Trucos de My Lovely Daughter para PC

1 trucos

Logros de Steam de My Lovely Daughter

All KnowingUnlock all transcripts
It's AliveSummon a homunculus
The FarmerSummon 10 homunculi
The HarvesterSummon 50 homunculi
The HobbyistSummon 50% of all homunculi type
The CollectorSummon 100% of all homunculi type
Mandatory ServiceSacrifice 5 homunculi
Necessary SacrificeSacrifice 40 homunculus
Beginner InfuserInfuse soul 5 times
Experienced InfuserInfuse soul 20 times
Reciprocal ActionUnlock all villagers interaction
One Way CommunicationObtain 5 homunculus letters
Unjust CommunicationObtain 50 homunculus letters
Hazy MemoryUnlock 50% memoir
Clear MemoryUnlock all memoir
Complete IngredientsObtain all types of ingredient
Mid QualityObtain a mid-quality ingredient
High QualityObtain a high-quality ingredient
All Doors OpenUnlock all room
A Hope
Euphoric Daughter
Terrified Daughter
Gloomy Daughter
Raging Daughter
Perfect Daughter
Conflicting Soul
To The After Life
The End?
The Truth
Stories UnveiledUnlock all gallery content
The Pacifist
Splendid WorkHave a positive response from your homunculus regarding your job assignment.
Labor of LoveHave 15 positive responses from your homunculus regarding your job assignment.
Terrible JobHave a negative response from your homunculus regarding your job assignment.
The Office TrollHave 15 negative responses from your homunculus regarding your job assignment.
Typical ErrandHave a neutral response from your homunculus regarding your job assignment.
Business As UsualHave 15 neutral responses from your homunculus regarding your job assignment.
Beautiful GiftHave a positive response from your homunculus regarding your gift.
Thoughtful PresentHave 15 positive responses from your homunculus regarding your gift.
Horrible GiftHave a negative response from your homunculus regarding your gift.
Better Than NothingHave 15 negative responses from your homunculus regarding your gift.
Adequate GiftHave a neutral response from your homunculus regarding your gift.
Mediocre PresentHave 15 neutral responses from your homunculus regarding your gift.

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