in the midst of a world war.40
Tourist TrapOwn a planet with at least 10 different species on it40
ExterminatusUse a World Cracker to destroy another Empire's capital planet40
No Khan DoKill the Great Khan in battle40
Pandora's WorldSeal a world of Fanatic Purifiers, Ravenous Swarms, Determined Exterminators with a Global Pacifier40
Stay on TargetDestroy another Empire's Colossus while it is in the process of firing on a planet40
Clash of the TitansDefeat a Fallen Empire's Titan fleet with a Titan of your own40
...and Hope?Unseal the path to the L-Cluster40
It Followed Me HomeBefriend a Space Amoeba40
1999 A.D.Slaughter the Voidspawn40
A Hump Like a Snow-HillHunt the Tiyanki Matriarch40
Who Scraps the ScrapperDestroy the Scrapper Bot40
Humble PieHumiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it40
You've Been ServedDenounce an Empire not in breach of galactic law while all major sanctions have been passed40
You MonsterReduce, reuse, recycle.40
UnderlordAs a Subterranean empire, dig too deep, but prove yourself worthy.40
Big Red ButtonDestroy the Galaxy39
FranchisingAs a Corporate empire, have a branch office on 5 different empires' capitals35
Black Hole MiningBuild a Matter Decompressor35
Obscure TastesBuild a Mega-Art Installation in a nebula system35
Strategic InitiativeBuild a Strategic Coordination Center35
United SpaceBuild an Interstellar Assembly35
Clever GirlUplift a species30
Birth of a FederationEstablish a Federation30
The Industrial Re-RevolutionEarn a total Mineral income each month above 100030
Old FriendsReceive a gift from a Fallen Empire30
Then Virgil, Now BeatriceReturn a long-dead species to life30
Dust OffComplete the Zroni Precursor chain30
Green ThumbComplete the Baol Precursor chain30
Return to DustDestroy an enclave30
We Are LegionBe a biological Hive Mind with at least 1000 drone Pops30
We're Number OneBe the leader of a max level Federation30
Unstoppable ForceBuild a Juggernaut30
Our Fleets will Blot Out the StarsConstruct a complete Mega-Shipyard30
Whatever it is, I'm against itRefuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member30
Throw Your Weight AroundHave a Diplomatic Weight of over 900030
All-Seeing EyeHave an Intel Level of 100 on five different empires simultaneously30
With Thunderous ApplauseBecome the Galactic Emperor30
Sic Semper TyrannisLead a rebellion that successfully deposes the Galactic Emperor30
Yeet the FleetCatapult a military fleet directly into the capital system of an enemy empire you are at war with.30
Meet the New BossSame as the old boss.30
Does Not ComputeShut down the Contingency plan25
EmissaryExplore a Natural Wormhole25
Citadel of DeathOwn a Citadel with 40k fleet power25
Imperial HighwayOwn 4 active Gateways25
Star StruckOwn 200 Starbases (Outposts are counted)25
Tradition is EverythingUnlock all 42 Traditions25
MegapolisHave a planet with at least 100 Pops25
Center of TradeEarn at least 1000 Energy Credits per month from trade25
Unlimited Power!Use the active effect of a Relic25
Inscrutable PowerI won the Galatron and all I got was this lousy achievement25
... To The Other SideResearch 15 Rare technologies in a single game20
Faster, Stronger, BetterGenetically alter a species (not uplift)20
PaybackAs a humanoid species, infiltrate the homeworld of pre-FTL reptilians20
What Came BeforeFind the home system of a precursor empire20
View from the End of the WorldBuild a Habitat station in a Black Hole system20
Controlled EvolutionGenetically modify a species to possess traits worth 7 points20
Ringworld EngineersConstruct a complete Ring World20
Let Us Go Forward TogetherLevel up your Federation20
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, BlorgComplete at least ten distinct operations during a game20
Modern CincinnatusAs Galactic Custodian, defeat the end-game Crisis and then end the title rather than finishing your 20
Shoot To KillStart a full fledged first contact war before communications have been fully established20
None Shall PassHave a Fortress World with a Defense Shield, Ring filled with defenses, and a power of 10000.20
Maximally EffectiveBe the patron of three maximum sized Mercenary Enclaves.20
Into the UnknownAs a Slingshot to the Stars empire, send 10 science ships into the unknown with Quantum Catapults.20
Non-Prophet OrganizationAs a Teachers of the Shroud empire, prove that the Shroudwalkers made a terrible mistake.20
Building Better WorldsTerraform a planet15
The Grand FleetBuild a fleet with a total fleet-size above 12015
It belongs in a museum!Find a Relic15
ArcanaStudy Minor Artifacts and discover a random technology15
ArtificerHave 100 Minor Artifacts15
Warrior of LightDestroy a wraith15
PatronSupport the Artisan Troupe for 10 years15
A Home Away From HomeConquer another species homeworld10
Digging DeepEarn a total Mineral income each month above 25010
New Shining StarUpgrade your capital to an Imperial Complex10
Power OverwhelmingStore/have 5000 EC10
SupremacyWin a War against another Empire10
Unravelling EnigmaUncover the secrets of an ancient fortress10
The Good StuffPurchase a rare resource from the Traders10
I Can See ForeverConstruct a complete Sentry Array10
Like Tears in RainEvolve into perfect, immortal machines10
Think TankConstruct a complete Science Nexus10
League of NationsBe a founding member of the Galactic Community10
Burn NoticeDisavow all knowledge of an Asset during an Operation10
We Come In PeaceComplete a mutually friendly First Contact with an empire with no negative incidents10
They Come In PiecesVivisect an alien10
Surfing the WebHave a network of at least 30 Hyper Relays, in systems you own, connected to your capital.10
Gotta Subjugate Them AllHave a tier 3 subject of each Specialist type simultaneously.10
Fine PrintModify a vassalization contract.10
Brave New WorldColonize a planet5
Break On Through...Research a Rare technology5
Domo ArigatoBuild a Robot Pop5
EnergeticStore/have 1000 EC5
ExplorerSurvey one of each basic planet-class5
Mutual UnderstandingSuccessfully negotiate a trade deal5
ResourcefulHave access to ten different strategic resources5
ArchaeologistSuccessfully investigate an archaeological site5
Mad GeniusRecruit a scientist from the Curators5
Beyond the VeilBreach the Shroud5
Captive StarConstruct a complete Dyson Sphere5