Trucos de Weyrwood para PC

1 trucos

Logros de Steam de Weyrwood

GamesmasterWin at the Games.
Philosopher-KingFinish the game with at least 70% Intelligence.
PhilanthropistFinish the game with at least 50% Philanthropy.
RogueFinish the game with at least 70% Dangerous.
Pillar of SocietyFinish the game with at least 70% Influence.
CharioteerWin a chariot race.
LoverTake a lover.
Lead MilitiaLead the Night Watch.
Memories TakenTrade away memories in a Weyr bargain.
FallenLose all your spina and become a daemon thrall.
LostBecome Lost by wandering the Wilds.
DuelistFight in a duel.
Mortal EnemiesMake a mortal enemy.
Weyr AllyGain the Weyrs as allies.
Raze the WoodBurn down the Wood and eliminate the Weyrs.
Weyrs' GiftReceive and use the Weyrs' gift.
BargainboundMake a bargain with the Weyrs for more spina.
Completed A BargainSuccessfully complete the terms of a Weyr bargain.
Saved ProsperSave Prosper from destruction.
Spy DiscoveredDiscover the identity of the spy.
ExpelledBecome Expelled from Prosper.
Daemon AllyAlly with the daemons.
TurncoatTurn against Prosper.

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